Dr. Fazal Rabbi

Contact me

  •   Department of Pakistan Studies
  •   051-9265100 , Ext-2240
  •   frabbi@numl.edu.pk

Dr. Fazal Rabbi

Associate Professor (Approved Supervisor)

Quaid-i-Azam University                                                                                           Islamabad

Ph.D. (Pakistan Studies), National Institute of Pakistan Studies                                   2005-2013

Thesis: Pakistan-United States Relations in the Post-Cold War Era

Supervised by: -Prof. Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema (Dean FCS, NDU)

M.Phil. (Pakistan Studies) National Institute of Pakistan Studies                                  2002-2004

Thesis: Pakistan-United States Relations 1998-2003                                                   

University of Peshawar                                                                                                 Peshawar

M.A. (Pakistan Studies)                                                                                                   1999-2001

Thesis: Pashto Academy Peshawar University: History and Achievements                

M.A (Pashto Language and Literature)                                                                             2002-2003

Allama Iqbal Open University                                                                                         Islamabad

M. Ed (Master in Education)                                                                                              2004-2006

Thesis: An analysis of Female Education Development at Secondary Level District Nowshera

National University of Modern Languages                                                               Islamabad

Associate Professor Department of Pakistan Studies                                  16 July 2019-Present

Assistant Professor Department of Pakistan Studies                                    24 June 2015 - 23 June 2018

Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies                                                     03 Jan 2006-23 June 2015

Lecturer (Contract), Department of Pakistan Studies                                    24 July 2003- 02 Jan 2006

Coordinator, Department of Pakistan Studies                                                2003-2012

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill                                                               USA

Research Collaborator, Department of Political Science                                 2010-2011

Research Fellow, Center for Human Science                                                   2010-2011

Visiting Faculty Members Resource Person, Member of Selection Board, Defence/Viva Committee, Theses and research articles Evaluator

  • Quaid-i-Azam University                                                                                 Islamabad
  • Allama Iqbal Open University                                                                         Islamabad
  • Bahria University                                                                                             Islamabad
  • National University of Technology                                                                   Islamabad
  • National University of Technology                                                                   Islamabad
  • University of Peshawar                                                                                   Peshawar
  • Hazara University                                                                                           Mansehra
  • Abbottabad University of Science and Technology                                         Abbottabad


Chapter in Book/Books

  1. Pakistan-United States Relations: The Cold War to the War on Terror (Submitted for publication to Oxford University Press)
  2. Fazal Rabbi and Shehzad Qaiser, “Chines Challenge to American Primacy in South Asia” in Chine Shanasi (Lahore: Sanjh Publication, 2022), 203-225
  3. Fazal Rabbi, “Understanding Modern Terrorism: Theoretical Perspective”, Continuity and Change, pp. 200-213, Online Book of the Center of Human Science, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2011.
  4. Fazal Rabbi, “Modern Terrorism and its Impacts on Global Society”, Continuity and Change, 220-234, Online Book of the Center of Human Science, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2011.


