Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (HEC Approved Supervisor)
Assistant Professor & Former Coordinator
1. IRI International Post-Doctoral Fellowship, (1st Ever Batch), Islamic Research Institute (IRI), International Islamic University (IIU), Faisal Mosque Campus, Islamabad, (2018-2019).
2. PhD Arabic with distinction with 04.04 CGPA (HEC Verified/Approved with Attestation/Ticket No: 2095341), National University of Modern Languages, (NUML), Sector H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan, (March 2015).
3. MPhil Arabic with distinction with 3.80 CGPA (HEC Verified/Approved with Attestation/Ticket No: 2105364), International Islamic University (IIU), Sector H-10, Islamabad, Pakistan, (December 2000).
4. B. A (Honrs) Arabic (HEC Verified/Approved with Attestation/Ticket No: 2105365), International Islamic University (IIU), Sector H-10, Islamabad, Pakistan, (September 1997).
5. M.A. Political Science (HEC Verified/Approved with Attestation/Ticket No: 2107338), Sargodha University (SU), Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan, (May 2014)
- Assistant Professor (BPS-19), Department of Arabic Language, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan from 27th July 2023 to Date.
- Assistant Professor (Contract), Department of Arabic Language, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan from 5th September 2016 to 26th July 2023.
- Lecturer Arabic, Govt. Degree College Kahuta, District Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan from 1st Nov. 2004 to 2nd Sep. 2016.
- Official Translator (English-Arabic/Arabic English) at NUML translation Centre since 2018.
- Official Interpreter (English-Arabic/Arabic English) of NUML Islamabad.
- Coordinator of Arabic Department at NUML Islamabad since 9th March 2022 to 28th August 2024.
- Controller Examinations at Govt. Degree College Kahuta, Distt. Rawalpindi from Sep. 14, 2012, to Sep. 2, 2016.
- Resident House Tutor (Warden) of Hostels (4-5-6) at International Islamic University Islamabad from April 8, 2002, to January 1, 2006.
- Chairman of Mess Committees of Hostels (4-5-6) at International Islamic University Islamabad from April 8, 2002, to January 1, 2006.
- Khalique Shehzad, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (2023) “Autobiographical Novel in Arabic & Urdu Literatures: “Ya Banat Alexandria” of Edwar Al-Kharrat, & (Alipur Ka Eele) of Mumtaz Mufti (A case Study)” (Arabic), Refereed Research Journal Al-Uloom Al-Al-Arabia, (مجلۃ العلوم العربیۃ), Volume No: 11, Issue No: 01, Jan- June. 2023, (ISSN: 2520- 4092, 2518-962X), (Y Category). pp: 85-95. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. ( https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ulumearabia/article/view/1968/989)
- Muhammad Junaid, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2022) “Picture of Spain in the Travelogue of Dr. Hussain Mounis”, (English), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 05, Issue: 4, Oct-Dec. 2022, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 57-68, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/1298/810).
- Shumaila Akram, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (2022) “Exploring Sci-Fi themes in Fantazia by Ahmed Khalid Taufik” (Arabic), Al-Ida’at Research Journal, (مجلۃ الإضاءات), Volume No: 03, Issue No: 02, April-June 2023, (ISSN: 2790-8844, 2790-8836), (Y Category). pp: 1-12. Al-Asr Research Centre, Punjab Islamabd. (https://alasr.com.pk/ojs3308/index.php/alidaat/article/view/133)
- Masood ul Hassan Qureshi, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (2022) “Similarities of the revolutionary poetry in the poetry of Faiz Ahmad Faiz and Mufdi Zakaria” (Arabic), Refereed Research Journal Al-Uloom Al-Al-Arabia, (مجلۃ العلوم العربیۃ), Volume No: 10, Issue No: 02, July- Dec. 2022, (ISSN: 2520- 4092, 2518-962X), (Y Category). pp: 92-102. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.(https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ulumearabia/article/view/1683/745)
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2022) “Stylistics between Theory and Practice”, (English), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 05, Issue: 1, Jan-March 2022, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 179-190, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/756/369).
- Dr. Zain Ul Abideen, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2022) “Fictional Representation of Muslim Woman in the Novels of Abdul Haleem Abdullah” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Abhath, (مجلۃ الابحاث), Volume 7, Issue 25, Jan-March 2022, (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 122-135, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. (http://ojs.lgu.edu.pk/index.php/abhath/article/view/1612/1212).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “Cultural Elements in the Translation Process: Translation of Arabic Proverbs into Urdu as a Model”, (English), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 04, Issue: 4, Oct-Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 37-46, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/1029/578).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Arshad Mahmood Qureshi, Dr. Habib Nawaz Khan, (2021) “Nature of Research in the Prophet’s biography” (English), Majalla Islamabad Islamicus, (مجلہ اسلام آباد اسلامیکس), Volume 4, Issue 2, July-December 2021, (ISSN:2707-7225, 2707-7233), (Y Category), pp: 1-8, Jamia Islamabad Trust, Islamabad. (https://jamiaislamabad.edu.pk/ojs330/index.php/journal/article/view/149/125).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “The Impact of Sufism on the Poetry of Andalusian Ghazal and Madah in the Era of Bani Al-Ahmar”, (Arabic), Al- Ehsan “مجلة الإحسان” Volume No: 16, July-Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2410-1834, 2788-0458), (Y Category) Pp; 191-216, Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://alehsan.gcuf.edu.pk/issue16.php)
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Hafiz Ahmad Ali (2021) “Ethical Aspects in Abi Firas Al-Hamdani’s Poetry” (Arabic), Majallah Ulum e Arabia, (مجلۃ العلوم العربیۃ), Volume No: 9, Jan- Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2520- 4092, 2518-962X), (Y Category). pp: 72-87. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. (https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ulumearabia/article/view/773/340)
- Dr. Fakhar Moeen, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “Autobiographical art of Sayed Qutb (Arabic), Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, (مجلۃ لقسم العربی), Volume No: 28, Issue No: 2021, annually, (ISSN: 1991-7015, ), (Y Category), Pp; 229-250, Arabic Department, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab. (http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/arabic/PDF/10-v28_21.pdf).
