Dr. Munib Ahmed
Assistant Professor
PhD in Communication
- Worked as Research Fellow in Communication university of China from September 2017 to Dec 2019.
- Currently working as Assistant Professor in Chinese Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
- Worked as interpreter for President of Pakistan, Federal Ministers, others high Government officials, international and national conferences.
- (2012, July).A Textual Analysis of the coverage of war against terrorism in The Nation and The New York Times: A Case Study of NATO Attack on Pakistani Border. Paper presented in IGC-8, Bankok, Thailand
- (2013, July) Image of USA and China in the Pakistani leading English dailies(2011-2013): A comparative study. Paper presented in IGC-9, Beijing, China
- (2013, October). Communication along new silk route: A case study of Pakistan and China. Paper presented in 2013 international media industry conference. Hangzhou, China
- (2014, April). Pakistani youth political engagement on Facebook. Paper presented in the 2014 international conference & forum Communication research and education in a globalized Academic community. Beijing, China
- Ahmed.M,Munawar.R.(2015).Image framing of Pakistan in China: A case study of Xinhua news agency. Journal of research in social sciences (JRSS). Vol.3. pp.2-13
Intercultural Communication; Audio-visual Translation and Subtitling
PhD in Communication
- Worked as Research Fellow in Communication university of China from September 2017 to Dec 2019.
- Currently working as Assistant Professor in Chinese Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
- Worked as interpreter for President of Pakistan, Federal Ministers, others high Government officials, international and national conferences.
- (2012, July).A Textual Analysis of the coverage of war against terrorism in The Nation and The New York Times: A Case Study of NATO Attack on Pakistani Border. Paper presented in IGC-8, Bankok, Thailand
- (2013, July) Image of USA and China in the Pakistani leading English dailies(2011-2013): A comparative study. Paper presented in IGC-9, Beijing, China
- (2013, October). Communication along new silk route: A case study of Pakistan and China. Paper presented in 2013 international media industry conference. Hangzhou, China
- (2014, April). Pakistani youth political engagement on Facebook. Paper presented in the 2014 international conference & forum Communication research and education in a globalized Academic community. Beijing, China
- Ahmed.M,Munawar.R.(2015).Image framing of Pakistan in China: A case study of Xinhua news agency. Journal of research in social sciences (JRSS). Vol.3. pp.2-13
Intercultural Communication; Audio-visual Translation and Subtitling