Numl Electrical Engineering students secured 3rd position in all pakistan sino-pak center of artificial intelligence "Lab 2 Market" event

Posted on: October 04, 2021

Numl Electrical Engineering Department student's final year project "Talking glove for mute people" have secured 3rd position in"Lab 2 Market" event among 260 projects from all over Pakistan. The event was organized by sino-pak center of artificial intelligence (SPCAI) in collaboration with Pak-Austria fachhochschule instittute of applied sciences(PAF-IAST) as a part of national aritifical intelligence forum(NAIF). The project was developed by Osama Shafique and Talha Khan under the supervision of Dr Sajid Saleem(AP Electrical Engineering Department).These kind of achievements highlight Department's vision and effort to align its students according to market oriented trends. Department congratulate its worthy students for the achievement and wish them good luck for their future endeavors.