- Dr. Habib Nawaz, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “The characteristics of Antâra’s poetry and his Islamic thoughts”, (Arabic), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 04, Issue: 3, July-Sep. 2021, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 29-38, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/756/369).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Qasim Azzam Bhutta, Dr. Arif Siddiq, (2021), “Manhij ul Sameen Hâlbi’s fī Tafsîr “AlDûrrAl- Masoon” Dirāsatu Tahliyati Nahwiya” (Arabic), AL-ILM JOURNAL, (مجلہ العلم ), Volume 5, Issue No: 2, July-Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2618-1134 (P) 2618-1142 (E), (Y Category) pp; 243-258, Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot, Pakistan. (https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/15.-Dr.-Muhammad-Iqbal-dr.-Qasim-Azam-compressed-1.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Qasim Azzam Bhutta, Dr. Arif Siddiq, (2021), “Interpreters’ Attention To Poetic Citations In Setting Grammatical Rules And “Al-Dur Ul Masoon” As A Model” (Arabic), Majalla Habibia Islamicus, (مجلہ حبیبیہ اسلامیکس ), Volume 5, Issue No: 2, July-Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2664-4916 (P) 2664-4924 (E), (Y Category) pp; 10-20, Habibia Research Academy, Karachi, Pakistan. (http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/231/242).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Qasim Azzam Bhutta, (2021) “The effect of Qura’nic Qira’at on Arabic Grammar and Al-Dur Ul Masoon as a Model: Applied Analytical Study” (Arabic), Pak. J. of Islamic Research, (پاکستان جنرل آف اسلامک ریسرچ), Volume No: 22, Issue 1, January-June 2021, (ISSN: 2070-0326), (Y Category), pp; 63-80, B. Z. University Multan. (http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/website/journal/article/60ed5e76934e1/page).
- Dr. Saeed Ahmad, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “Ejtehad differences between jurists, wisdom and virtues: in a modern context” (Urdu), Majalla Habibia Islamicus, (مجلہ حبیبیہ اسلامیکس ), Volume 5, Issue No: 1, Jan-March 2021, (ISSN: 2664-4916 (P) 2664-4924 (E), (Y Category) pp; 1-12, Habibia Research Academy, Karachi, Pakistan. (http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/173/164).
- Prof. Dr. Ahmad Jaafri, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021)“Literature of Resistance in the Provinces of Touwat, Southern Algeria” (Arabic), Majalla Rahat-ul-quloob, (مجلہ راحت القلوب),Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-June 2021, (ISSN: 2520-5021), (Y Category), pp: 14-26, Rahatul Qulub, Rahatulquloob Research Academy, Jamiat road, Khiljiabad, near Pak Turk School, link Spini road, Quetta, Pakistan. (http://rahatulquloob.com/index.php/rahat/article/view/181/246).
- Sabah Javed, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020)“Personal Similarities of Baba Farid Ganj shakkar and Khawja GhulamFarid” (Urdu), Majalla Al-Ehsan, (مجلہ الاحسان), Issue No: 14, July-Dec. 2020, (ISSN: 2410-1834), (Y Category) pp; 51-75 of Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://alehsan.gcuf.edu.pk/issue/issue%2014/urdu4.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. M. Shahbaz Manj, (2020)“Methods of Islamic Call’s Opponents in the eras of Mecca, Madina and Contemporary Society” (Arabic), Majalla Hazara Islamicus, (مجلہ ہزارہ اسلامیکس),Volume 9, Issue 1, Jan-June 2020, (ISSN: 2410-8065), (Y Category), pp: 01-16, Department of Islamic & Religious Studies, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan. (https://www.hazaraislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/12/11).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Hafiz Ghulam Anwar Al-Azhari, (2020) “Woman Rights in the Light of Prophet’s Biography (PBUH) & Europe” (Arabic), Majalla Islamabad Islamicus, (مجلہ اسلام آباد اسلامیکس),Volume 3, Issue 2, July-Dec. 2020, (ISSN: 2709-7225), (Y Category), pp: 20-36, Jamia Islamabad Trust, Islamabad. (https://jamiaislamabad.edu.pk/ojs330/index.php/journal/article/view/5/19).
- Dr. Saima Munir, Dr. Naseem Akhter, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “Western Theories on Muhammad’s Personality: A Study age of Renaissance”, (Urdu), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 03, Issue: 2, July-December 2020, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 37-42, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/321/130).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Qasim Azzam Bhutta, Dr. Arif Siddiq, (2020) “The Phenomenon of following in Arabic and the opinions of Arab Scholars”, (Arabic), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 03, Issue: 2, July-December 2020, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 79-88, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/197/253).
- Muhammad Tayyab, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “Analytical Study of Khawaja Moeen-ul-Ddin Kashmiri’s unpublished Persian Exegesis “Sharh-ul-Qur’an” (Urdu), Majalla Al-Abhath, (مجلۃ الابحاث), Volume 5, Issue 19, July-Sep 2020, (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 26-48, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. (http://ojs.lgu.edu.pk/index.php/abhath/article/view/893).
- Abid Mehmood, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “The accuracy of the Qur’anic Expression in Choosing Letters and Words in Security Verses”, (Arabic), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 03, Issue: 1, January- June. 2020, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 235-247, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Road Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/203/74).
- Ata-ul-Mustafa, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “Benefit & Need of Islamic Hudood in the establishment of Peaceful Society”, (Urdu), Research Journal “Al-Tafseer”: “مجلة التفسير”, Volume No: 14, (Continuous Issue No: 36), Issue: 2, July- Dec. 2020, (ISSN: 1816-5389), (Y Category) Pp; 170-192, Tahqiq-o-Tafseer Welfare Association Staff Town, University of Karachi, Karachi. (http://www.al-tafseer.org/index.php/at/article/view/180).