  1. Fazal Rabbi, “War against Terrorism and its Repercussions for Pakistan,” Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 33, no. 2 (July-December 2012): 71-90. [ISSN: 1012-7682, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/Jrnl%2033-2%20(2012)%20PDF/4.%20War%20against%20Terrorism,%20fazal%20rabbi.pdf
  2. Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad and Fazal Rabbi, “Changing Dynamic of Electoral Trends in British India: A Case Study of Elections (1946) and Referendum (1947) in NWFP”, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 36, no. 3 (Spring 2013): 61-77. [ISSN: 0149-1784; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.33428/jsoutasiamiddeas.36.3.0061
  3. Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Amanullah Mamen and Fazal Rabbi, “Electoral Politics in the North West Frontier Province of Colonial India 1946-47,” History and Sociology of South Asia 8, no. 1 (January 2014): 1-19. [ISSN: 2230-8075; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2230807513506625
  4. Fazal Rabbi, “Pakistan’s Role in the War on Terror: Costs-Benefits Examination,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 37, no. 3 (Spring 2014): 63-91. [ISSN: 0149-1784; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.33428/jsoutasiamiddeas.37.3.0063
  5. Altaf Ullah and Fazal Rabbi, “Some Important Aspects of Ghani Khan Poetry: A Comprehensive Study”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 26, no. 1 (April-September 2015): 7-20 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/51-%20April-Sept%202015/E__51%20-%20April-Sept%202015_1%20-%20Ghani%20Khan%20ki%20Shaeri.pdf
  6. Fazal Rabbi and Ghulam Qasim Marwat, “Pakistan-US Relations in the War against Terrorism Perspectives”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 26, no. 2 (Oct. 2015-March 2016): 37-53 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/52-Oct2015-Nov2016/E__52_3%20-%20Pakistan-America%20Taaluqat%20Dehshitgardi.pdf
  7. Fazal Rabbi and Altaf Ullah, “An Analysis of Various Phases of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: 1947-2016”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 28, no. 2 (Oct. 2016-March 2017): 75-100 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/54%20pdf/54%20-%20October2016-March2017_05%20-%20Pakistan%20k%20Kharja%20Policy%20k%20Mukhtal.pdf
  8. Fazal Rabbi and Muhammad Riaz Shad, “U.S. Policy of Nuclear Non-Proliferation towards Pakistan: A Post 9/11 Perspective”, Pakistan Journal of American Studies 35, no. 1 (Spring 2017) : 16-36 (ISSN: 1011-811X, HEC Recognized Journal]
  9. Altaf Ullah and Fazal Rabbi, “Kashmir Dispute and US Policy in the 1990’s”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture XXVIII, no. 1 (January-June 2017): 27-48 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/55%20Jan-Jun%202017/02%20-%201990s%20ma%20Masla%20Kashmir%20par%20%20Amriki.pdf
  10. Fazal Rabbi, “Islamization in Pakistan: A Study of Zia-ul-Haq’s Regime (1977-1988)”, Al-Basirah 6, Issue 2 (July-December 2017): 25-37 [ISSN: 4444-4548, HEC Recognized Journal]. https://www.numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156093080414-Al-BASEERA%2012%20(Vol.6%20-%20Issue.%202)DEC-2017.pdf
  11. Fazal Rabbi and Habib Nawaz, “Islamization in the Islamic Republic Pakistan: A Historical Analysis”, Al-Azhāar 3, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 47-63 [ISSN: 2519-6707, HEC Recognized Journal; Impact Factor 0.695-ISI: International Scientific Indexing] http://al-azhaar.org/Archive/2017/July-Dec/art.17.pdf
  12. Fazal Rabbi and Munnaza Mubarak, “Local Government System in Pakistan: A Historical and Critical Analysis”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 28, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 7-30. [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/2017%20No.2,%20July%20December/01%20-%20Pakistan%20ma%20Maqami%20Hukmran%20Nizam.pdf
  13. Fazal Rabbi, “Pakistan’s Security Concerns over Indo-US Post 9/11 Strategic Engagements”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 38, no. 2 (July December 2017): 155-186 [ISSN: 10127682, HEC Recognized Journal], http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/38-2,2017/8.%20Pakistan's%20Security%20Concerns,%20Fazal%20e%20Rabbi.pdf
  14. Fazal Rabbi, Pakistan-United States relations during Nawaz Sharif Period (2013-2016), Journal of Historical Studies 4, no.1 (January-June 2018): 19-40. https://www.bzu.edu.pk/jhs/vol4-1/02..%20PAKISTAN-UNITED%20STATES%20RELATIONS%20DURING%20THE%20NAWAZ%20SHARIF%20PERIOD0.pdf
  15. Fazal Rabbi and Syed Naeem Badshah, “Islamization in Pakistan: An analysis of the 1973 Constitution”, Tahdhib al Afkar 5, issue 2 (July-December 2018): 41-52. http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Vol%2005-Issue-02-July-December-2018/English/04(41-52).pdf
  16. Fazal Rabbi and Syed Naeem Badshah, “Islam Sharia and the Constitutional Prohibition of Torture in Pakistan”, Al-Azhᾱr 4, Issue 2 (July. December 2018): 1-9. [ISSN: 2519-6707, HEC Recognized Journal; Impact Factor 0.695-ISI: International Scientific Indexing] http://al-azhaar.org/Archive/2018/July-December/14.pdf
