Contact me
- Department of Pakistan Studies
- +92-(0) 3451743091
- sohail.akhtar@numl.edu.pk
Mr. Sohail Akhtar
2011 |
Matric (physics, chemistry, math and Biology) (Board of intermediate and secondary education Mirpur AJK) |
2013 |
FSc (pre-engineering) (Board of intermediate and secondary education Mirpur AJK) |
2016 |
B.A (Economics and Political Science) (University of The Punjab Lahore) |
2018 |
MSc (Sociology) (University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi) |
2020 |
MPhil (Pakistan Studies) (Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad) |
2016-17 |
Assistant Regional Coordinator (Alif Ailaan, www.alifailaan.pk) |
2017-19 |
Home Tutor (Beacon House Academy Rawalpindi) |
2017 |
Fellow Teacher (Civic Face Pakistan) |
2019 Assistant Researcher (The Hive Pakistan, www.thehive.pk/ )
Member Youth Parliament (PILDAT) 2022 Cohort.
2015-16 |
Certificate of Merit (English Essay writing competition) (Government Gordon College Rawalpindi) |
03-06-2016 |
Merit Certificate (Essay Writing) (Government of Punjab) |
21-03-2016 |
Certificate of Honor (Urdu Essay writing) (GOVT. Post Graduate College Asghar Mall Rawalpindi) |
05-08-2016 |
Certificate of short Summer Course (English Language) (National University of Modern Languages Islamabad) |
10-15-2019 |
Certificate of Achievement (Introduction to Digital Humanities) (Harvard University) |
12-20-2019 |
Certificate of Achievement (Leading Change through Policy Making) |
07-02-2021 |
(British Council) Certificate of Financial Literacy (State bank of Pakistan) |
2019 Research Paper (Military tensions along the Line of Control (LoC), implications for people living in Pakistan-Administered Kashmir) https://pjsr.com.pk/wp- content/uploads/2021/12/22.-Vol-3.-Issue-4.-Dec-2021-Akhtar-Bilal-Military-Tensions-Across- the-Line-of-Control.pdf
2019 Research Paper (Understanding Political Change through Social Movement: A Case Of PTM) file:///C:/Users/Haier/Downloads/Third-Issue-January-June-2021.pdf
Op-Eds/ Book Reviews
https://southasianvoices.org/between-the-devil-and-the-deep-sea-a-civilians-perspective-on- pakistan-administered-kashmir/
https://strafasia.com/the-temple-controversy-the-state-of-hindu-minority-in-pakistan/ Understanding the deaths of Rebellious Baloch
https://strafasia.com/making-gilgit-baltistan-a-province-of-pakistan/ Beyond the Ajk Elections Dawn.com
Faizabad Sitin Dawn.com
Science Festival in a School in Rawalpindi. Dawn.com A record of Indian Attrocities in IOJK The Patriot
https://journal.ipripak.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Book-Review-IPRI-Journal-XXI-2.pdf https://www.dawn.com/news/1663264/non-fiction-rethinking-azad-kashmir https://www.dawn.com/news/1680765/non-fiction-the-call-of-the-wild https://www.dawn.com/news/1685738/plastic-conundrum https://www.dawn.com/news/1695602/fiction-poetry-words-fall-apart https://www.dawn.com/news/1714238/non-fiction-class-and-hegemony https://www.dawn.com/news/1733026/non-fiction-demystifying-the-council https://www.dawn.com/news/1733020/economy-no-country-for-the-young
Myself Sohail Akhtar, I am a Lecturer at the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad Pakistan. I hold an MPhil degree in Pakistan Studies from Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad. My research interest includes Ethnic-Nationalist Politics, Borderlands/conflict zones. Besides I have worked as a researcher on a diverse array of subjects in Pakistan. My main area of interest is Ethnic- Nationalist/pro-independence politics, and security issues, focused mainly on an analysis of the nationalist narrative. I have contributed to both development and social science research in the mentioned areas. I have undertaken adequate training in research methodologies and my work uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. I have been conducting surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions. I contribute to, Dawn, South Asian Voices and STRAFASIA.