- Prof. Dr. Shoaib Maqnoonef, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “Context and its effect on Linguistic Indication”, (Arabic), “Journal of Arabic Research” : “مجلة البحث العربي” Volume No: 3, Issue: 2, July- Dec. 2020, (ISSN: 2664-5807), (Y Category) Pp; 111-122, Faculty of Arab & Islamic Studies, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. (https://jar.aiou.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/07-3.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Saeed Ahmed, (2020) “Samin Halbi's Methodology in his Tafsir Al-Durr-Ul-Masun: An Analytical and Syntactical Study”, (Arabic), Al- Adhwa: “مجلة الأضواء”, Volume No: 35, Issue: 53, Jan-June. 2020, (ISSN: 2415-0444), (X Category) Pp; 110-129, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 54590 Pakistan. (http://journal.aladwajournal.com/index.php/aladwa/article/view/160/82).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Reformatory Way of Sufis of Chishti Order”, (Arabic), Al- Ehsan “مجلة الإحسان” Volume No: 12, July-Dec. 2019, (ISSN: 2410-183), (Y Category) Pp; 110-129, of Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://alehsan.gcuf.edu.pk/issue/issue%2012/Reformatory%20Way%20of%20Sufis%20of%20Chishti%20Order.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Media and its impact on Muslim Behavior, Reality and hope” (Arabic), Majalla Zia e Tehqiq”, (مجلہ ضیائے تحقیق), Volume 12, Issue 17, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2225-613X), (Y Category) , Pp: 124-144, Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://ziaetahqeeq.gcuf.edu.pk/issue/current%20Issue%20Vol%2009/Arabic%201.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “The Methods of Contemporary Historians in writing the Prophet's biography: Shalabi and Shaker as a model”,( Arabic), Majallah Al-Basirah, (مجلۃ البصیرۃ), Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan-June 2018, (ISSN: Online: 2520-7334, ISSN: Print: 2222-4548), (X Category), pp: 215-235, Islamic Studies Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. ( https://numl.edu.pk/journals/albasirah-archive/issue/2).
- Dr. Haris Saleem, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “Theory of “Qayama in Islam and other Religions (A Research Study)” (Arabic), Majallah Tahdhibalafkar, (مجلہ تہذیب الافکار), Volume 5, Issue 2, July-Dec 2018, (ISSN: 2411-6211), (Y Category), Pp: 219-231, Department of Islamic Studies, Khan Abul Wali Khan University Mardan KPK. (https://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Vol%2005-Issue-02-July-December-2018/Urdu-&-Arabic/15(219-231).pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “Comparative Study of Disabled and Special Needy Persons’ Rights between Western International Charters and the Prophet's biography” (Arabic), The Scholar, (دی سکالر), Volume 3, Issue 1, July-Dec 2018, (ISSN: 2413-7480), (Y Category), Pp: 17-42, Research Gateway Society, Hyderabad, Sindh. (https://www.siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/135).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Abu Bakar, (2017) “Influence of Arabic poetry on Khawja Ghulam Fareed’s Poetry” (Arabic), Pak. J. of Islamic. Research, (پاکستان جنرل آف اسلامک ریسرچ), Volume No: 18, Issue 2, July December 2017, (ISSN: 2070-0326), (Y Category), pp; 187-200, B. Z. University Multan. (http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/journal-papers.php?journalid=24).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Arshad Munir, (2017) “Qur’anic Impact on Hadith in Ideas and Style”, (English), The Scholar, (دی سکالر), Volume 3, Issue 2, July-December 2017, (ISSN: 2413-7480), (Y Category), pp: 25-39, Research Gateway Society, Hyderabad, Sindh. (https://www.siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/64).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Mr. Sohaib Endar, (2017) “Methodology of Abu Hayyan In Syntactical Citations in His Tafsir “Al-Bahr Al- Mohit” (Arabic), The Scholar, (دی سکالر), Volume 3, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2017, (ISSN: 2413-7480), (Y Category), pp: 81-105, Research Gateway Society, Hyderabad, Sindh. (http://siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/55).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2016) “Contributions of Khawja Ghulam Fareed in Creating Piece & Harmony”, (Arabic), Al- Ehsan “مجلۃ الإحسان” Volume No: 06, July-Dec. 2016, (ISSN: 2410-183), (Y Category) pp; 337-358, of Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://gcuf.edu.pk/pages_data/journals/al-ehsan/Al-Ehsan-Vol-1-Issue-6.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Abdul Majid Baghdadi, (2016) “Seerah Nabwia in Khawja Ghulam Fareed’s Poetry” (Arabic), Al- Ehsan مجلۃ الإحسان"”, Volume No: 05, Jan-Jun 2016, (ISSN: 2410-183), (Y Category) pp; 337-358, of Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://gcuf.edu.pk/pages_data/journals/al-ehsan/Al-Ehsan-Vol-1-Issue-5.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “Aspects of Stability and Social Peace in Islam” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Abhath, (مجلۃ لابحاث), Volume 3, Issue 9, Jan-March 2018, (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 149-167, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. (http://lgu.edu.pk/research/abhath-volume-3-issue-9.html).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Rights of Non-Muslim Minorities under the Islamic Welfare State” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Abhath, (مجلۃ الابحاث), Volume 4, Issue 16, Oct-Dec 2019, (Seerah Special Issue on the eve of 3rd International Conference on “Practical Aspects for Welfare State in Seerah Perspective”), (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 172-181, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. (http://ojs.lgu.edu.pk/index.php/abhath/article/view/403).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Training of the Orphan in the Light of Qura'nic Style” (Arabic), Majalla Islamabad Islamicus, (مجلہ اسلام آباد اسلامیکس), Volume 1, Issue 2, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 101-120, Jamia Islamabad Trust, Islamabad. (https://jamiaislamabad.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Article6.pdf).
- Dr. Zaheer Ahmed, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Analysis of Writing Mistakes of Arabic Language Learners at IIU Islamabad” (Arabic), Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, (مجلۃ لقسم العربی), Volume No: 26, Issue No: 2019, annually, (ISSN: 1991-7015), (Z Category), Pp; 311-330, Arabic Department, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab. (http://pu.edu.pk/images/ journal/Arabic /PDF/ 13-v26_19.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Abdul Kabir, (2019) “Ibn Hisham Al-Ansari’s Methodology in Morphological Citations, An Analytical Study” (Arabic), Majallah Al-Ayyam, (مجلۃ الایام), Volume No: 10, Issue No: 01, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2226-8103), (Z Category), Pp; 114-133, Society for Research in Islamic history and Culture, Karachi. (No Active Website).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Abid Mehmood, (2018) “Influence of Arabic Language on Seraiki Language, Poetry of Khawja Ghulam Dareed as an Example” (Arabic), The Islamic Culture “مجلۃ الثقافة الاسلامية”, Volume No: 40, July- Dec 2018, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category), pp; 231-248, Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. (https://theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/533/460).