  17. Fazal Rabbi, “The War against Terrorism and George W. Bush’s Policy on Kashmir”, Pakistan Journal of American Studies 36, no. 2 (Fall 2018): 84-105 (ISSN: 1011-811X, HEC Recognized Journal]
  18. Fazal Rabbi and Shahid Habib, “Discourse on Madrassa Education Reform in Pakistan: Challenges to State Narrative and its Implications”, Al-Basirah 8, Issue 1 (January- June 2019): 1-18 [ISSN: 4444-4548, HEC Recognized Journal], https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156775385912-01-134-ENG-V8-1-19-Formatted.pdf
  19. Naveed Anjum, Muhammad Shoaib Malik and Fazal Rabbi, “Mistrust factor in Pak-Afghan Fluctuating Relations since Beginning”, Global Political Review 4, no. 2 (Spring 2019): 46-55 [ISSN: 2521-2982, HEC Recognized Journal], https://www.gprjournal.com/article/mistrust-factor-in-pakafghan-fluctuating-relations-since-beginning
  1. Fazal Rabbi, Munazza Mubarak, and Javed Ali Kalhoro, “The US Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy towards Pakistan (1990-2000)”, Global Social Sciences Review 4, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 398-406. [ISSN: 2520-0348, 2616-793X, HEC Recognized Journal], https://gssrjournal.com/article/the-us-nuclear-nonproliferation-policy-towards-pakistan-19902000.
  2. Fazal Rabbi, Munazza Mubarak, and Javed Ali Kalhoro, “The US Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy towards Pakistan (1990-2000)”, Global Social Sciences Review 4, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 398-406. [ISSN: 2520-0348, 2616-793X, HEC Recognized Journal], https://gssrjournal.com/article/the-us-nuclear-nonproliferation-policy-towards-pakistan-19902000.
  3. Rehana Munawar, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Fazal Rabbi, Sadam Hussain, “Gender and Sufism: Reflection of Women’s Empowerment in Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai’s Poetry”, Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language 6, no. 2 (July 2020):  237-245 [ISSN 2521-8123], https://pjsel.jehanf.com/index.php/journal/article/view/561/410
  4. Syed Mubashar Hussain Shah and Fazal Rabbi, “The Role of Quaid-i-Azam in Luck now Pact: An Analysis”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 31, no. 2 (July -December 2020): 97-136 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal], http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/2020_vol_2_July_Dec/05-Misaq-Lakhnow.pdf
  5. Fazal Rabbi, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmed, and Muib Ahmed, “War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland”, Global Regional Review 6, no. 3 (Summer 2021): 60-66 [2616-955X], https://www.grrjournal.com/jadmin/Auther/31rvIolA2LALJouq9hkR/YnQJm2Q8Rj.pdf
  6. Shahzad Qaiser and Fazal Rabbi, “All India Muslim League's Economic Planning with Reference to Its Planning Committee: A Historical Assessment”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 32, 1 (June 2021): 89-102. http://mujallah.nihcr.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/06-All-India.pdf
  7. Munib Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, “Mysticism in Pashto Literature: The Reflection of Mystical Elements in the Poetry of Abdul Ghani Khan”, Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language 8, no. 1 (December 2021):  285-296 [ISSN 2521-8123], https://pjsel.jehanf.com/index.php/journal/article/view/610/452
  8. Fazal Rabbi, Javed Ali Kalhoro and Muhammad Shakeel Ahmed, “Regional Dynamics and Prospects for Peace in the Context of Pakistan-Russia Cooperation”, Pakistan Journal of Social Research 3, No. 4 (December 2021): 345-353,  [ISSN 2710-3129], https://pjsr.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/35.-Vol-3.-Issue-4.-Dec-2021-Rabbi-Kalhoro-Ahmed-Regional-Dynamics-And-Prospects-For-Peace.pdf
  9. Fazal Rabbi, M Munawar, and SHM Bukhari, “Donald Trump’s Policy and Posture Towards Pakistan: The Emerging Dynamics and Drivers of The Bilateral Ties”, Pakistan Journal of Social Research 4 (2), 194-207, 2022. https://pjsr.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/21.-Vol-4.-Issue-2-Apr-Jun-2022-Rabbi-Munawar-Bukhari-Donald-Trumps-Policy-and-Posture-towards-Pakistan.pdf
  10. Shakil Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Ahsan Riaz, “Implementation and Incorporation of International Treaties into Domestic Law of Pakistan: A Case study of International Space Law Treaties”, Global Legal Studies Review 7, no. 1 (Winter 2022): 67-73. https://glsrjournal.com/papers/pxnifLFyi6.pdf
  11. Shakil Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Ahsan Riaz, “Unresolved Cold War Issues of Contemporary Outer Space Arms Control Efforts”, Global Foreign Policy Review 5, no. 2 (Spring 2022): 20-28. https://gfprjournal.com/papers/iA6WHSAxMf.pdf
  12. Yaqubi, Himayatullah, Shahbaz Khan Khattak, and Fazal Rabbi. "Khushal Khan Khattak and the Mughals: The Phase of Blissful Honeymoon (1641-1664)." Pakistan Vision 24, no. 1 (2023): 17-37. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/2_v24_1_23.pdf


