Contact me
- Department of Pakistan Studies
- 051-9265100 , Ext-2240
- frabbi@numl.edu.pk
Dr. Fazal Rabbi
Associate Professor (Approved Supervisor)Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Ph.D. (Pakistan Studies), National Institute of Pakistan Studies 2005-2013
Thesis: Pakistan-United States Relations in the Post-Cold War Era
Supervised by: -Prof. Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema (Dean FCS, NDU)
M.Phil. (Pakistan Studies) National Institute of Pakistan Studies 2002-2004
Thesis: Pakistan-United States Relations 1998-2003
University of Peshawar Peshawar
M.A. (Pakistan Studies) 1999-2001
Thesis: Pashto Academy Peshawar University: History and Achievements
M.A (Pashto Language and Literature) 2002-2003
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
M. Ed (Master in Education) 2004-2006
Thesis: An analysis of Female Education Development at Secondary Level District Nowshera
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
Associate Professor Department of Pakistan Studies 16 July 2019-Present
Assistant Professor Department of Pakistan Studies 24 June 2015 - 23 June 2018
Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies 03 Jan 2006-23 June 2015
Lecturer (Contract), Department of Pakistan Studies 24 July 2003- 02 Jan 2006
Coordinator, Department of Pakistan Studies 2003-2012
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill USA
Research Collaborator, Department of Political Science 2010-2011
Research Fellow, Center for Human Science 2010-2011
Visiting Faculty Members Resource Person, Member of Selection Board, Defence/Viva Committee, Theses and research articles Evaluator
- Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
- Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
- Bahria University Islamabad
- National University of Technology Islamabad
- National University of Technology Islamabad
- University of Peshawar Peshawar
- Hazara University Mansehra
- Abbottabad University of Science and Technology Abbottabad
Chapter in Book/Books
- Pakistan-United States Relations: The Cold War to the War on Terror (Submitted for publication to Oxford University Press)
- Fazal Rabbi and Shehzad Qaiser, “Chines Challenge to American Primacy in South Asia” in Chine Shanasi (Lahore: Sanjh Publication, 2022), 203-225
- Fazal Rabbi, “Understanding Modern Terrorism: Theoretical Perspective”, Continuity and Change, pp. 200-213, Online Book of the Center of Human Science, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2011.
- Fazal Rabbi, “Modern Terrorism and its Impacts on Global Society”, Continuity and Change, 220-234, Online Book of the Center of Human Science, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2011.
- Fazal Rabbi, “War against Terrorism and its Repercussions for Pakistan,” Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 33, no. 2 (July-December 2012): 71-90. [ISSN: 1012-7682, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/Jrnl%2033-2%20(2012)%20PDF/4.%20War%20against%20Terrorism,%20fazal%20rabbi.pdf
- Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad and Fazal Rabbi, “Changing Dynamic of Electoral Trends in British India: A Case Study of Elections (1946) and Referendum (1947) in NWFP”, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 36, no. 3 (Spring 2013): 61-77. [ISSN: 0149-1784; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.33428/jsoutasiamiddeas.36.3.0061
- Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Amanullah Mamen and Fazal Rabbi, “Electoral Politics in the North West Frontier Province of Colonial India 1946-47,” History and Sociology of South Asia 8, no. 1 (January 2014): 1-19. [ISSN: 2230-8075; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2230807513506625
- Fazal Rabbi, “Pakistan’s Role in the War on Terror: Costs-Benefits Examination,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 37, no. 3 (Spring 2014): 63-91. [ISSN: 0149-1784; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.33428/jsoutasiamiddeas.37.3.0063
- Altaf Ullah and Fazal Rabbi, “Some Important Aspects of Ghani Khan Poetry: A Comprehensive Study”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 26, no. 1 (April-September 2015): 7-20 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/51-%20April-Sept%202015/E__51%20-%20April-Sept%202015_1%20-%20Ghani%20Khan%20ki%20Shaeri.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Ghulam Qasim Marwat, “Pakistan-US Relations in the War against Terrorism Perspectives”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 26, no. 2 (Oct. 2015-March 2016): 37-53 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/52-Oct2015-Nov2016/E__52_3%20-%20Pakistan-America%20Taaluqat%20Dehshitgardi.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Altaf Ullah, “An Analysis of Various Phases of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: 1947-2016”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 28, no. 2 (Oct. 2016-March 2017): 75-100 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/54%20pdf/54%20-%20October2016-March2017_05%20-%20Pakistan%20k%20Kharja%20Policy%20k%20Mukhtal.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Muhammad Riaz Shad, “U.S. Policy of Nuclear Non-Proliferation towards Pakistan: A Post 9/11 Perspective”, Pakistan Journal of American Studies 35, no. 1 (Spring 2017) : 16-36 (ISSN: 1011-811X, HEC Recognized Journal]