- Abid Mehmood, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “Poetic Praise in Andalusian and Urdu Literature and influenced by Holy Quran” (Arabic), The Islamic Culture “مجلۃ الثقافة الاسلامية”, Volume No: 39, Jan- June 2018, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category), pp; 243-262, Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. (http://www.theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/524).
- Dr. Kafait Ullah Hamdani, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2017) “Evaluation of Sample of Moral Improvement in Nabvi Sermons- A Rhetorical Study” (Arabic), Research Journal, Afkar. (مجلۃ الافکار), Volume 01, Issue 2, July-December 2017, (ISSN 2616-8588), (Peer Reviewed), PP; 187-202, University of Karachi, Karachi. (http://www.afkar.com.pk/previousissues/Vol_1/issue_2 /DrKifayat& DrIqbal.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Nasreen Tahir, (2017) “Influence of Quran and Hadees on Khawja Ghulam Farid’s Poetry” (Arabic), Acta-Islamica, (ایکٹا اسلامیکا),Volume No: 05, June 2017, (ISSN: 2411-7315), (Z Category), pp: 185-20, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, KPK. (https://sbbu.edu.pk/actaislamica/vol5.2017.php).
- Muhammad Iqbal, (2015) “Sameen Halbi’s Methodology In Morphological And Syntactical Citations In His Tafsir “Al-Durr Al- Masoon” (Arabic), Maar e Islami “معارف اسلامی”, Volume No: 14, July- Dec. 2015, (ISSN: 1992-8556), (Z Category), pp; 229-249, of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad. (https://mei.aiou.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/July-to-Dec-2015.pdf).
- Muhammad Iqbal, (2011) “The Love for Prophet (PBUH) in Mysticism” (Urdu), The Islamic Culture مجلة الثقافة الاسلامية””, Volume No: 25, 2011, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category), pp; 53-66 of Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University, Karachi. (http://www.theislamicculture.com /index. php/tis/article/view/307)
- Muhammad Iqbal, (2011) “The Precise Words of The Prophet (PBUH)” (Urdu), The Islamic Culture, “مجلۃ الثقافة الاسلامية”, Volume No: 26, 2011, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category),pp; 7-38, of Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University Karachi. (http://www.theislamicculture.com /index.php /tis/article/view/233)
- Muhammad Iqbal, (2009) “Istilahat E Tasawwaf” (Urdu), The Islamic Culture “مجلۃ لثقافة الاسلامية”, Volume No: 20, 2009, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category), pp; 1-22, of Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University. (http://www.theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/183).
- Dr. H. H. Saleem, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “The Manners and Methods of Communication in the light of Prophetic Hadith” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Meezan, (مجلۃ المیزان), Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2708-8235), pp: 116-129, Virtual Islamic Education System (SMC-Private), Limited Islamabad. (http://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/8).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Sana Ayesha, (2019) “Short Stories of Ahmed Khalaf-al-Iraqi: Technical Study” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Meezan, (مجلۃ المیزان), Volume 1, Issue 2, July-December 2019, (ISSN: 2708-8235), pp: 94-112, Virtual Islamic Education System (SMC-Private), Limited Islamabad. (http://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/18).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Hifzurrehman, (2019) “The Role of Galilee Family in developing Poetry during the Rule of Mosel” (Arabic), Majalla Alddurar, (مجلۃ الدرر), Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2708-8839), pp: 92-112, The Centre of Arabic & Islamic Studies (Registered), Sialkot. (http://tcais.net/ojs/index.php/alddurar/article/view/14).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2017) “The phenomenon of discrimination in Arabic grammar” (Arabic), Majallah Ulum e Arabia, (مجلۃ العلوم العربیۃ), Volume No: 8, Jan- June 2017, (ISSN: 2073- 5146), (Peer Reviewed). pp: 27-47. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. (http://oldsite.iub.edu.pk /journals/ulumearabia/8thIssue/2.pdf)
- Dr. Haris Saleem, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2017) “Metaphorical Evidence in Qiyamah Verses Rhetoric Analytical Study” (Arabic), Majallah Al-Lawh, (مجلۃ اللوح), Volume 1, Issue No 1, Jan-June 2017, pp: 78-91, GC Women University Faisalabad. (http://gcwuf.edu.pk/wp-content/ uploads /2018/07/1-6.pdf)
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2016) “Metaphor (Majaz) and its usages In Islamic Heritage” (Arabic), Majallah Al-Irfan, (مجلۃ العرفان), Volume No: 2, Issue 2, July Dec 2016, (ISSN: 2518-9794), (Peer Reviewed), pp; 100-112, Minhaj University, Lahore. (https://www.mul.edu.pk/ crd/assets/downloads/Al-Irfan-Complete_ur.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Abdul Waheed, (2016) “Metaphor in Surah Yousuf” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Debil, (مجلۃ الدیبل), Volume 2, Issue 2, 2016, (ISSN: 2415-5500), (Peer Reviewed), pp: 83-94, Research Gateway Society Hyderabad, Sindh. (http://aldebal.com/index.php /aldebal/ article /view/ 23).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2017) “Al-Shawahed Al- Sarfia in Salmeen Halbi’s Tafseer Dure E Masoon” (Arabic), E Journal of Arabic Studies & Islamic Civilization (ICASIC 2017), Volume No: 4, Issue No: 2, June 2017, (E-ISSN: 2289-6759), (International Category), pp: 58-67, (https://worldconferences.net/journals/icasic Kuala Lumpur Malaysia), Published by Worldconference.net.
- Riaz M, Naseem Akhtar, M. Iqbal, Irfan, H. Rashid,Riaz S, Arshad, Mehwish, (2018) “Challenges in Abolishing the Honor Killing From Pakistan: An Analysis From Islamic Perspective” (English), Impact Factor Journal “Transylvanian Review”, Volume XXVI, No 25, Feb 2018, (ISSN: 1221-1249), (Recognized in “Y” by HEC in International Journal’s List), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, Indexing Agency ISI, IF (0.012), pp: 6759-6764, Romania.
- Riaz S, Naseem, Riaz M, Sumayya, Irfan, Arshad, M.Iqbal, (2017) “Future Hope of Interfaith Dialogue In Pakistani Context (Analysis of Dialogue in the Light of Muslim Christian Scholarly Views” (English), Impact Factor Journal “Transylvanian Review”, Volume XXV, No 22, Dec 2017, (ISSN: 1221-1249), (Recognized in “Y” by HEC in International Journal’s List), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, Indexing Agency ISI, IF (0.012), pp: 5968-5974, Romania.
