Welcome to Department of Department of Management Sciences

At NUML Business Administration Programs are designed to help students, wishing to progress to the strategic management level, developing right kind of careers. These programs are structured to provide a firm foundation in core management disciplines and to develop the tactical as well as strategic level expertise so very essential for business ...
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To establish as a world-class business school acclaiming distinction for research based, innovative and dynamic entrepreneurial approach to knowledge based business education leading to a better society under-pinned by conscious sense of social responsibility.


To develop business leaders by providing conductive enviornment to our students and staff to conduct teaching and research in effective and innovative ways to bring practical solutions to the industrial challenges and oppurtunities faced by business organizations at national, regional and global level.


  •   Room: HOD MS Department office, 1st floor
  •   Tel: 061-9330459
  •   Email: hodmtn-ms@numl.edu.pk