- Altaf Ullah and Fazal Rabbi, “Kashmir Dispute and US Policy in the 1990’s”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture XXVIII, no. 1 (January-June 2017): 27-48 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/55%20Jan-Jun%202017/02%20-%201990s%20ma%20Masla%20Kashmir%20par%20%20Amriki.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, “Islamization in Pakistan: A Study of Zia-ul-Haq’s Regime (1977-1988)”, Al-Basirah 6, Issue 2 (July-December 2017): 25-37 [ISSN: 4444-4548, HEC Recognized Journal]. https://www.numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156093080414-Al-BASEERA%2012%20(Vol.6%20-%20Issue.%202)DEC-2017.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Habib Nawaz, “Islamization in the Islamic Republic Pakistan: A Historical Analysis”, Al-Azhāar 3, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 47-63 [ISSN: 2519-6707, HEC Recognized Journal; Impact Factor 0.695-ISI: International Scientific Indexing] http://al-azhaar.org/Archive/2017/July-Dec/art.17.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Munnaza Mubarak, “Local Government System in Pakistan: A Historical and Critical Analysis”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 28, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 7-30. [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/2017%20No.2,%20July%20December/01%20-%20Pakistan%20ma%20Maqami%20Hukmran%20Nizam.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, “Pakistan’s Security Concerns over Indo-US Post 9/11 Strategic Engagements”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 38, no. 2 (July December 2017): 155-186 [ISSN: 10127682, HEC Recognized Journal], http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/38-2,2017/8.%20Pakistan's%20Security%20Concerns,%20Fazal%20e%20Rabbi.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, Pakistan-United States relations during Nawaz Sharif Period (2013-2016), Journal of Historical Studies 4, no.1 (January-June 2018): 19-40. https://www.bzu.edu.pk/jhs/vol4-1/02..%20PAKISTAN-UNITED%20STATES%20RELATIONS%20DURING%20THE%20NAWAZ%20SHARIF%20PERIOD0.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Syed Naeem Badshah, “Islamization in Pakistan: An analysis of the 1973 Constitution”, Tahdhib al Afkar 5, issue 2 (July-December 2018): 41-52. http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Vol%2005-Issue-02-July-December-2018/English/04(41-52).pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Syed Naeem Badshah, “Islam Sharia and the Constitutional Prohibition of Torture in Pakistan”, Al-Azhᾱr 4, Issue 2 (July. December 2018): 1-9. [ISSN: 2519-6707, HEC Recognized Journal; Impact Factor 0.695-ISI: International Scientific Indexing] http://al-azhaar.org/Archive/2018/July-December/14.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, “The War against Terrorism and George W. Bush’s Policy on Kashmir”, Pakistan Journal of American Studies 36, no. 2 (Fall 2018): 84-105 (ISSN: 1011-811X, HEC Recognized Journal]
- Fazal Rabbi and Shahid Habib, “Discourse on Madrassa Education Reform in Pakistan: Challenges to State Narrative and its Implications”, Al-Basirah 8, Issue 1 (January- June 2019): 1-18 [ISSN: 4444-4548, HEC Recognized Journal], https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156775385912-01-134-ENG-V8-1-19-Formatted.pdf
- Naveed Anjum, Muhammad Shoaib Malik and Fazal Rabbi, “Mistrust factor in Pak-Afghan Fluctuating Relations since Beginning”, Global Political Review 4, no. 2 (Spring 2019): 46-55 [ISSN: 2521-2982, HEC Recognized Journal], https://www.gprjournal.com/article/mistrust-factor-in-pakafghan-fluctuating-relations-since-beginning
- Fazal Rabbi, Munazza Mubarak, and Javed Ali Kalhoro, “The US Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy towards Pakistan (1990-2000)”, Global Social Sciences Review 4, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 398-406. [ISSN: 2520-0348, 2616-793X, HEC Recognized Journal], https://gssrjournal.com/article/the-us-nuclear-nonproliferation-policy-towards-pakistan-19902000.