  • Pakistan-United States Relations 1947-2016
  • Defence and Foreign Policy of Pakistan
  • Nuclear Politics in South Asia
  • Pakistan Studied
  • South Asian


Quaid-i-Azam University                                                                                           Islamabad

Ph.D. (Pakistan Studies), National Institute of Pakistan Studies                                   2005-2013

Thesis: Pakistan-United States Relations in the Post-Cold War Era

Supervised by: -Prof. Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema (Dean FCS, NDU)

M.Phil. (Pakistan Studies) National Institute of Pakistan Studies                                  2002-2004

Thesis: Pakistan-United States Relations 1998-2003                                                   

University of Peshawar                                                                                                 Peshawar

M.A. (Pakistan Studies)                                                                                                   1999-2001

Thesis: Pashto Academy Peshawar University: History and Achievements                

M.A (Pashto Language and Literature)                                                                             2002-2003

Allama Iqbal Open University                                                                                         Islamabad

M. Ed (Master in Education)                                                                                              2004-2006

Thesis: An analysis of Female Education Development at Secondary Level District Nowshera


National University of Modern Languages                                                               Islamabad

Associate Professor Department of Pakistan Studies                                  16 July 2019-Present

Assistant Professor Department of Pakistan Studies                                    24 June 2015 - 23 June 2018

Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies                                                     03 Jan 2006-23 June 2015

Lecturer (Contract), Department of Pakistan Studies                                    24 July 2003- 02 Jan 2006

Coordinator, Department of Pakistan Studies                                                2003-2012

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill                                                               USA

Research Collaborator, Department of Political Science                                 2010-2011

Research Fellow, Center for Human Science                                                   2010-2011

Visiting Faculty Members Resource Person, Member of Selection Board, Defence/Viva Committee, Theses and research articles Evaluator

