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2014    Ph.D Education (National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad)

2010    GAT Subject (National Testing Service)

2009    GAT General (National Testing Service)

2004    M.A Education (International Islamic University, Islamabad)

2002    B.A (University of the Punjab)

2000    H.S.S.C (Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad)

1998    S.S.C (Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Faisalabad)

  1. Working as Assistant Professor (Regular) BPS 19 (Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) (25/06/2015 to the date)
  2. Worked as Lecturer (Regular) BPS 18  (Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) (23/11/2011to 24/06/2015)
  3. Worked as Lecturer (Regular) BPS 17  (Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) (03/01/2006 to 22/11/2011)
  4. Worked as Lecturer Contract (Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) (06/01/2005 to 02/01/2006)
  5. Worked as Visiting Lecturer (Department of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad) (01/09/2004 to 05/01/2005)
  6. Worked as Senior Teacher (Federal Govt. Girls Model School, G-10/1, Islamabad) (19/04/2004 to 18/05/2004)

Publications (HEC Recognized Journals)

X Category Journals (HEC Recognized Journals)

  1. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (2019). Demographic Variation and Stress Management Skills. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR). ISSN (Print): 2520-0348, ISSN(Online): 2616-793X, ISSN-L: 2520-0348. Vol. IV Issue. IV. Doi. 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).27. P= 209-216. HEC Recognized X Category.


Y Category Journals (HEC Recognized Journals)

  1. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (2017). Impact of Gender, Qualification and Experience on Mentoring Practices in Public Sector Universities of Islamabad. Bulletin of Education and Research, University of Punjab. ISSN: 0555-7747. December 2017, Vol. 39, No. 3 pp. 183-201. Available at http://pu.edu.pk/home/journal/32/Current-Issue.html. HEC Recognized Y Category.
  2. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (2017). An Empirical Investigation of Problems and Issues being faced by the Students while using the Libraries in University of the Punjab, Lahore. Bulletin of Education and Research, University of Punjab. ISSN: 0555-7747. August 2017, Vol. 39, No. 2. P= 225-238. Available on http://pu.edu.pk/home/journal/32/Current-Issue.html.  HEC Recognized Y Category.
  3. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (July, 2017). Availability and Problems Relating to the Accessibility of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) Among University Students. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning. Vol 3, No 1 (2017). ISSN: (P) 2415-2013 (E) 2415-2021. P= 33-50. Available at http://pjdol.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/PJDOL. HEC Recognized Y Category.
  4. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (June, 2017). An Analysis of Interpersonal Skills of Teachers at Higher Level. Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS) June, 2017 Vol: 5 Number 2 ISSN: (E) 2306-112X (P) 2305- 6533. P=135-148. HEC Recognized Y Category. Available at http://www.numl.edu.pk/jrss-index_files/ISSN%202306-112X%20Vol.5%20No.%202.%20June,%202017.pdf
  5. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (Jan, 2017). Impact of Social Activities on Job Satisfaction of University Teachers. Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS) January, 2017 Vol: 5 Number 1 ISSN: (E) 2306-112X (P) 2305- 6533. P=58-68. HEC Recognized Y Category. Available at http://www.numl.edu.pk/jrss-index_files/ISSN%202306-112X%20Vol.5%20No.%201%20January,%202017.pdf
  6. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (2015). Impact of Need Satisfaction with Special reference to Co-Curricular Activities on Emotional Intelligence of Teachers at Higher Level Education in Islamabad. The Shield, University of Sindh. ISSN: 1991-8410 Vol. 10, 2015. P= 29-49. HEC Recognized Y Category.
  7. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (Feb, 2015). Causes of Role Stress and Personal Strain among Secondary School Teachers. Journal of Elementary Education, University of The Punjab. ISSN-Online: 2227-1090 Print: 1991-8100. Vol.24, No. 2 pp. 81-94. HEC Recognized Y Category.
  8. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (Dec, 2014). Motivational factors effecting amotivation among faculty members in public sector universities of Islamabad. Journal of Critical Inquiry, NUML. ISSN: 2222-5706 Vol. 12, (II) 2014. P= 89-111. HEC Recognized Y Category.