- Fazal Rabbi, Munazza Mubarak, and Javed Ali Kalhoro, “The US Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy towards Pakistan (1990-2000)”, Global Social Sciences Review 4, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 398-406. [ISSN: 2520-0348, 2616-793X, HEC Recognized Journal], https://gssrjournal.com/article/the-us-nuclear-nonproliferation-policy-towards-pakistan-19902000.
- Rehana Munawar, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Fazal Rabbi, Sadam Hussain, “Gender and Sufism: Reflection of Women’s Empowerment in Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai’s Poetry”, Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language 6, no. 2 (July 2020): 237-245 [ISSN 2521-8123], https://pjsel.jehanf.com/index.php/journal/article/view/561/410
- Syed Mubashar Hussain Shah and Fazal Rabbi, “The Role of Quaid-i-Azam in Luck now Pact: An Analysis”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 31, no. 2 (July -December 2020): 97-136 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal], http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/2020_vol_2_July_Dec/05-Misaq-Lakhnow.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmed, and Muib Ahmed, “War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland”, Global Regional Review 6, no. 3 (Summer 2021): 60-66 [2616-955X], https://www.grrjournal.com/jadmin/Auther/31rvIolA2LALJouq9hkR/YnQJm2Q8Rj.pdf
- Shahzad Qaiser and Fazal Rabbi, “All India Muslim League's Economic Planning with Reference to Its Planning Committee: A Historical Assessment”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 32, 1 (June 2021): 89-102. http://mujallah.nihcr.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/06-All-India.pdf
- Munib Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, “Mysticism in Pashto Literature: The Reflection of Mystical Elements in the Poetry of Abdul Ghani Khan”, Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language 8, no. 1 (December 2021): 285-296 [ISSN 2521-8123], https://pjsel.jehanf.com/index.php/journal/article/view/610/452
- Fazal Rabbi, Javed Ali Kalhoro and Muhammad Shakeel Ahmed, “Regional Dynamics and Prospects for Peace in the Context of Pakistan-Russia Cooperation”, Pakistan Journal of Social Research 3, No. 4 (December 2021): 345-353, [ISSN 2710-3129], https://pjsr.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/35.-Vol-3.-Issue-4.-Dec-2021-Rabbi-Kalhoro-Ahmed-Regional-Dynamics-And-Prospects-For-Peace.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, M Munawar, and SHM Bukhari, “Donald Trump’s Policy and Posture Towards Pakistan: The Emerging Dynamics and Drivers of The Bilateral Ties”, Pakistan Journal of Social Research 4 (2), 194-207, 2022. https://pjsr.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/21.-Vol-4.-Issue-2-Apr-Jun-2022-Rabbi-Munawar-Bukhari-Donald-Trumps-Policy-and-Posture-towards-Pakistan.pdf
- Shakil Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Ahsan Riaz, “Implementation and Incorporation of International Treaties into Domestic Law of Pakistan: A Case study of International Space Law Treaties”, Global Legal Studies Review 7, no. 1 (Winter 2022): 67-73. https://glsrjournal.com/papers/pxnifLFyi6.pdf
- Shakil Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Ahsan Riaz, “Unresolved Cold War Issues of Contemporary Outer Space Arms Control Efforts”, Global Foreign Policy Review 5, no. 2 (Spring 2022): 20-28. https://gfprjournal.com/papers/iA6WHSAxMf.pdf
- Yaqubi, Himayatullah, Shahbaz Khan Khattak, and Fazal Rabbi. "Khushal Khan Khattak and the Mughals: The Phase of Blissful Honeymoon (1641-1664)." Pakistan Vision 24, no. 1 (2023): 17-37. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/2_v24_1_23.pdf
- Pakistan-United States Relations 1947-2016
- Defence and Foreign Policy of Pakistan
- Nuclear Politics in South Asia
- Pakistan Studied
- South Asian
Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Ph.D. (Pakistan Studies), National Institute of Pakistan Studies 2005-2013
Thesis: Pakistan-United States Relations in the Post-Cold War Era
Supervised by: -Prof. Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema (Dean FCS, NDU)
M.Phil. (Pakistan Studies) National Institute of Pakistan Studies 2002-2004
Thesis: Pakistan-United States Relations 1998-2003
University of Peshawar Peshawar
M.A. (Pakistan Studies) 1999-2001
Thesis: Pashto Academy Peshawar University: History and Achievements