  • Quaid-i-Azam University                                                                                 Islamabad
  • Allama Iqbal Open University                                                                         Islamabad
  • Bahria University                                                                                             Islamabad
  • National University of Technology                                                                   Islamabad
  • National University of Technology                                                                   Islamabad
  • University of Peshawar                                                                                   Peshawar
  • Hazara University                                                                                           Mansehra
  • Abbottabad University of Science and Technology                                         Abbottabad



Chapter in Book/Books

  1. Pakistan-United States Relations: The Cold War to the War on Terror (Submitted for publication to Oxford University Press)
  2. Fazal Rabbi and Shehzad Qaiser, “Chines Challenge to American Primacy in South Asia” in Chine Shanasi (Lahore: Sanjh Publication, 2022), 203-225
  3. Fazal Rabbi, “Understanding Modern Terrorism: Theoretical Perspective”, Continuity and Change, pp. 200-213, Online Book of the Center of Human Science, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2011.
  4. Fazal Rabbi, “Modern Terrorism and its Impacts on Global Society”, Continuity and Change, 220-234, Online Book of the Center of Human Science, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2011.


  1. Fazal Rabbi, “War against Terrorism and its Repercussions for Pakistan,” Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 33, no. 2 (July-December 2012): 71-90. [ISSN: 1012-7682, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/Jrnl%2033-2%20(2012)%20PDF/4.%20War%20against%20Terrorism,%20fazal%20rabbi.pdf
  2. Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad and Fazal Rabbi, “Changing Dynamic of Electoral Trends in British India: A Case Study of Elections (1946) and Referendum (1947) in NWFP”, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 36, no. 3 (Spring 2013): 61-77. [ISSN: 0149-1784; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.33428/jsoutasiamiddeas.36.3.0061
  3. Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Amanullah Mamen and Fazal Rabbi, “Electoral Politics in the North West Frontier Province of Colonial India 1946-47,” History and Sociology of South Asia 8, no. 1 (January 2014): 1-19. [ISSN: 2230-8075; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2230807513506625
  4. Fazal Rabbi, “Pakistan’s Role in the War on Terror: Costs-Benefits Examination,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 37, no. 3 (Spring 2014): 63-91. [ISSN: 0149-1784; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.33428/jsoutasiamiddeas.37.3.0063
  5. Altaf Ullah and Fazal Rabbi, “Some Important Aspects of Ghani Khan Poetry: A Comprehensive Study”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 26, no. 1 (April-September 2015): 7-20 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/51-%20April-Sept%202015/E__51%20-%20April-Sept%202015_1%20-%20Ghani%20Khan%20ki%20Shaeri.pdf
  6. Fazal Rabbi and Ghulam Qasim Marwat, “Pakistan-US Relations in the War against Terrorism Perspectives”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 26, no. 2 (Oct. 2015-March 2016): 37-53 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/52-Oct2015-Nov2016/E__52_3%20-%20Pakistan-America%20Taaluqat%20Dehshitgardi.pdf
  7. Fazal Rabbi and Altaf Ullah, “An Analysis of Various Phases of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: 1947-2016”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 28, no. 2 (Oct. 2016-March 2017): 75-100 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/54%20pdf/54%20-%20October2016-March2017_05%20-%20Pakistan%20k%20Kharja%20Policy%20k%20Mukhtal.pdf
