Dr. Hina Shahab
Welcome to the Department of Translation & Interpretation at NUML. Our department stands out in the Faculty of Languages for its academic and professional services offered in a wide range of languages. The perception of the translation profession has significantly improved in today's world of communication and networks, elevating the recognition and prestige of translators and interpreters. In an increasingly interconnected world, characterized by diverse languages, effective communication and understanding are essential for cooperation in various fields such as economy, culture, trade, technology, and politics.
We have tailored the education and training of translation and interpreting students to meet the demands of professional life, ensuring that interested candidates acquire the necessary skills to compete in the growing international translation business sector.
To meet this demand, our department is committed to upholding high-quality teaching principles and methods, leveraging the latest technological tools to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for professional life. Our BSL&TS degree program is a leading program known for its academic and professional structure within Pakistan's higher education landscape.
Our program emphasizes a balanced approach between theoretical and practical aspects of translation/interpreting education and training. We offer a special program designed to enhance students' theoretical and practical knowledge in the field, proficiency in technology and communication, and intercultural research skills, ensuring their professional qualifications and competence.
Graduates of our program have the opportunity to work in various institutions such as ministries, embassies, consulates, educational institutions, and banks. They can also pursue careers in translation offices, import and export companies, tourism agencies, sports clubs, publishing houses, and media organizations in the private sector.
I extend my best wishes and success to all current students and prospective candidates interested in pursuing a career in translation and interpretation.