M.A (Pashto Language and Literature) 2002-2003
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
M. Ed (Master in Education) 2004-2006
Thesis: An analysis of Female Education Development at Secondary Level District Nowshera
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
Associate Professor Department of Pakistan Studies 16 July 2019-Present
Assistant Professor Department of Pakistan Studies 24 June 2015 - 23 June 2018
Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies 03 Jan 2006-23 June 2015
Lecturer (Contract), Department of Pakistan Studies 24 July 2003- 02 Jan 2006
Coordinator, Department of Pakistan Studies 2003-2012
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill USA
Research Collaborator, Department of Political Science 2010-2011
Research Fellow, Center for Human Science 2010-2011
Visiting Faculty Members Resource Person, Member of Selection Board, Defence/Viva Committee, Theses and research articles Evaluator
- Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
- Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
- Bahria University Islamabad
- National University of Technology Islamabad
- National University of Technology Islamabad
- University of Peshawar Peshawar
- Hazara University Mansehra
- Abbottabad University of Science and Technology Abbottabad
Chapter in Book/Books
- Pakistan-United States Relations: The Cold War to the War on Terror (Submitted for publication to Oxford University Press)
- Fazal Rabbi and Shehzad Qaiser, “Chines Challenge to American Primacy in South Asia” in Chine Shanasi (Lahore: Sanjh Publication, 2022), 203-225
- Fazal Rabbi, “Understanding Modern Terrorism: Theoretical Perspective”, Continuity and Change, pp. 200-213, Online Book of the Center of Human Science, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2011.
- Fazal Rabbi, “Modern Terrorism and its Impacts on Global Society”, Continuity and Change, 220-234, Online Book of the Center of Human Science, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2011.
- Fazal Rabbi, “War against Terrorism and its Repercussions for Pakistan,” Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 33, no. 2 (July-December 2012): 71-90. [ISSN: 1012-7682, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/Jrnl%2033-2%20(2012)%20PDF/4.%20War%20against%20Terrorism,%20fazal%20rabbi.pdf
- Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad and Fazal Rabbi, “Changing Dynamic of Electoral Trends in British India: A Case Study of Elections (1946) and Referendum (1947) in NWFP”, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 36, no. 3 (Spring 2013): 61-77. [ISSN: 0149-1784; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.33428/jsoutasiamiddeas.36.3.0061
- Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Amanullah Mamen and Fazal Rabbi, “Electoral Politics in the North West Frontier Province of Colonial India 1946-47,” History and Sociology of South Asia 8, no. 1 (January 2014): 1-19. [ISSN: 2230-8075; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2230807513506625
- Fazal Rabbi, “Pakistan’s Role in the War on Terror: Costs-Benefits Examination,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 37, no. 3 (Spring 2014): 63-91. [ISSN: 0149-1784; International Abstracted/Indexed Journal]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.33428/jsoutasiamiddeas.37.3.0063
- Altaf Ullah and Fazal Rabbi, “Some Important Aspects of Ghani Khan Poetry: A Comprehensive Study”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 26, no. 1 (April-September 2015): 7-20 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/51-%20April-Sept%202015/E__51%20-%20April-Sept%202015_1%20-%20Ghani%20Khan%20ki%20Shaeri.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Ghulam Qasim Marwat, “Pakistan-US Relations in the War against Terrorism Perspectives”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 26, no. 2 (Oct. 2015-March 2016): 37-53 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/52-Oct2015-Nov2016/E__52_3%20-%20Pakistan-America%20Taaluqat%20Dehshitgardi.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Altaf Ullah, “An Analysis of Various Phases of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: 1947-2016”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 28, no. 2 (Oct. 2016-March 2017): 75-100 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/54%20pdf/54%20-%20October2016-March2017_05%20-%20Pakistan%20k%20Kharja%20Policy%20k%20Mukhtal.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Muhammad Riaz Shad, “U.S. Policy of Nuclear Non-Proliferation towards Pakistan: A Post 9/11 Perspective”, Pakistan Journal of American Studies 35, no. 1 (Spring 2017) : 16-36 (ISSN: 1011-811X, HEC Recognized Journal]
