Functional Duties

NUML ICT department is performing different technical and supporting informational and communicational functions and duties. The detail of functions/duties are mentioned below:

  1. ICT provides internet access to NUML through WIFI and LAN. Each employee will be assigned an email address to correspond inside or outside NUML by the approval of concern department Directors/Deans/Heads. 
  2. NUML's Official email address is allocated to NUML Employees and NEWS account for official correspondence in NUML and get their salary slips on every month on their email. 
  3. NUML Employee Working System (NEWS), the file tracking system of NUML employee, provides appraisal Reports, an interface to put Demand.
  4. ICT also manages info accounts; Director P&C is responsible to dispose of mails at Each regional campus to share summary report on “info” e-mail accounts with DG NUML on monthly basis.
  5. ICT provides services for IT and audio-visual equipment, the concerned department collaborate to IT support team through telephone call/NUML Off email address or NEWS account regarding the issue. 
  6. ICT provides facility to update software applications and the concerned department are bound to submit complete requirements along with request to change form sent to Director IT. 
  7. In order to upload information on NUML Website a request to be generated by the respective main campus department or direct from coordinator or faculty member with permission of HOD/DEAN/Director of the concerned department. 
  8. ICT is responsible to enable E-Roll Portal at the start of every semester.
  9. ICT manages the issues regarding QEC portal, all departmental coordinators are responsible to update Teachers Names and make their names available on QEC online portal, if they have any issue regarding QEC online application they will report immediately to ICT. 
  10. Issues regarding Electronic board will be managed by ICT, text sent by the department should not more than 180 words with spaces, including: name of event, date of event, place of event, event organized by. Content should be mailed two days before the date of event. 
  11. All Management regarding convocation is managed by ICT department. 
  12. ICT manages procurement of IT equipment and electronics, demands for IT equipment or electronics will be sent to Director IT through various departments/branches including Regional campuses through NEWS or hard copy after approval from the competent authority. The procurement process in ICT is purely according to PPRA rules. 
  13. ICT maintains reasonable stock of various type of toner cartridges to be available in short notice to the departments/branches of main campus. 
  14. IT equipment issued to NUML employees by ICT. Owner of the equipment is responsible for its safety and cleanliness. Installation request for any special purpose software should be sent to ICT after approval of concerned department’s head. 
  15. ICT manages the facility of video conference, requests to use the video conference facilities should be sent through Admin Branch (Jinnah Block) at least 2 days in advance. Requesting departments must mention about Online Session or Offline Session. 
  16. ICT manages the security of password and data, in case of virus infection ICT Department must be informed, ICT will stop access to objectionable internet sites. 
  17. ICT provides Biometric attendance system for the employees and students of NUML, for staff attendance the department of ICT will register and capture the finger prints or facial expression for any new employee or if someone is having problem with their finger print or facial expression. New employees need to visit ICT along their appointment letter for the registration. For student’s attendance Coordinators will enter the data of all the new and continuing semester students along with teachers and subjects, but if any student will not provide data on time then he/she can get registered their self by ICT 
  18. ICT is responsible for networking of overall campus of NUML. Devices are installed at different locations must not be changed or disturbed without informing ICT. 
  19. ICT department manages NUML accounts on social media, the media is utilized to present all approved official activities (old as well as future events) of NUML. 

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