Welcome to Department of English GS

Dr. Farheen Ahmed Hashmi

On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of the Department of English (Graduate Studies), I welcome you to our website. Established in 2001, the Department of English (Graduate Studies) consists of 40 PhDs in Linguistics and Literature, making it one of the largest departments of English in Pakistan. Being the major component of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, the department is home to 11 research clusters, based on the research concentration of our faculty members. The department offers six degree programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The degree programs are:  PhD in English (Literature), PhD in English (Linguistics), MPhil in English (Linguistics), MPhil in English (Literature), BS (Bridging) in English, and MA in English (phased out). With a mission to cultivate our students’ professional expertise, critical thinking skills and imaginations by means of studying language and literature, we make concerted efforts to prepare them for creating knowledge. Since all our MPhil and PhD programs are a combination of coursework and thesis, knowledge of the emerging trends in Linguistics and Literature as well as an understanding of the required theoretical underpinnings and methodological expertise that we teach them during the coursework are crucial in leading them towards various careers and helping them practice public humanities to connect to their communities. In my role as Head of the Department of English (Graduate Studies), I am privileged to meet so many inspiring and engaged alumni, faculty and students, and I am looking forward to more interactions that further shape our vision for achieving the collective goal of quality education. All our graduate programs are geared towards enabling our research scholars to contribute to the existing knowledge by means of analyzing diverse media and texts, and developing rhetorical awareness, communication skills and portable literacy. The purpose is to encourage them to navigate their contemporary worlds and imagine new ones in the domains of Linguistics, Literature and beyond.


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The Department of English (Graduate Studies) was established in 2001 and now has 38 PhDs in linguistics and literature, making it one of Pakistan's largest English departments. The department is a major component of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad. The department offers PhD in English (Literature), PhD in English (Linguistics), MPhil in English (Linguistics), MPhil in English (Literature), and MA in English.



To enhance the potential of students for creating knowledge and developing competencies in English Studies by their grooming, focusing on creativity, critical thinking, and confidence building through quality education and counseling.



We seek to impart knowledge through creative pedagogy in a way that provides its students a firm grounding in the various areas of English Studies: literature, linguistics, language, and culture. While retaining links with the intellectual anchorage of the past, the pivotal point of our mission is to stay alive to the turns and needs of the fast-changing times and conduct innovative research. By expanding the students’ intellectual horizons, sharpening their critical acumen, and enhancing their communicative competence, the department aims to lead its students into the future with the right academic, social, and moral credentials.


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Contact Us

  Iqbal Block, Room # 126, NUML ISB.
  Staff: mijaz@numl.edu.pk, Coordinators: PhD English: coord-phd-gs@numl.edu.pk, MPhil English: coord-mphil-gs@numl.edu.pk, BS Bridging (morning): coord-bs-gs@numl.edu.pk, BS Bridging (afternoon): coord-bs-gs-aftn@numl.edu.pk