Main Campus
Department of Area Studies
Published: 07 Sep 2021
Ni hao, I’ Rimsha Durrani, have been enrolled in BS Area Studies (China) program in this prestigious institute for two years. The reason I chose this department and field of study was because it is a particularly new and unique area of study and provides multiple professional options to lo...
Main Campus
Department of Area Studies
Published: 27 Dec 2021
“I was admitted to BS Area Studies China in 2019. I am the youngest of 5 children and the first in my family to go to university and the enrolment in Area studies China has given me a chance to sharpen my skills in my field of Passion. Exploring China’s Culture, was one of my dreams. Aft...
Main Campus
Department of Area Studies
Published: 15 Feb 2022
Greetings reader, my story begins with bumpy ride of admission process in NUML Islamabad. With the completion of intermediate, I was in search of an institute which can offer me my dream program, the Software Engineering. Several technical hurdles occurred due to my visual impairment. At the end wit...