Department of South Asian Languages


Department of South Asian Languages was established in 1973 and its primary purpose is to cater to the professional and official requirements of the Armed Forces personnel and officials of various government agencies/departments. 

Department is offering different functional and regular courses with quality education programmers and it facilitates for intensive study in Hindi, Bangla and Bahasa Indonesia Languages and Literature. Its functional aspects include translation, comparative studies, various contemporary discourses etc.

Faculty members of the department have designed and floated courses on contemporary relevance and emerging areas which are offered functional and regular courses. The aim is to develop the skills of the students for their career development. Department is adopting innovative practices in teaching, learning and evaluation process. We give much importance in developing the Academic and Communicative skill of students in Hindi, Bangla and Bahasa Indonesia Languages.


To become a leading department of languages of  South Asia for promoting research, language proficiencies, and embracing diversity in languages, literature and cultures of South Asia.


To foster scholarship in South Asian language studies through creative pedagogy for competency in language and literature for academic and societal change.