Ms. Mehmoona Tahira

Contact me

  •   Islamabad King Sejong Institute
  •   Ext: 2222

Ms. Mehmoona Tahira


M.A (2010.9.1~2013.2.28) equal to MPhil

  • Korean Language studies,
  • Kyung Hee University Seoul, South Korea. 2013


Korean Language Course (2011.1.1~2011.2.28)

  • Institute of International Education
  • Kyung Hee University Seoul, South Korea.


Korean Language Course (2009.9.1~2010.8.31)

  • Silla University, Busan, South Korea


Korean Language Course (2006.8.1~2008.8.31)

  • Korean Language Department,
  • National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


English Language Course (1996~1997)

  • English Language Department,
  • National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


M.A (2000~2001)

  • Islamic Studies
  • Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


B.Ed   (1994)

  • Mathematics
  • Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. 1994. (Mathematics)


B.A (1992)

  • Mathematics, Economics
  • Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan

Current Status:

  • Working as Korean Language Lecturer at Islamabad King Sejong Institute and Department of Korean Language & Culture, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


From March 25th 2013 to March 9th 2016

  • Worked as contract Lecturer at Korean Language Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


Instructor: August 2008 to August 2009

  • Korean Language Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


Instructor: September 2000 to August 2003

  • Three years Mathematics teaching experience to high school students at Allama Iqbal Open University


Teacher: September 2003 to Nov 2007

  • Four years’ experience of teaching mathematics to middle school students at Islamabad College for girls F-6/1.


  • Sheikh Mehmoona Tahira. A Contrastive study of Korean and Urdu idiomatic Expressions.  Master dissertation, Kyung Hee University, 2013


Conference & Seminars/Workshops

  1. September 30, 2013 to October 10, 2013: Attended a Teacher’s Training Conference for foreign Korean Language Teachers organized by the Government of South Korea and held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.
  2. “Korean Language Teachers’ Training” Held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul South Korea (30-09-2013 ~10-10-2013)
  3. “Korean Language Foreign Teachers’ Training” Held at Pai Chai University, University in Daejeon, South Korea (28-09-2014 ~11-10-2014)
  4. “Korean Foreign Language Teachers Conference” Organized by King Seojong Foundation in Seoul, South Korea. (12-07-2016~15-07-2016)
  5. “Korean Language Teachers Training “Organized by King Seojong Foundation, in Seoul, South Korea. (03-04-2017~08-09-2017) offline (05-09-2017~08-09-2017)
  6. 5 Days B ICON Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Training Workshop Held At NUML (29-01-2018~02-02-2018)
  7. 2 Days Workshop on “Case Method of Teaching” Held at NUML (27-02-2019~28-02-2019)
  8. 2 Day workshop “Transparent Language online” NUML (11-11-2021~12-11-2021)
  9. 2 Day workshop “Promoting Research Excellence in Academics across Pakistan “(1st and 2nd February 2022), at Higher Education Commission Pakistan.
  10. Faculty Development Program Level 1 (July 25th ~ July 29th2022) Organized by NUML
  11. Turnitin Processing and Publication Portal with FoL (10th May 2022) Organized by QEC(NUML)
  12. The International Phonetic Alphabet for Language Teachers (27th Dec 2022) Organized by NUML
  13. Mental Health Awareness (25th Oct 2022) Organized by NUML
  14. Language and Sustainable Development Goals 24th Feb 2023, NUML
  16. LANGUAGE POLICY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. Conference Theme: Language & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Organized by Department of Korean Language and culture, Dec 21, 2023
  17. Translation and Interpretation course September to December23, Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea.
  18. Training Workshop on PREPARING &SUBMITTING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL Organized by NUML Professional Development Centre, Nov 20th, 2023 Literature

Online Courses

  1. 세종학당 문화 특강 및 체험 활동의 이해와 실제(Understanding and Reality of Korean Culture Lecture and Practical Activities) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-04~2019-01-11)
  2. 세종한국어 기반 세종학당 문화교육의 이해와 실제(Understanding and Reality of Korean Cultural based Education) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-04~2019-01-11)

  3. 세종학당 성취도 평가의 이해(Understanding of Assessment of Educational achievements) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-04~2019-01-11)

  4. 세종한국어 중급의 실제(Realities of Intermediate Sejong Korean)Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-03~2019-01-13)

  5. 세종한국어 초급의 실제(Realities of Beginner Sejong Korean)Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-01~2019-01-12)

  6. 9. 세종학당 한국어 초급 문법 교육의 이해와 실제 (Understanding and Practice of Korean Elementary Grammar Education) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea (2020.05.18. ~ 2020.12.27).