- Arshad, Naseem, Riaz M, M. Iqbal, Rashida, Irfan, (2017) “The Role of Sufism in Reducing Terrorism & Extremism (A Study of the Teachings of Khawja Fareed and Bullay Shah)” (English), Impact Factor Journal “Transylvanian Review”, Volume XXV, No 22, Nov 2017, (ISSN: 1221-1249), (Recognized in “Y” by HEC in International Journal’s List), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, Indexing Agency ISI, IF (0.012), pp: 5489-5495, Romania.
- Naseem, Arshad, Rashida, Erum, M. Iqbal, Sajid, Riaz M, (2017) “Domestic Violence, Woman and Islam: Current Status in Pakistan” (English), Impact Factor Journal “Transylvanian Review”, Volume XXV, No 21, Sep 2017, (ISSN: 1221-1249), (Recognized in “Y” by HEC in International Journal’s List), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, Indexing Agency ISI, IF (0.012), pp: 5439- 5445, Romania.
- Arabic Linguistics
- Arabic Literature
- Comparative Literature
- Seerah Studies
- Qura’nic Studies
- Hadith Literature
1. IRI International Post-Doctoral Fellowship, (1st Ever Batch), Islamic Research Institute (IRI), International Islamic University (IIU), Faisal Mosque Campus, Islamabad, (2018-2019).
2. PhD Arabic with distinction with 04.04 CGPA (HEC Verified/Approved with Attestation/Ticket No: 2095341), National University of Modern Languages, (NUML), Sector H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan, (March 2015).
3. MPhil Arabic with distinction with 3.80 CGPA (HEC Verified/Approved with Attestation/Ticket No: 2105364), International Islamic University (IIU), Sector H-10, Islamabad, Pakistan, (December 2000).
4. B. A (Honrs) Arabic (HEC Verified/Approved with Attestation/Ticket No: 2105365), International Islamic University (IIU), Sector H-10, Islamabad, Pakistan, (September 1997).
5. M.A. Political Science (HEC Verified/Approved with Attestation/Ticket No: 2107338), Sargodha University (SU), Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan, (May 2014)
- Assistant Professor (BPS-19), Department of Arabic Language, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan from 27th July 2023 to Date.
- Assistant Professor (Contract), Department of Arabic Language, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan from 5th September 2016 to 26th July 2023.
- Lecturer Arabic, Govt. Degree College Kahuta, District Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan from 1st Nov. 2004 to 2nd Sep. 2016.
- Official Translator (English-Arabic/Arabic English) at NUML translation Centre since 2018.
- Official Interpreter (English-Arabic/Arabic English) of NUML Islamabad.
- Coordinator of Arabic Department at NUML Islamabad since 9th March 2022 to 28th August 2024.
- Controller Examinations at Govt. Degree College Kahuta, Distt. Rawalpindi from Sep. 14, 2012, to Sep. 2, 2016.
- Resident House Tutor (Warden) of Hostels (4-5-6) at International Islamic University Islamabad from April 8, 2002, to January 1, 2006.
- Chairman of Mess Committees of Hostels (4-5-6) at International Islamic University Islamabad from April 8, 2002, to January 1, 2006.
- Khalique Shehzad, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (2023) “Autobiographical Novel in Arabic & Urdu Literatures: “Ya Banat Alexandria” of Edwar Al-Kharrat, & (Alipur Ka Eele) of Mumtaz Mufti (A case Study)” (Arabic), Refereed Research Journal Al-Uloom Al-Al-Arabia, (مجلۃ العلوم العربیۃ), Volume No: 11, Issue No: 01, Jan- June. 2023, (ISSN: 2520- 4092, 2518-962X), (Y Category). pp: 85-95. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. ( https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ulumearabia/article/view/1968/989)
- Muhammad Junaid, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2022) “Picture of Spain in the Travelogue of Dr. Hussain Mounis”, (English), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 05, Issue: 4, Oct-Dec. 2022, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 57-68, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/1298/810).
- Shumaila Akram, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (2022) “Exploring Sci-Fi themes in Fantazia by Ahmed Khalid Taufik” (Arabic), Al-Ida’at Research Journal, (مجلۃ الإضاءات), Volume No: 03, Issue No: 02, April-June 2023, (ISSN: 2790-8844, 2790-8836), (Y Category). pp: 1-12. Al-Asr Research Centre, Punjab Islamabd. (https://alasr.com.pk/ojs3308/index.php/alidaat/article/view/133)
- Masood ul Hassan Qureshi, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (2022) “Similarities of the revolutionary poetry in the poetry of Faiz Ahmad Faiz and Mufdi Zakaria” (Arabic), Refereed Research Journal Al-Uloom Al-Al-Arabia, (مجلۃ العلوم العربیۃ), Volume No: 10, Issue No: 02, July- Dec. 2022, (ISSN: 2520- 4092, 2518-962X), (Y Category). pp: 92-102. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.(https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ulumearabia/article/view/1683/745)
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2022) “Stylistics between Theory and Practice”, (English), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 05, Issue: 1, Jan-March 2022, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 179-190, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/756/369).