Z Category Journals (HEC Recognized Journals)

  1. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (2017). Impact of emotional intelligence on learning style diversity among students with special needs at higher level. Pakistan journal of special education, University of Karachi. ISSN: 1818-2860. Vol. 18, 2017. P= 89-112. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  2. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (June, 2017).  Demographic Diversity Effecting Teacher’s Perceptions Related to Quality of Research Produced in Distance Education. International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning (IJDEEL). Volume II- Issue II (June, 2017) ISSN 2520-7156. P=12-27. Available at http://www.iiu.edu.pk/?page_id=22883. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  3. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (2016). Assessment of Mentoring As a Tool for Socialization of Teachers at University Level. Pakistan Journal of Social Issues (PJSI) ISSN 2219-2433 Vol 7, 2016. P=64-81. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  4. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (Dec, 2016). Quality of Research in Distance Education: An Analysis of Attitude and Facilities Provided at Higher Level.. International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning (IJDEEL). Volume II- Issue I (December 2016) ISSN 2520-7156. P=72-84. Available at http://www.iiu.edu.pk/?page_id=22883. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  5. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (2015). Effectiveness of concept mapping technique for effective learning of visually impaired students at elementary level. Pakistan journal of special education, University of Karachi. ISSN: 1818-2860. Vol. 16, 2015. P= 111-120. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  6. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (Dec, 2014). Impact of social activities on motivation of slow learners at higher level. Pakistan journal of special education, University of Karachi. ISSN: 1818-2860. Vol. 15, 2014. P= 305-316. HEC Recognized Z Category.

Publications (Impact Factor / National / International Journals)

  1. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (2019). Investigating the impact of university students’ smart phone addiction on their satisfaction with classroom connectedness. Education and Information Technologies ISSN: 1360-2357 (Print) 1573-7608 (Online). Received: 11 February 2019 /Accepted: 13 June 2019/ Published 20th June 2019. P= 1-13. /# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019. Available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-09947-7.
  2. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (2018). Effect of Demographic Diversity on Teachers’ Competencies Related to the Use of Educational Technology at Higher Level. Haripur Journal of Educational Research, ISSN: (P) 2521-5663 (E) 2522-3283. Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2018. P= 47-60.  Available at http://www.uoh.edu.pk/hjer/view-article.php?file=s216a414i3k564c4a4r4w5p2n4b4049374k4l4n5z514o484c4i5m2a3m5t4l5p4p4r5y546q216i4l4l274n2p5s4x5l4c4s2w2z3k4c4b4.
  3. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (June 2018). Impact of infrastructure and facilities on quality of research in public sector universities of Pakistan. Punjab Educational Research journal. ISSN: 2522-7068 (online) 2522-283X (Print). Vol. 05, Issue 1, 2018. P= 57-76.
  4. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (2018). Impact of Co-Worker Support on Employee Motivation at Higher Level Education in Pakistan. A multidisciplinary Online Journal of School of Professional Studies. Netaji Subhas Open University, INDIA. ISSN : 2581-5415 Vol.1 No.1 (January 2018). Available at http://www.wbnsou.ac.in/openjournals/Issue/1st-Issue/1st_Issue.shtml.
  5. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (June, 2017).  Instructional Management for Developing Professionalism at Tertiary Level in Pakistan. Haripur Journal of Educational Research, ISSN: (P) 2521-5663 (E) 2522-3283. Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2017. P=32-39.  Available at http://www.uoh.edu.pk/hjer.php?page=MzI5
  6. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (June, 2015). Effect of In-Service Teacher Training Opportunities on Proactive Behavior of the Teachers at Higher Level. International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL). ISSN 2520-0003. Vol. 1-Issue-1. P=07-24.
  7. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (Aug, 2014). Effectiveness of Orientation Programmes Offered for the Employees of Public Sector Universities of Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Education and Practice. www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.5, No.23, 2014. P= 147-152. Impact Factor = 7.15
  8. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (26th April, 2014). Impact of employee benefits on job satisfaction of teachers at higher level. Journal of Education and Practice. www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.5, No.7, 2014. P= 122-129. Impact Factor = 7.15
  • Curriculum Development and Instruction
  • Research Methods in Education
  • Educational Administration and Management
  • Innovative Teaching Skills and Strategies