  7. 6. 세종한국어 회화의 이해와 실제, (Understanding and Practice of Sejong Korean Conversation) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea (2020.05.18. ~ 2020.12.27).

  8. 8. 세종학당(특별과정) 한국어 수업의 이해와 실제, (King Sejong Institute (special course) understanding and practice of Korean language classes) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea (2020.05.18. ~ 2020.12.27)

  9. 7. 세종한국어 회화 성취도 평가의 이해와 실제, (Understanding and Practice of Sejong Korean Conversation Assessment) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea (2020.05.18. ~ 2020.12.27)

  10. 세종학당 AI 한국어 앱 활용 교육 운영의 이해와 실제(Understanding Utilizing the Sejong 1A teacher App for education (2022)

  11. 세종학당 사이버 한국어 초급 교육의 이해와 실제(Understanding and Practice Sejong  Cyber Korean Beginner Education ) (2022)

  12. 비대면 한국어 수업 운영의 이해(Understanding the operation of non-face-to-face Korean classes (July ~August 2022)

  13. 세종학당 한국어 중급 문법 교육의 이해(Understanding Korean Intermediate Grammar Education per Sejong Hak Party) (July ~August 2022)

  14. 세종학당 한국어 문법 교육의 실제(The Practice of Korean Grammar Education per Sejong Hak) (July ~August 2022)

  15. 2022년 세종학당 외국인 현지교원 한국어교육 컨설팅 (KOR) (13th Sep ~ 13th Nov 2022) Organized By Kookmin University, Seoul, and  King Sejong Institute Foundation, Seoul, South Korea


M.A (2010.9.1~2013.2.28) equal to MPhil

  • Korean Language studies,
  • Kyung Hee University Seoul, South Korea. 2013


Korean Language Course (2011.1.1~2011.2.28)

  • Institute of International Education
  • Kyung Hee University Seoul, South Korea.


Korean Language Course (2009.9.1~2010.8.31)

  • Silla University, Busan, South Korea


Korean Language Course (2006.8.1~2008.8.31)

  • Korean Language Department,
  • National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


English Language Course (1996~1997)

  • English Language Department,
  • National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


M.A (2000~2001)

  • Islamic Studies
  • Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


B.Ed   (1994)

  • Mathematics
  • Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. 1994. (Mathematics)


B.A (1992)

  • Mathematics, Economics
  • Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan


Current Status:

  • Working as Korean Language Lecturer at Islamabad King Sejong Institute and Department of Korean Language & Culture, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


From March 25th 2013 to March 9th 2016

  • Worked as contract Lecturer at Korean Language Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


Instructor: August 2008 to August 2009

  • Korean Language Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


Instructor: September 2000 to August 2003

  • Three years Mathematics teaching experience to high school students at Allama Iqbal Open University


Teacher: September 2003 to Nov 2007

  • Four years’ experience of teaching mathematics to middle school students at Islamabad College for girls F-6/1.



  • Sheikh Mehmoona Tahira. A Contrastive study of Korean and Urdu idiomatic Expressions.  Master dissertation, Kyung Hee University, 2013