- Dr. Zain Ul Abideen, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2022) “Fictional Representation of Muslim Woman in the Novels of Abdul Haleem Abdullah” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Abhath, (مجلۃ الابحاث), Volume 7, Issue 25, Jan-March 2022, (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 122-135, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. (http://ojs.lgu.edu.pk/index.php/abhath/article/view/1612/1212).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “Cultural Elements in the Translation Process: Translation of Arabic Proverbs into Urdu as a Model”, (English), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 04, Issue: 4, Oct-Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 37-46, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/1029/578).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Arshad Mahmood Qureshi, Dr. Habib Nawaz Khan, (2021) “Nature of Research in the Prophet’s biography” (English), Majalla Islamabad Islamicus, (مجلہ اسلام آباد اسلامیکس), Volume 4, Issue 2, July-December 2021, (ISSN:2707-7225, 2707-7233), (Y Category), pp: 1-8, Jamia Islamabad Trust, Islamabad. (https://jamiaislamabad.edu.pk/ojs330/index.php/journal/article/view/149/125).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “The Impact of Sufism on the Poetry of Andalusian Ghazal and Madah in the Era of Bani Al-Ahmar”, (Arabic), Al- Ehsan “مجلة الإحسان” Volume No: 16, July-Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2410-1834, 2788-0458), (Y Category) Pp; 191-216, Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://alehsan.gcuf.edu.pk/issue16.php)
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Hafiz Ahmad Ali (2021) “Ethical Aspects in Abi Firas Al-Hamdani’s Poetry” (Arabic), Majallah Ulum e Arabia, (مجلۃ العلوم العربیۃ), Volume No: 9, Jan- Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2520- 4092, 2518-962X), (Y Category). pp: 72-87. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. (https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ulumearabia/article/view/773/340)
- Dr. Fakhar Moeen, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “Autobiographical art of Sayed Qutb (Arabic), Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, (مجلۃ لقسم العربی), Volume No: 28, Issue No: 2021, annually, (ISSN: 1991-7015, ), (Y Category), Pp; 229-250, Arabic Department, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab. (http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/arabic/PDF/10-v28_21.pdf).
- Dr. Habib Nawaz, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “The characteristics of Antâra’s poetry and his Islamic thoughts”, (Arabic), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 04, Issue: 3, July-Sep. 2021, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 29-38, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/756/369).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Qasim Azzam Bhutta, Dr. Arif Siddiq, (2021), “Manhij ul Sameen Hâlbi’s fī Tafsîr “AlDûrrAl- Masoon” Dirāsatu Tahliyati Nahwiya” (Arabic), AL-ILM JOURNAL, (مجلہ العلم ), Volume 5, Issue No: 2, July-Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2618-1134 (P) 2618-1142 (E), (Y Category) pp; 243-258, Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot, Pakistan. (https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/15.-Dr.-Muhammad-Iqbal-dr.-Qasim-Azam-compressed-1.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Qasim Azzam Bhutta, Dr. Arif Siddiq, (2021), “Interpreters’ Attention To Poetic Citations In Setting Grammatical Rules And “Al-Dur Ul Masoon” As A Model” (Arabic), Majalla Habibia Islamicus, (مجلہ حبیبیہ اسلامیکس ), Volume 5, Issue No: 2, July-Dec. 2021, (ISSN: 2664-4916 (P) 2664-4924 (E), (Y Category) pp; 10-20, Habibia Research Academy, Karachi, Pakistan. (http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/231/242).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Qasim Azzam Bhutta, (2021) “The effect of Qura’nic Qira’at on Arabic Grammar and Al-Dur Ul Masoon as a Model: Applied Analytical Study” (Arabic), Pak. J. of Islamic Research, (پاکستان جنرل آف اسلامک ریسرچ), Volume No: 22, Issue 1, January-June 2021, (ISSN: 2070-0326), (Y Category), pp; 63-80, B. Z. University Multan. (http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/website/journal/article/60ed5e76934e1/page).
- Dr. Saeed Ahmad, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021) “Ejtehad differences between jurists, wisdom and virtues: in a modern context” (Urdu), Majalla Habibia Islamicus, (مجلہ حبیبیہ اسلامیکس ), Volume 5, Issue No: 1, Jan-March 2021, (ISSN: 2664-4916 (P) 2664-4924 (E), (Y Category) pp; 1-12, Habibia Research Academy, Karachi, Pakistan. (http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/173/164).
- Prof. Dr. Ahmad Jaafri, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2021)“Literature of Resistance in the Provinces of Touwat, Southern Algeria” (Arabic), Majalla Rahat-ul-quloob, (مجلہ راحت القلوب),Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-June 2021, (ISSN: 2520-5021), (Y Category), pp: 14-26, Rahatul Qulub, Rahatulquloob Research Academy, Jamiat road, Khiljiabad, near Pak Turk School, link Spini road, Quetta, Pakistan. (http://rahatulquloob.com/index.php/rahat/article/view/181/246).
- Sabah Javed, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020)“Personal Similarities of Baba Farid Ganj shakkar and Khawja GhulamFarid” (Urdu), Majalla Al-Ehsan, (مجلہ الاحسان), Issue No: 14, July-Dec. 2020, (ISSN: 2410-1834), (Y Category) pp; 51-75 of Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://alehsan.gcuf.edu.pk/issue/issue%2014/urdu4.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. M. Shahbaz Manj, (2020)“Methods of Islamic Call’s Opponents in the eras of Mecca, Madina and Contemporary Society” (Arabic), Majalla Hazara Islamicus, (مجلہ ہزارہ اسلامیکس),Volume 9, Issue 1, Jan-June 2020, (ISSN: 2410-8065), (Y Category), pp: 01-16, Department of Islamic & Religious Studies, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan. (https://www.hazaraislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/12/11).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Hafiz Ghulam Anwar Al-Azhari, (2020) “Woman Rights in the Light of Prophet’s Biography (PBUH) & Europe” (Arabic), Majalla Islamabad Islamicus, (مجلہ اسلام آباد اسلامیکس),Volume 3, Issue 2, July-Dec. 2020, (ISSN: 2709-7225), (Y Category), pp: 20-36, Jamia Islamabad Trust, Islamabad. (https://jamiaislamabad.edu.pk/ojs330/index.php/journal/article/view/5/19).
- Dr. Saima Munir, Dr. Naseem Akhter, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “Western Theories on Muhammad’s Personality: A Study age of Renaissance”, (Urdu), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 03, Issue: 2, July-December 2020, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 37-42, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/321/130).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Qasim Azzam Bhutta, Dr. Arif Siddiq, (2020) “The Phenomenon of following in Arabic and the opinions of Arab Scholars”, (Arabic), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 03, Issue: 2, July-December 2020, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 79-88, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Rd۔ Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/197/253).
- Muhammad Tayyab, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “Analytical Study of Khawaja Moeen-ul-Ddin Kashmiri’s unpublished Persian Exegesis “Sharh-ul-Qur’an” (Urdu), Majalla Al-Abhath, (مجلۃ الابحاث), Volume 5, Issue 19, July-Sep 2020, (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 26-48, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. (http://ojs.lgu.edu.pk/index.php/abhath/article/view/893).