2014    Ph.D Education (National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad)

2010    GAT Subject (National Testing Service)

2009    GAT General (National Testing Service)

2004    M.A Education (International Islamic University, Islamabad)

2002    B.A (University of the Punjab)

2000    H.S.S.C (Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad)

1998    S.S.C (Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Faisalabad)


  1. Working as Assistant Professor (Regular) BPS 19 (Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) (25/06/2015 to the date)
  2. Worked as Lecturer (Regular) BPS 18  (Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) (23/11/2011to 24/06/2015)
  3. Worked as Lecturer (Regular) BPS 17  (Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) (03/01/2006 to 22/11/2011)
  4. Worked as Lecturer Contract (Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) (06/01/2005 to 02/01/2006)
  5. Worked as Visiting Lecturer (Department of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad) (01/09/2004 to 05/01/2005)
  6. Worked as Senior Teacher (Federal Govt. Girls Model School, G-10/1, Islamabad) (19/04/2004 to 18/05/2004)


Publications (HEC Recognized Journals)

X Category Journals (HEC Recognized Journals)

  1. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (2019). Demographic Variation and Stress Management Skills. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR). ISSN (Print): 2520-0348, ISSN(Online): 2616-793X, ISSN-L: 2520-0348. Vol. IV Issue. IV. Doi. 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).27. P= 209-216. HEC Recognized X Category.


Y Category Journals (HEC Recognized Journals)

  1. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (2017). Impact of Gender, Qualification and Experience on Mentoring Practices in Public Sector Universities of Islamabad. Bulletin of Education and Research, University of Punjab. ISSN: 0555-7747. December 2017, Vol. 39, No. 3 pp. 183-201. Available at http://pu.edu.pk/home/journal/32/Current-Issue.html. HEC Recognized Y Category.
  2. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (2017). An Empirical Investigation of Problems and Issues being faced by the Students while using the Libraries in University of the Punjab, Lahore. Bulletin of Education and Research, University of Punjab. ISSN: 0555-7747. August 2017, Vol. 39, No. 2. P= 225-238. Available on http://pu.edu.pk/home/journal/32/Current-Issue.html.  HEC Recognized Y Category.
  3. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (July, 2017). Availability and Problems Relating to the Accessibility of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) Among University Students. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning. Vol 3, No 1 (2017). ISSN: (P) 2415-2013 (E) 2415-2021. P= 33-50. Available at http://pjdol.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/PJDOL. HEC Recognized Y Category.
  4. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (June, 2017). An Analysis of Interpersonal Skills of Teachers at Higher Level. Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS) June, 2017 Vol: 5 Number 2 ISSN: (E) 2306-112X (P) 2305- 6533. P=135-148. HEC Recognized Y Category. Available at http://www.numl.edu.pk/jrss-index_files/ISSN%202306-112X%20Vol.5%20No.%202.%20June,%202017.pdf
  5. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (Jan, 2017). Impact of Social Activities on Job Satisfaction of University Teachers. Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS) January, 2017 Vol: 5 Number 1 ISSN: (E) 2306-112X (P) 2305- 6533. P=58-68. HEC Recognized Y Category. Available at http://www.numl.edu.pk/jrss-index_files/ISSN%202306-112X%20Vol.5%20No.%201%20January,%202017.pdf
  6. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (2015). Impact of Need Satisfaction with Special reference to Co-Curricular Activities on Emotional Intelligence of Teachers at Higher Level Education in Islamabad. The Shield, University of Sindh. ISSN: 1991-8410 Vol. 10, 2015. P= 29-49. HEC Recognized Y Category.
  7. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (Feb, 2015). Causes of Role Stress and Personal Strain among Secondary School Teachers. Journal of Elementary Education, University of The Punjab. ISSN-Online: 2227-1090 Print: 1991-8100. Vol.24, No. 2 pp. 81-94. HEC Recognized Y Category.
  8. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (Dec, 2014). Motivational factors effecting amotivation among faculty members in public sector universities of Islamabad. Journal of Critical Inquiry, NUML. ISSN: 2222-5706 Vol. 12, (II) 2014. P= 89-111. HEC Recognized Y Category.

