Acting Director
It is a unique honour and privilege to be the pioneer Director of Area Study China, which is part of Confucius Institute Islamabad at National University of Modern Languages (NUML). Formally inaugurated in Spring 2018 and 1st batch of under graduate program commenced in Fall 2018, which has now grown into a full-fledged degree program having MoU with Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) for 2+2 program. When fully operationalized, the department will also organize seminars, conferences and produce research publications on the areas of mutual interests, covering wide ranging subjects of bilateral relations. In this context, my priority will be to further enhance the existing academic collaboration between the two universities and eventually further the bonds of friendship between Pakistan and China.
The Area Study Center (ASC) China comprises two componenets ie teaching and research. In teaching component, the BS Area Study is a comprehensive 4 years’ program covering variety of subjects on Chinese culture, language, foreign policy, comprehensive national power, and Pakistan-China bilateral relations. This was formally launched in Fall 2018 and the first batch is now in 6th semester. The program aims to create and train experts in Chinese politics, economy, trade, culture, literature, and rich history of 5000 years old civilization. The program also offers fully funded scholarships to the qualified candidates after 4th semester to continue exchange studies for remaining 4 semesters at Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) China under 2+2 arrangements. It is appreciated that BS Area Study will sufficiently equip the students for consumption in the job market of both Pakistan and China on the projects like CPEC and BRI, apart from research related jobs in Think Tanks and Academia. The diversity of course contents also help the graduates in competing for the CSS and PCS examinations. The research component contain a research hub on China -Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which conducts exclusive research on CPEC and also multidimensional research on China. The students are also provided an opportunity for enhancing their communication skills by producing Analysis Papers, Opinion Articles, Online Internship opportunities and participating in the workshops, conferences, and seminars with eminent national and international scholars. Pakistan-China Freindship Forum organizes cultural events for enhancing understanding of Chinese culture, history and power potentials.
ExploreThe Area Study Center China provides platform to promote understanding of China through academic discourse by offering degree programs in Area Study China and in-depth research on multi-dimensional aspects covering contemporary China, Chinese history, civilization, literature, language, culture, governance, politics, religion, economy, business environment, media, public policies, civil society and power potential alongwith maintaining uptodate data bank for ready reference. The centers also endeavours to contribute significantly towards strengthening Pakistan -China bilateral relations.