Conference & Seminars/Workshops

  1. September 30, 2013 to October 10, 2013: Attended a Teacher’s Training Conference for foreign Korean Language Teachers organized by the Government of South Korea and held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.
  2. “Korean Language Teachers’ Training” Held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul South Korea (30-09-2013 ~10-10-2013)
  3. “Korean Language Foreign Teachers’ Training” Held at Pai Chai University, University in Daejeon, South Korea (28-09-2014 ~11-10-2014)
  4. “Korean Foreign Language Teachers Conference” Organized by King Seojong Foundation in Seoul, South Korea. (12-07-2016~15-07-2016)
  5. “Korean Language Teachers Training “Organized by King Seojong Foundation, in Seoul, South Korea. (03-04-2017~08-09-2017) offline (05-09-2017~08-09-2017)
  6. 5 Days B ICON Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Training Workshop Held At NUML (29-01-2018~02-02-2018)
  7. 2 Days Workshop on “Case Method of Teaching” Held at NUML (27-02-2019~28-02-2019)
  8. 2 Day workshop “Transparent Language online” NUML (11-11-2021~12-11-2021)
  9. 2 Day workshop “Promoting Research Excellence in Academics across Pakistan “(1st and 2nd February 2022), at Higher Education Commission Pakistan.
  10. Faculty Development Program Level 1 (July 25th ~ July 29th2022) Organized by NUML
  11. Turnitin Processing and Publication Portal with FoL (10th May 2022) Organized by QEC(NUML)
  12. The International Phonetic Alphabet for Language Teachers (27th Dec 2022) Organized by NUML
  13. Mental Health Awareness (25th Oct 2022) Organized by NUML
  14. Language and Sustainable Development Goals 24th Feb 2023, NUML
  16. LANGUAGE POLICY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. Conference Theme: Language & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Organized by Department of Korean Language and culture, Dec 21, 2023
  17. Translation and Interpretation course September to December23, Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea.
  18. Training Workshop on PREPARING &SUBMITTING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL Organized by NUML Professional Development Centre, Nov 20th, 2023 Literature


Online Courses

  1. 세종학당 문화 특강 및 체험 활동의 이해와 실제(Understanding and Reality of Korean Culture Lecture and Practical Activities) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-04~2019-01-11)
  2. 세종한국어 기반 세종학당 문화교육의 이해와 실제(Understanding and Reality of Korean Cultural based Education) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-04~2019-01-11)

  3. 세종학당 성취도 평가의 이해(Understanding of Assessment of Educational achievements) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-04~2019-01-11)

  4. 세종한국어 중급의 실제(Realities of Intermediate Sejong Korean)Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-03~2019-01-13)

  5. 세종한국어 초급의 실제(Realities of Beginner Sejong Korean)Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea(2018-06-01~2019-01-12)

  6. 9. 세종학당 한국어 초급 문법 교육의 이해와 실제 (Understanding and Practice of Korean Elementary Grammar Education) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea (2020.05.18. ~ 2020.12.27).

  7. 6. 세종한국어 회화의 이해와 실제, (Understanding and Practice of Sejong Korean Conversation) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea (2020.05.18. ~ 2020.12.27).

  8. 8. 세종학당(특별과정) 한국어 수업의 이해와 실제, (King Sejong Institute (special course) understanding and practice of Korean language classes) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea (2020.05.18. ~ 2020.12.27)

  9. 7. 세종한국어 회화 성취도 평가의 이해와 실제, (Understanding and Practice of Sejong Korean Conversation Assessment) Organized by King Sejong Foundation, South Korea (2020.05.18. ~ 2020.12.27)

  10. 세종학당 AI 한국어 앱 활용 교육 운영의 이해와 실제(Understanding Utilizing the Sejong 1A teacher App for education (2022)

  11. 세종학당 사이버 한국어 초급 교육의 이해와 실제(Understanding and Practice Sejong  Cyber Korean Beginner Education ) (2022)

  12. 비대면 한국어 수업 운영의 이해(Understanding the operation of non-face-to-face Korean classes (July ~August 2022)

  13. 세종학당 한국어 중급 문법 교육의 이해(Understanding Korean Intermediate Grammar Education per Sejong Hak Party) (July ~August 2022)

  14. 세종학당 한국어 문법 교육의 실제(The Practice of Korean Grammar Education per Sejong Hak) (July ~August 2022)

  15. 2022년 세종학당 외국인 현지교원 한국어교육 컨설팅 (KOR) (13th Sep ~ 13th Nov 2022) Organized By Kookmin University, Seoul, and  King Sejong Institute Foundation, Seoul, South Korea