Dr. Munib Ahmed

Assistant Professor

PhD in Communication

  1. Worked as  Research Fellow in Communication university of China from September 2017 to Dec 2019.
  2. Currently working as Assistant Professor  in Chinese Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
  3. Worked as interpreter for President of Pakistan, Federal Ministers, others high Government officials, international and national conferences.
  1.  (2012, July).A Textual Analysis of the coverage of war against terrorism in The Nation and The New York Times: A Case Study of NATO Attack on Pakistani Border. Paper presented in IGC-8, Bankok, Thailand
  2. (2013, July) Image of USA and China in the Pakistani leading English dailies(2011-2013): A comparative study. Paper presented in IGC-9, Beijing, China
  3. (2013, October). Communication along new silk route: A case study of Pakistan and China. Paper presented in 2013 international media industry conference. Hangzhou, China
  4. (2014, April). Pakistani youth political engagement on Facebook. Paper presented in the 2014 international conference & forum Communication research and education in a globalized Academic community. Beijing, China
  5. Ahmed.M,Munawar.R.(2015).Image framing of Pakistan in China: A case study of Xinhua news agency.  Journal of research in social sciences (JRSS). Vol.3. pp.2-13

Intercultural Communication; Audio-visual Translation and Subtitling


PhD in Communication


  1. Worked as  Research Fellow in Communication university of China from September 2017 to Dec 2019.
  2. Currently working as Assistant Professor  in Chinese Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
  3. Worked as interpreter for President of Pakistan, Federal Ministers, others high Government officials, international and national conferences.


  1.  (2012, July).A Textual Analysis of the coverage of war against terrorism in The Nation and The New York Times: A Case Study of NATO Attack on Pakistani Border. Paper presented in IGC-8, Bankok, Thailand
  2. (2013, July) Image of USA and China in the Pakistani leading English dailies(2011-2013): A comparative study. Paper presented in IGC-9, Beijing, China
  3. (2013, October). Communication along new silk route: A case study of Pakistan and China. Paper presented in 2013 international media industry conference. Hangzhou, China
  4. (2014, April). Pakistani youth political engagement on Facebook. Paper presented in the 2014 international conference & forum Communication research and education in a globalized Academic community. Beijing, China
  5. Ahmed.M,Munawar.R.(2015).Image framing of Pakistan in China: A case study of Xinhua news agency.  Journal of research in social sciences (JRSS). Vol.3. pp.2-13


Intercultural Communication; Audio-visual Translation and Subtitling