Z Category Journals (HEC Recognized Journals)

  1. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (2017). Impact of emotional intelligence on learning style diversity among students with special needs at higher level. Pakistan journal of special education, University of Karachi. ISSN: 1818-2860. Vol. 18, 2017. P= 89-112. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  2. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (June, 2017).  Demographic Diversity Effecting Teacher’s Perceptions Related to Quality of Research Produced in Distance Education. International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning (IJDEEL). Volume II- Issue II (June, 2017) ISSN 2520-7156. P=12-27. Available at http://www.iiu.edu.pk/?page_id=22883. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  3. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (2016). Assessment of Mentoring As a Tool for Socialization of Teachers at University Level. Pakistan Journal of Social Issues (PJSI) ISSN 2219-2433 Vol 7, 2016. P=64-81. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  4. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (Dec, 2016). Quality of Research in Distance Education: An Analysis of Attitude and Facilities Provided at Higher Level.. International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning (IJDEEL). Volume II- Issue I (December 2016) ISSN 2520-7156. P=72-84. Available at http://www.iiu.edu.pk/?page_id=22883. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  5. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (2015). Effectiveness of concept mapping technique for effective learning of visually impaired students at elementary level. Pakistan journal of special education, University of Karachi. ISSN: 1818-2860. Vol. 16, 2015. P= 111-120. HEC Recognized Z Category.
  6. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (Dec, 2014). Impact of social activities on motivation of slow learners at higher level. Pakistan journal of special education, University of Karachi. ISSN: 1818-2860. Vol. 15, 2014. P= 305-316. HEC Recognized Z Category.

Publications (Impact Factor / National / International Journals)

  1. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (2019). Investigating the impact of university students’ smart phone addiction on their satisfaction with classroom connectedness. Education and Information Technologies ISSN: 1360-2357 (Print) 1573-7608 (Online). Received: 11 February 2019 /Accepted: 13 June 2019/ Published 20th June 2019. P= 1-13. /# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019. Available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-09947-7.
  2. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (2018). Effect of Demographic Diversity on Teachers’ Competencies Related to the Use of Educational Technology at Higher Level. Haripur Journal of Educational Research, ISSN: (P) 2521-5663 (E) 2522-3283. Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2018. P= 47-60.  Available at http://www.uoh.edu.pk/hjer/view-article.php?file=s216a414i3k564c4a4r4w5p2n4b4049374k4l4n5z514o484c4i5m2a3m5t4l5p4p4r5y546q216i4l4l274n2p5s4x5l4c4s2w2z3k4c4b4.
  3. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (June 2018). Impact of infrastructure and facilities on quality of research in public sector universities of Pakistan. Punjab Educational Research journal. ISSN: 2522-7068 (online) 2522-283X (Print). Vol. 05, Issue 1, 2018. P= 57-76.
  4. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Co-author). (2018). Impact of Co-Worker Support on Employee Motivation at Higher Level Education in Pakistan. A multidisciplinary Online Journal of School of Professional Studies. Netaji Subhas Open University, INDIA. ISSN : 2581-5415 Vol.1 No.1 (January 2018). Available at http://www.wbnsou.ac.in/openjournals/Issue/1st-Issue/1st_Issue.shtml.
  5. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (June, 2017).  Instructional Management for Developing Professionalism at Tertiary Level in Pakistan. Haripur Journal of Educational Research, ISSN: (P) 2521-5663 (E) 2522-3283. Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2017. P=32-39.  Available at http://www.uoh.edu.pk/hjer.php?page=MzI5
  6. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (June, 2015). Effect of In-Service Teacher Training Opportunities on Proactive Behavior of the Teachers at Higher Level. International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning (IJITL). ISSN 2520-0003. Vol. 1-Issue-1. P=07-24.
  7. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Solo Author). (Aug, 2014). Effectiveness of Orientation Programmes Offered for the Employees of Public Sector Universities of Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Education and Practice. www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.5, No.23, 2014. P= 147-152. Impact Factor = 7.15
  8. Hina, Quratul-Ain. (Principal Author). (26th April, 2014). Impact of employee benefits on job satisfaction of teachers at higher level. Journal of Education and Practice. www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.5, No.7, 2014. P= 122-129. Impact Factor = 7.15

Area Of Interest

  • Curriculum Development and Instruction
  • Research Methods in Education
  • Educational Administration and Management
  • Innovative Teaching Skills and Strategies

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