Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Malik
Assistant Professor (Approved Supervisor) Coordinator
Degree |
Institution |
Division |
Passing Year |
P.H.D (Pakistan Studies) |
2013 |
M.Phil (Pakistan Studies)
M.Sc. (Pakistan Studies) |
1997 |
- Served as Lecturer under (BPS-18) in the Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad since January 2006- 2013
- Serving as a Assistant Professor (BPS-19) in the Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad since October 2014.
- Served as a Visiting Faculty at National Institute of Pakistan Studies .Quaid-i-Azam University .Islamabad.2002-2004.
- Served as a Lecturer on contract basis in the Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad 2005.
- 1998-2003-Worked as Lecturer at Islamabad Collage for Boys F 7/3, Islamabad.
- 1998-1999-Worked as Teacher at Divisional Public School Rawalpindi.
Research Project:
1. Education Financing for Voctional / Technical Education (2017-2018) HEC Granted Project
2. Domestic Voliance against Women in Paksitan (2017-2018) HEC Granted Project
1. Displacement from FATA Paksitan (2009-2019): Issue and Challanges , Global Regional Review, Vo-1, Issue -1 2016. (Y)
2. Regional Security Threats to Paksitan: A Crtical Review , NISCR (Y)
3. Paksitan's Civil Military Relations in the Context of External Politics , Global Regional Review, Vo-2, Issue -1 2017. (X)
4. An Overview of english Language as a Window of Economic Opportunity in Pakistan.Vol-4 , NO.2 (2018): Review of Economic and developemnt studies (Y)
5. Russificaiton of Muslim Centeral Asia: An Historical overview Language , Culture and Society, (Y)
6. The Pashtun Trible system and Issue of Security , Gloabla Scoial sciences Review (GSSR) P-ISSN 2520-0348, e-ISSN 2616-793x Vol.iii. no.1 (wintr 2018) Page 100-111 (Y)
7. Prospects of Federalsim in Paksitan Gloabla Scoial sciences Review (GSSR) P-ISSN 2520-0348, e-ISSN 2616-793x Vol.iii. no.2 (Spring 2018) Page:358-370 (X)
- Social Class Structure in Pakistan
- Role of Alliances in Political System In Pakistan
- Party Politics in Pakistan
- Development in Pakistani Society
Degree |
Institution |
Division |
Passing Year |
P.H.D (Pakistan Studies) |
2013 |
M.Phil (Pakistan Studies)
M.Sc. (Pakistan Studies) |
1997 |
- Served as Lecturer under (BPS-18) in the Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad since January 2006- 2013
- Serving as a Assistant Professor (BPS-19) in the Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad since October 2014.
- Served as a Visiting Faculty at National Institute of Pakistan Studies .Quaid-i-Azam University .Islamabad.2002-2004.
- Served as a Lecturer on contract basis in the Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad 2005.
- 1998-2003-Worked as Lecturer at Islamabad Collage for Boys F 7/3, Islamabad.
- 1998-1999-Worked as Teacher at Divisional Public School Rawalpindi.
Research Project:
1. Education Financing for Voctional / Technical Education (2017-2018) HEC Granted Project
2. Domestic Voliance against Women in Paksitan (2017-2018) HEC Granted Project
1. Displacement from FATA Paksitan (2009-2019): Issue and Challanges , Global Regional Review, Vo-1, Issue -1 2016. (Y)
2. Regional Security Threats to Paksitan: A Crtical Review , NISCR (Y)
3. Paksitan's Civil Military Relations in the Context of External Politics , Global Regional Review, Vo-2, Issue -1 2017. (X)
4. An Overview of english Language as a Window of Economic Opportunity in Pakistan.Vol-4 , NO.2 (2018): Review of Economic and developemnt studies (Y)
5. Russificaiton of Muslim Centeral Asia: An Historical overview Language , Culture and Society, (Y)
6. The Pashtun Trible system and Issue of Security , Gloabla Scoial sciences Review (GSSR) P-ISSN 2520-0348, e-ISSN 2616-793x Vol.iii. no.1 (wintr 2018) Page 100-111 (Y)
7. Prospects of Federalsim in Paksitan Gloabla Scoial sciences Review (GSSR) P-ISSN 2520-0348, e-ISSN 2616-793x Vol.iii. no.2 (Spring 2018) Page:358-370 (X)
- Social Class Structure in Pakistan
- Role of Alliances in Political System In Pakistan
- Party Politics in Pakistan
- Development in Pakistani Society