2011 |
Matric (physics, chemistry, math and Biology) (Board of intermediate and secondary education Mirpur AJK) |
2013 |
FSc (pre-engineering) (Board of intermediate and secondary education Mirpur AJK) |
2016 |
B.A (Economics and Political Science) (University of The Punjab Lahore) |
2018 |
MSc (Sociology) (University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi) |
2020 |
MPhil (Pakistan Studies) (Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad) |
2016-17 |
Assistant Regional Coordinator (Alif Ailaan, www.alifailaan.pk) |
2017-19 |
Home Tutor (Beacon House Academy Rawalpindi) |
2017 |
Fellow Teacher (Civic Face Pakistan) |
2019 Assistant Researcher (The Hive Pakistan, www.thehive.pk/ )
Member Youth Parliament (PILDAT) 2022 Cohort.
2015-16 |
Certificate of Merit (English Essay writing competition) (Government Gordon College Rawalpindi) |
03-06-2016 |
Merit Certificate (Essay Writing) (Government of Punjab) |
21-03-2016 |
Certificate of Honor (Urdu Essay writing) (GOVT. Post Graduate College Asghar Mall Rawalpindi) |
05-08-2016 |
Certificate of short Summer Course (English Language) (National University of Modern Languages Islamabad) |
10-15-2019 |
Certificate of Achievement (Introduction to Digital Humanities) (Harvard University) |
12-20-2019 |
Certificate of Achievement (Leading Change through Policy Making) |
07-02-2021 |
(British Council) Certificate of Financial Literacy (State bank of Pakistan) |
2019 Research Paper (Military tensions along the Line of Control (LoC), implications for people living in Pakistan-Administered Kashmir) https://pjsr.com.pk/wp- content/uploads/2021/12/22.-Vol-3.-Issue-4.-Dec-2021-Akhtar-Bilal-Military-Tensions-Across- the-Line-of-Control.pdf
2019 Research Paper (Understanding Political Change through Social Movement: A Case Of PTM) file:///C:/Users/Haier/Downloads/Third-Issue-January-June-2021.pdf
Op-Eds/ Book Reviews
https://southasianvoices.org/between-the-devil-and-the-deep-sea-a-civilians-perspective-on- pakistan-administered-kashmir/
https://strafasia.com/the-temple-controversy-the-state-of-hindu-minority-in-pakistan/ Understanding the deaths of Rebellious Baloch
https://strafasia.com/making-gilgit-baltistan-a-province-of-pakistan/ Beyond the Ajk Elections Dawn.com
Faizabad Sitin Dawn.com
Science Festival in a School in Rawalpindi. Dawn.com A record of Indian Attrocities in IOJK The Patriot
https://journal.ipripak.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Book-Review-IPRI-Journal-XXI-2.pdf https://www.dawn.com/news/1663264/non-fiction-rethinking-azad-kashmir https://www.dawn.com/news/1680765/non-fiction-the-call-of-the-wild https://www.dawn.com/news/1685738/plastic-conundrum https://www.dawn.com/news/1695602/fiction-poetry-words-fall-apart https://www.dawn.com/news/1714238/non-fiction-class-and-hegemony https://www.dawn.com/news/1733026/non-fiction-demystifying-the-council https://www.dawn.com/news/1733020/economy-no-country-for-the-young
Myself Sohail Akhtar, I am a Lecturer at the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad Pakistan. I hold an MPhil degree in Pakistan Studies from Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad. My research interest includes Ethnic-Nationalist Politics, Borderlands/conflict zones. Besides I have worked as a researcher on a diverse array of subjects in Pakistan. My main area of interest is Ethnic- Nationalist/pro-independence politics, and security issues, focused mainly on an analysis of the nationalist narrative. I have contributed to both development and social science research in the mentioned areas. I have undertaken adequate training in research methodologies and my work uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. I have been conducting surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions. I contribute to, Dawn, South Asian Voices and STRAFASIA.