Fouzia Jamal Goreja

Assistant Professor

PhD in LInguistics (In progress)

2015 MPhil in Linguistics

MPhil Thesis/Dissertation Topic: Developing Oral communication Skills of advanced English learners at NUML

1. 9th March 2016-Present. NUML: Teaching linguistics/literature courses at graduate level.
2. 3rd January 2006-8th March, 2016. NUML: Teaching linguistics/literature courses at the undergraduate level.

Goreja, F. & Fauzia, J. (2018). Role of Communicative Strategies for Developing Oral Communication Skills. Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research, 7 (1), 61-71.

Goreja, F. (2022). English for Specific Purposes (Study Guide). Allama Iqbal Open University.

  • TEFL
  • Genre analysis
  • Language and learning
  • Corpus linguistics


PhD in LInguistics (In progress)

2015 MPhil in Linguistics

MPhil Thesis/Dissertation Topic: Developing Oral communication Skills of advanced English learners at NUML


1. 9th March 2016-Present. NUML: Teaching linguistics/literature courses at graduate level.
2. 3rd January 2006-8th March, 2016. NUML: Teaching linguistics/literature courses at the undergraduate level.


Goreja, F. & Fauzia, J. (2018). Role of Communicative Strategies for Developing Oral Communication Skills. Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research, 7 (1), 61-71.

Goreja, F. (2022). English for Specific Purposes (Study Guide). Allama Iqbal Open University.


  • TEFL
  • Genre analysis
  • Language and learning
  • Corpus linguistics