- Abid Mehmood, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “The accuracy of the Qur’anic Expression in Choosing Letters and Words in Security Verses”, (Arabic), Research Journal “Al-Qamar”: “مجلة القمر”, Volume No: 03, Issue: 1, January- June. 2020, (ISSN: 2664-438X), (Y Category) Pp; 235-247, Al-Qamar Islamic Research Institute, 60/D Marghzar Colony, Multan Road Lahore, Pakistan. (http://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/203/74).
- Ata-ul-Mustafa, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “Benefit & Need of Islamic Hudood in the establishment of Peaceful Society”, (Urdu), Research Journal “Al-Tafseer”: “مجلة التفسير”, Volume No: 14, (Continuous Issue No: 36), Issue: 2, July- Dec. 2020, (ISSN: 1816-5389), (Y Category) Pp; 170-192, Tahqiq-o-Tafseer Welfare Association Staff Town, University of Karachi, Karachi. (http://www.al-tafseer.org/index.php/at/article/view/180).
- Prof. Dr. Shoaib Maqnoonef, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2020) “Context and its effect on Linguistic Indication”, (Arabic), “Journal of Arabic Research” : “مجلة البحث العربي” Volume No: 3, Issue: 2, July- Dec. 2020, (ISSN: 2664-5807), (Y Category) Pp; 111-122, Faculty of Arab & Islamic Studies, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. (https://jar.aiou.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/07-3.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Saeed Ahmed, (2020) “Samin Halbi's Methodology in his Tafsir Al-Durr-Ul-Masun: An Analytical and Syntactical Study”, (Arabic), Al- Adhwa: “مجلة الأضواء”, Volume No: 35, Issue: 53, Jan-June. 2020, (ISSN: 2415-0444), (X Category) Pp; 110-129, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 54590 Pakistan. (http://journal.aladwajournal.com/index.php/aladwa/article/view/160/82).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Reformatory Way of Sufis of Chishti Order”, (Arabic), Al- Ehsan “مجلة الإحسان” Volume No: 12, July-Dec. 2019, (ISSN: 2410-183), (Y Category) Pp; 110-129, of Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://alehsan.gcuf.edu.pk/issue/issue%2012/Reformatory%20Way%20of%20Sufis%20of%20Chishti%20Order.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Media and its impact on Muslim Behavior, Reality and hope” (Arabic), Majalla Zia e Tehqiq”, (مجلہ ضیائے تحقیق), Volume 12, Issue 17, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2225-613X), (Y Category) , Pp: 124-144, Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://ziaetahqeeq.gcuf.edu.pk/issue/current%20Issue%20Vol%2009/Arabic%201.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “The Methods of Contemporary Historians in writing the Prophet's biography: Shalabi and Shaker as a model”,( Arabic), Majallah Al-Basirah, (مجلۃ البصیرۃ), Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan-June 2018, (ISSN: Online: 2520-7334, ISSN: Print: 2222-4548), (X Category), pp: 215-235, Islamic Studies Department, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. ( https://numl.edu.pk/journals/albasirah-archive/issue/2).
- Dr. Haris Saleem, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “Theory of “Qayama in Islam and other Religions (A Research Study)” (Arabic), Majallah Tahdhibalafkar, (مجلہ تہذیب الافکار), Volume 5, Issue 2, July-Dec 2018, (ISSN: 2411-6211), (Y Category), Pp: 219-231, Department of Islamic Studies, Khan Abul Wali Khan University Mardan KPK. (https://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Vol%2005-Issue-02-July-December-2018/Urdu-&-Arabic/15(219-231).pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “Comparative Study of Disabled and Special Needy Persons’ Rights between Western International Charters and the Prophet's biography” (Arabic), The Scholar, (دی سکالر), Volume 3, Issue 1, July-Dec 2018, (ISSN: 2413-7480), (Y Category), Pp: 17-42, Research Gateway Society, Hyderabad, Sindh. (https://www.siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/135).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Abu Bakar, (2017) “Influence of Arabic poetry on Khawja Ghulam Fareed’s Poetry” (Arabic), Pak. J. of Islamic. Research, (پاکستان جنرل آف اسلامک ریسرچ), Volume No: 18, Issue 2, July December 2017, (ISSN: 2070-0326), (Y Category), pp; 187-200, B. Z. University Multan. (http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/journal-papers.php?journalid=24).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Arshad Munir, (2017) “Qur’anic Impact on Hadith in Ideas and Style”, (English), The Scholar, (دی سکالر), Volume 3, Issue 2, July-December 2017, (ISSN: 2413-7480), (Y Category), pp: 25-39, Research Gateway Society, Hyderabad, Sindh. (https://www.siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/64).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Mr. Sohaib Endar, (2017) “Methodology of Abu Hayyan In Syntactical Citations in His Tafsir “Al-Bahr Al- Mohit” (Arabic), The Scholar, (دی سکالر), Volume 3, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2017, (ISSN: 2413-7480), (Y Category), pp: 81-105, Research Gateway Society, Hyderabad, Sindh. (http://siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/55).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2016) “Contributions of Khawja Ghulam Fareed in Creating Piece & Harmony”, (Arabic), Al- Ehsan “مجلۃ الإحسان” Volume No: 06, July-Dec. 2016, (ISSN: 2410-183), (Y Category) pp; 337-358, of Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://gcuf.edu.pk/pages_data/journals/al-ehsan/Al-Ehsan-Vol-1-Issue-6.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Abdul Majid Baghdadi, (2016) “Seerah Nabwia in Khawja Ghulam Fareed’s Poetry” (Arabic), Al- Ehsan مجلۃ الإحسان"”, Volume No: 05, Jan-Jun 2016, (ISSN: 2410-183), (Y Category) pp; 337-358, of Govt. College University Faisalabad. (https://gcuf.edu.pk/pages_data/journals/al-ehsan/Al-Ehsan-Vol-1-Issue-5.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “Aspects of Stability and Social Peace in Islam” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Abhath, (مجلۃ لابحاث), Volume 3, Issue 9, Jan-March 2018, (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 149-167, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. (http://lgu.edu.pk/research/abhath-volume-3-issue-9.html).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Rights of Non-Muslim Minorities under the Islamic Welfare State” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Abhath, (مجلۃ الابحاث), Volume 4, Issue 16, Oct-Dec 2019, (Seerah Special Issue on the eve of 3rd International Conference on “Practical Aspects for Welfare State in Seerah Perspective”), (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 172-181, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. (http://ojs.lgu.edu.pk/index.php/abhath/article/view/403).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Training of the Orphan in the Light of Qura'nic Style” (Arabic), Majalla Islamabad Islamicus, (مجلہ اسلام آباد اسلامیکس), Volume 1, Issue 2, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2519-7932), (Y Category), pp: 101-120, Jamia Islamabad Trust, Islamabad. (https://jamiaislamabad.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Article6.pdf).