- Altaf Ullah and Fazal Rabbi, “Kashmir Dispute and US Policy in the 1990’s”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture XXVIII, no. 1 (January-June 2017): 27-48 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/55%20Jan-Jun%202017/02%20-%201990s%20ma%20Masla%20Kashmir%20par%20%20Amriki.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, “Islamization in Pakistan: A Study of Zia-ul-Haq’s Regime (1977-1988)”, Al-Basirah 6, Issue 2 (July-December 2017): 25-37 [ISSN: 4444-4548, HEC Recognized Journal]. https://www.numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156093080414-Al-BASEERA%2012%20(Vol.6%20-%20Issue.%202)DEC-2017.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Habib Nawaz, “Islamization in the Islamic Republic Pakistan: A Historical Analysis”, Al-Azhāar 3, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 47-63 [ISSN: 2519-6707, HEC Recognized Journal; Impact Factor 0.695-ISI: International Scientific Indexing] http://al-azhaar.org/Archive/2017/July-Dec/art.17.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Munnaza Mubarak, “Local Government System in Pakistan: A Historical and Critical Analysis”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 28, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 7-30. [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal]. http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/2017%20No.2,%20July%20December/01%20-%20Pakistan%20ma%20Maqami%20Hukmran%20Nizam.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, “Pakistan’s Security Concerns over Indo-US Post 9/11 Strategic Engagements”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 38, no. 2 (July December 2017): 155-186 [ISSN: 10127682, HEC Recognized Journal], http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/38-2,2017/8.%20Pakistan's%20Security%20Concerns,%20Fazal%20e%20Rabbi.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, Pakistan-United States relations during Nawaz Sharif Period (2013-2016), Journal of Historical Studies 4, no.1 (January-June 2018): 19-40. https://www.bzu.edu.pk/jhs/vol4-1/02..%20PAKISTAN-UNITED%20STATES%20RELATIONS%20DURING%20THE%20NAWAZ%20SHARIF%20PERIOD0.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Syed Naeem Badshah, “Islamization in Pakistan: An analysis of the 1973 Constitution”, Tahdhib al Afkar 5, issue 2 (July-December 2018): 41-52. http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Vol%2005-Issue-02-July-December-2018/English/04(41-52).pdf
- Fazal Rabbi and Syed Naeem Badshah, “Islam Sharia and the Constitutional Prohibition of Torture in Pakistan”, Al-Azhᾱr 4, Issue 2 (July. December 2018): 1-9. [ISSN: 2519-6707, HEC Recognized Journal; Impact Factor 0.695-ISI: International Scientific Indexing] http://al-azhaar.org/Archive/2018/July-December/14.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, “The War against Terrorism and George W. Bush’s Policy on Kashmir”, Pakistan Journal of American Studies 36, no. 2 (Fall 2018): 84-105 (ISSN: 1011-811X, HEC Recognized Journal]
- Fazal Rabbi and Shahid Habib, “Discourse on Madrassa Education Reform in Pakistan: Challenges to State Narrative and its Implications”, Al-Basirah 8, Issue 1 (January- June 2019): 1-18 [ISSN: 4444-4548, HEC Recognized Journal], https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156775385912-01-134-ENG-V8-1-19-Formatted.pdf
- Naveed Anjum, Muhammad Shoaib Malik and Fazal Rabbi, “Mistrust factor in Pak-Afghan Fluctuating Relations since Beginning”, Global Political Review 4, no. 2 (Spring 2019): 46-55 [ISSN: 2521-2982, HEC Recognized Journal], https://www.gprjournal.com/article/mistrust-factor-in-pakafghan-fluctuating-relations-since-beginning
- Fazal Rabbi, Munazza Mubarak, and Javed Ali Kalhoro, “The US Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy towards Pakistan (1990-2000)”, Global Social Sciences Review 4, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 398-406. [ISSN: 2520-0348, 2616-793X, HEC Recognized Journal], https://gssrjournal.com/article/the-us-nuclear-nonproliferation-policy-towards-pakistan-19902000.