  8. Fazal Rabbi and Muhammad Riaz Shad, “U.S. Policy of Nuclear Non-Proliferation towards Pakistan: A Post 9/11 Perspective”, Pakistan Journal of American Studies 35, no. 1 (Spring 2017) : 16-36 (ISSN: 1011-811X, HEC Recognized Journal]
  9. Altaf Ullah and Fazal Rabbi, “Kashmir Dispute and US Policy in the 1990’s”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture XXVIII, no. 1 (January-June 2017): 27-48 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/55%20Jan-Jun%202017/02%20-%201990s%20ma%20Masla%20Kashmir%20par%20%20Amriki.pdf
  10. Fazal Rabbi, “Islamization in Pakistan: A Study of Zia-ul-Haq’s Regime (1977-1988)”, Al-Basirah 6, Issue 2 (July-December 2017): 25-37 [ISSN: 4444-4548, HEC Recognized Journal]. https://www.numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156093080414-Al-BASEERA%2012%20(Vol.6%20-%20Issue.%202)DEC-2017.pdf
  11. Fazal Rabbi and Habib Nawaz, “Islamization in the Islamic Republic Pakistan: A Historical Analysis”, Al-Azhāar 3, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 47-63 [ISSN: 2519-6707, HEC Recognized Journal; Impact Factor 0.695-ISI: International Scientific Indexing] http://al-azhaar.org/Archive/2017/July-Dec/art.17.pdf
  12. Fazal Rabbi and Munnaza Mubarak, “Local Government System in Pakistan: A Historical and Critical Analysis”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 28, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 7-30. [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/2017%20No.2,%20July%20December/01%20-%20Pakistan%20ma%20Maqami%20Hukmran%20Nizam.pdf
  13. Fazal Rabbi, “Pakistan’s Security Concerns over Indo-US Post 9/11 Strategic Engagements”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 38, no. 2 (July December 2017): 155-186 [ISSN: 10127682, HEC Recognized Journal], http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/38-2,2017/8.%20Pakistan's%20Security%20Concerns,%20Fazal%20e%20Rabbi.pdf
  14. Fazal Rabbi, Pakistan-United States relations during Nawaz Sharif Period (2013-2016), Journal of Historical Studies 4, no.1 (January-June 2018): 19-40. https://www.bzu.edu.pk/jhs/vol4-1/02..%20PAKISTAN-UNITED%20STATES%20RELATIONS%20DURING%20THE%20NAWAZ%20SHARIF%20PERIOD0.pdf
  15. Fazal Rabbi and Syed Naeem Badshah, “Islamization in Pakistan: An analysis of the 1973 Constitution”, Tahdhib al Afkar 5, issue 2 (July-December 2018): 41-52. http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Vol%2005-Issue-02-July-December-2018/English/04(41-52).pdf
  16. Fazal Rabbi and Syed Naeem Badshah, “Islam Sharia and the Constitutional Prohibition of Torture in Pakistan”, Al-Azhᾱr 4, Issue 2 (July. December 2018): 1-9. [ISSN: 2519-6707, HEC Recognized Journal; Impact Factor 0.695-ISI: International Scientific Indexing] http://al-azhaar.org/Archive/2018/July-December/14.pdf
  17. Fazal Rabbi, “The War against Terrorism and George W. Bush’s Policy on Kashmir”, Pakistan Journal of American Studies 36, no. 2 (Fall 2018): 84-105 (ISSN: 1011-811X, HEC Recognized Journal]
  18. Fazal Rabbi and Shahid Habib, “Discourse on Madrassa Education Reform in Pakistan: Challenges to State Narrative and its Implications”, Al-Basirah 8, Issue 1 (January- June 2019): 1-18 [ISSN: 4444-4548, HEC Recognized Journal], https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156775385912-01-134-ENG-V8-1-19-Formatted.pdf
  19. Naveed Anjum, Muhammad Shoaib Malik and Fazal Rabbi, “Mistrust factor in Pak-Afghan Fluctuating Relations since Beginning”, Global Political Review 4, no. 2 (Spring 2019): 46-55 [ISSN: 2521-2982, HEC Recognized Journal], https://www.gprjournal.com/article/mistrust-factor-in-pakafghan-fluctuating-relations-since-beginning
  1. Fazal Rabbi, Munazza Mubarak, and Javed Ali Kalhoro, “The US Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy towards Pakistan (1990-2000)”, Global Social Sciences Review 4, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 398-406. [ISSN: 2520-0348, 2616-793X, HEC Recognized Journal], https://gssrjournal.com/article/the-us-nuclear-nonproliferation-policy-towards-pakistan-19902000.
