Dr. Syed Waqas Ali Kausar
NUML was first created as a National Institute for Modern Languages, which, not only became a well known name for learning contemporary languages but graduated to become a full-fledged university in almost all the disciplines ranging from IT and Engineering to a large variety of social science subjects for under-graduates, as well as post-graduate students. The NUML’s vibrant students and alumni consists of learners from all parts of the country as well as from around the globe.
We have also taken a great stride in conducting research by adopting state of the art ICT methods. NUML’s research scholars’ work has been published and acknowledged nationally as well as internationally. Our MPhil and PhD programmes are drawing large number of scholars in almost all disciplines.
Provision of quality education is the most important ingredient of our mission that lies at the heart of our eminently qualified faculty. The establishment of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) and the Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) together with Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) with the collaboration of HEC, are the landmark milestones to achieving excellence in research, innovation and professional development of the faculty.
Registrar NUML