- Fazal Rabbi, Munazza Mubarak, and Javed Ali Kalhoro, “The US Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy towards Pakistan (1990-2000)”, Global Social Sciences Review 4, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 398-406. [ISSN: 2520-0348, 2616-793X, HEC Recognized Journal], https://gssrjournal.com/article/the-us-nuclear-nonproliferation-policy-towards-pakistan-19902000.
- Rehana Munawar, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Fazal Rabbi, Sadam Hussain, “Gender and Sufism: Reflection of Women’s Empowerment in Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai’s Poetry”, Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language 6, no. 2 (July 2020): 237-245 [ISSN 2521-8123], https://pjsel.jehanf.com/index.php/journal/article/view/561/410
- Syed Mubashar Hussain Shah and Fazal Rabbi, “The Role of Quaid-i-Azam in Luck now Pact: An Analysis”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 31, no. 2 (July -December 2020): 97-136 [ISSN: 2520-4513, HEC Recognized Journal], http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_Urdu_Journals/2020_vol_2_July_Dec/05-Misaq-Lakhnow.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmed, and Muib Ahmed, “War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland”, Global Regional Review 6, no. 3 (Summer 2021): 60-66 [2616-955X], https://www.grrjournal.com/jadmin/Auther/31rvIolA2LALJouq9hkR/YnQJm2Q8Rj.pdf
- Shahzad Qaiser and Fazal Rabbi, “All India Muslim League's Economic Planning with Reference to Its Planning Committee: A Historical Assessment”, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 32, 1 (June 2021): 89-102. http://mujallah.nihcr.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/06-All-India.pdf
- Munib Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, “Mysticism in Pashto Literature: The Reflection of Mystical Elements in the Poetry of Abdul Ghani Khan”, Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language 8, no. 1 (December 2021): 285-296 [ISSN 2521-8123], https://pjsel.jehanf.com/index.php/journal/article/view/610/452
- Fazal Rabbi, Javed Ali Kalhoro and Muhammad Shakeel Ahmed, “Regional Dynamics and Prospects for Peace in the Context of Pakistan-Russia Cooperation”, Pakistan Journal of Social Research 3, No. 4 (December 2021): 345-353, [ISSN 2710-3129], https://pjsr.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/35.-Vol-3.-Issue-4.-Dec-2021-Rabbi-Kalhoro-Ahmed-Regional-Dynamics-And-Prospects-For-Peace.pdf
- Fazal Rabbi, M Munawar, and SHM Bukhari, “Donald Trump’s Policy and Posture Towards Pakistan: The Emerging Dynamics and Drivers of The Bilateral Ties”, Pakistan Journal of Social Research 4 (2), 194-207, 2022. https://pjsr.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/21.-Vol-4.-Issue-2-Apr-Jun-2022-Rabbi-Munawar-Bukhari-Donald-Trumps-Policy-and-Posture-towards-Pakistan.pdf
- Shakil Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Ahsan Riaz, “Implementation and Incorporation of International Treaties into Domestic Law of Pakistan: A Case study of International Space Law Treaties”, Global Legal Studies Review 7, no. 1 (Winter 2022): 67-73. https://glsrjournal.com/papers/pxnifLFyi6.pdf
- Shakil Ahmed, Fazal Rabbi and Ahsan Riaz, “Unresolved Cold War Issues of Contemporary Outer Space Arms Control Efforts”, Global Foreign Policy Review 5, no. 2 (Spring 2022): 20-28. https://gfprjournal.com/papers/iA6WHSAxMf.pdf
- Yaqubi, Himayatullah, Shahbaz Khan Khattak, and Fazal Rabbi. "Khushal Khan Khattak and the Mughals: The Phase of Blissful Honeymoon (1641-1664)." Pakistan Vision 24, no. 1 (2023): 17-37. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/2_v24_1_23.pdf
- Pakistan-United States Relations 1947-2016
- Defence and Foreign Policy of Pakistan
- Nuclear Politics in South Asia
- Pakistan Studied
- South Asian