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Welcome to Multan Campus

To develop and impart quality education of modern languages (English, French, Arabic, German and Chinese) and enhance the leadership skills related to all fields of social sciences, NUML established its sub campus at Multan in 2007. The university...

Director Message

Brig Asad Raza (R)

As Regional Director Multan Campus, it is my strong desire to see this campus flourishing and students attaining excellent standard of knowledge to become useful citizen of country and contribute positively to the society. I expect that faculty members and students will always keep honesty, integrity and truthfulness infront of all their endeavors. Multan Campus, in fact, is attaining a reputation for excellence in research and teaching in Multan region. I am extremely lucky to have a well learned and experienced faculty members in this campus... Read More

Brig Asad Raza (R)

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Campus Tour

Presently, the campus is housed in a two story building containing 55 rooms including two large lobbies, 1 hall, common room for girls, separate female and male faculty rooms and offices of Head of departments which includes all accessories i.e. computers, printers, class rooms, Library, Latest Computer labs with digital library access and executive cafeteria facility. The building has the ample capacity to fulfill the target requirements of the campus with the facilities of photo state & stationery shop, LEDs, multimedia projectors, air conditioners and generator for the students.