  2. Fazal Rabbi, Munazza Mubarak, and Javed Ali Kalhoro, “The US Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy towards Pakistan (1990-2000)”, Global Social Sciences Review 4, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 398-406. [ISSN: 2520-0348, 2616-793X, HEC Recognized Journal], https://gssrjournal.com/article/the-us-nuclear-nonproliferation-policy-towards-pakistan-19902000.
  3. Rehana Munawar, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Fazal Rabbi, Sadam Hussain, “Gender and Sufism: Reflection of Women’s Empowerment in Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai’s Poetry”, Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language 6, no. 2 (July 2020):  237-245 [ISSN 2521-8123], https://pjsel.jehanf.com/index.php/journal/article/view/561/410
  4. Syed Mubashar Hussain Shah and Fazal Rabbi, “The Role of Quaid-i-Azam in Luck now Pact: An Analysis”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 31, no. 2 (July -December 2020): 97-136 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal], http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/2020_vol_2_July_Dec/05-Misaq-Lakhnow.pdf
  5. Fazal Rabbi, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmed, and Muib Ahmed, “War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland”, Global Regional Review 6, no. 3 (Summer 2021): 60-66 [2616-955X], https://www.grrjournal.com/jadmin/Auther/31rvIolA2LALJouq9hkR/YnQJm2Q8Rj.pdf
  6. Shahzad Qaiser and Fazal Rabbi, “All India Muslim League's Economic Planning with Reference to Its Planning Committee: A Historical Assessment”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 32, 1 (June 2021): 89-102. http://mujallah.nihcr.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/06-All-India.pdf
  7. Munib Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, “Mysticism in Pashto Literature: The Reflection of Mystical Elements in the Poetry of Abdul Ghani Khan”, Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language 8, no. 1 (December 2021):  285-296 [ISSN 2521-8123], https://pjsel.jehanf.com/index.php/journal/article/view/610/452
  8. Fazal Rabbi, Javed Ali Kalhoro and Muhammad Shakeel Ahmed, “Regional Dynamics and Prospects for Peace in the Context of Pakistan-Russia Cooperation”, Pakistan Journal of Social Research 3, No. 4 (December 2021): 345-353,  [ISSN 2710-3129], https://pjsr.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/35.-Vol-3.-Issue-4.-Dec-2021-Rabbi-Kalhoro-Ahmed-Regional-Dynamics-And-Prospects-For-Peace.pdf
  9. Fazal Rabbi, M Munawar, and SHM Bukhari, “Donald Trump’s Policy and Posture Towards Pakistan: The Emerging Dynamics and Drivers of The Bilateral Ties”, Pakistan Journal of Social Research 4 (2), 194-207, 2022. https://pjsr.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/21.-Vol-4.-Issue-2-Apr-Jun-2022-Rabbi-Munawar-Bukhari-Donald-Trumps-Policy-and-Posture-towards-Pakistan.pdf
  10. Shakil Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Ahsan Riaz, “Implementation and Incorporation of International Treaties into Domestic Law of Pakistan: A Case study of International Space Law Treaties”, Global Legal Studies Review 7, no. 1 (Winter 2022): 67-73. https://glsrjournal.com/papers/pxnifLFyi6.pdf
  11. Shakil Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Ahsan Riaz, “Unresolved Cold War Issues of Contemporary Outer Space Arms Control Efforts”, Global Foreign Policy Review 5, no. 2 (Spring 2022): 20-28. https://gfprjournal.com/papers/iA6WHSAxMf.pdf
  12. Yaqubi, Himayatullah, Shahbaz Khan Khattak, and Fazal Rabbi. "Khushal Khan Khattak and the Mughals: The Phase of Blissful Honeymoon (1641-1664)." Pakistan Vision 24, no. 1 (2023): 17-37. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/2_v24_1_23.pdf



  • Pakistan-United States Relations 1947-2016
  • Defence and Foreign Policy of Pakistan
  • Nuclear Politics in South Asia
  • Pakistan Studied
  • South Asian