- Dr. Zaheer Ahmed, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “Analysis of Writing Mistakes of Arabic Language Learners at IIU Islamabad” (Arabic), Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, (مجلۃ لقسم العربی), Volume No: 26, Issue No: 2019, annually, (ISSN: 1991-7015), (Z Category), Pp; 311-330, Arabic Department, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab. (http://pu.edu.pk/images/ journal/Arabic /PDF/ 13-v26_19.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Abdul Kabir, (2019) “Ibn Hisham Al-Ansari’s Methodology in Morphological Citations, An Analytical Study” (Arabic), Majallah Al-Ayyam, (مجلۃ الایام), Volume No: 10, Issue No: 01, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2226-8103), (Z Category), Pp; 114-133, Society for Research in Islamic history and Culture, Karachi. (No Active Website).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Abid Mehmood, (2018) “Influence of Arabic Language on Seraiki Language, Poetry of Khawja Ghulam Dareed as an Example” (Arabic), The Islamic Culture “مجلۃ الثقافة الاسلامية”, Volume No: 40, July- Dec 2018, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category), pp; 231-248, Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. (https://theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/533/460).
- Abid Mehmood, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2018) “Poetic Praise in Andalusian and Urdu Literature and influenced by Holy Quran” (Arabic), The Islamic Culture “مجلۃ الثقافة الاسلامية”, Volume No: 39, Jan- June 2018, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category), pp; 243-262, Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. (http://www.theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/524).
- Dr. Kafait Ullah Hamdani, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2017) “Evaluation of Sample of Moral Improvement in Nabvi Sermons- A Rhetorical Study” (Arabic), Research Journal, Afkar. (مجلۃ الافکار), Volume 01, Issue 2, July-December 2017, (ISSN 2616-8588), (Peer Reviewed), PP; 187-202, University of Karachi, Karachi. (http://www.afkar.com.pk/previousissues/Vol_1/issue_2 /DrKifayat& DrIqbal.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Nasreen Tahir, (2017) “Influence of Quran and Hadees on Khawja Ghulam Farid’s Poetry” (Arabic), Acta-Islamica, (ایکٹا اسلامیکا),Volume No: 05, June 2017, (ISSN: 2411-7315), (Z Category), pp: 185-20, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, KPK. (https://sbbu.edu.pk/actaislamica/vol5.2017.php).
- Muhammad Iqbal, (2015) “Sameen Halbi’s Methodology In Morphological And Syntactical Citations In His Tafsir “Al-Durr Al- Masoon” (Arabic), Maar e Islami “معارف اسلامی”, Volume No: 14, July- Dec. 2015, (ISSN: 1992-8556), (Z Category), pp; 229-249, of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad. (https://mei.aiou.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/July-to-Dec-2015.pdf).
- Muhammad Iqbal, (2011) “The Love for Prophet (PBUH) in Mysticism” (Urdu), The Islamic Culture مجلة الثقافة الاسلامية””, Volume No: 25, 2011, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category), pp; 53-66 of Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University, Karachi. (http://www.theislamicculture.com /index. php/tis/article/view/307)
- Muhammad Iqbal, (2011) “The Precise Words of The Prophet (PBUH)” (Urdu), The Islamic Culture, “مجلۃ الثقافة الاسلامية”, Volume No: 26, 2011, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category),pp; 7-38, of Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University Karachi. (http://www.theislamicculture.com /index.php /tis/article/view/233)
- Muhammad Iqbal, (2009) “Istilahat E Tasawwaf” (Urdu), The Islamic Culture “مجلۃ لثقافة الاسلامية”, Volume No: 20, 2009, (ISSN: 1813-775X), (Z Category), pp; 1-22, of Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Karachi University. (http://www.theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/183).
- Dr. H. H. Saleem, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2019) “The Manners and Methods of Communication in the light of Prophetic Hadith” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Meezan, (مجلۃ المیزان), Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2708-8235), pp: 116-129, Virtual Islamic Education System (SMC-Private), Limited Islamabad. (http://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/8).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Sana Ayesha, (2019) “Short Stories of Ahmed Khalaf-al-Iraqi: Technical Study” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Meezan, (مجلۃ المیزان), Volume 1, Issue 2, July-December 2019, (ISSN: 2708-8235), pp: 94-112, Virtual Islamic Education System (SMC-Private), Limited Islamabad. (http://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/18).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Dr. Hifzurrehman, (2019) “The Role of Galilee Family in developing Poetry during the Rule of Mosel” (Arabic), Majalla Alddurar, (مجلۃ الدرر), Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan-June 2019, (ISSN: 2708-8839), pp: 92-112, The Centre of Arabic & Islamic Studies (Registered), Sialkot. (http://tcais.net/ojs/index.php/alddurar/article/view/14).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2017) “The phenomenon of discrimination in Arabic grammar” (Arabic), Majallah Ulum e Arabia, (مجلۃ العلوم العربیۃ), Volume No: 8, Jan- June 2017, (ISSN: 2073- 5146), (Peer Reviewed). pp: 27-47. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. (http://oldsite.iub.edu.pk /journals/ulumearabia/8thIssue/2.pdf)
- Dr. Haris Saleem, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2017) “Metaphorical Evidence in Qiyamah Verses Rhetoric Analytical Study” (Arabic), Majallah Al-Lawh, (مجلۃ اللوح), Volume 1, Issue No 1, Jan-June 2017, pp: 78-91, GC Women University Faisalabad. (http://gcwuf.edu.pk/wp-content/ uploads /2018/07/1-6.pdf)
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2016) “Metaphor (Majaz) and its usages In Islamic Heritage” (Arabic), Majallah Al-Irfan, (مجلۃ العرفان), Volume No: 2, Issue 2, July Dec 2016, (ISSN: 2518-9794), (Peer Reviewed), pp; 100-112, Minhaj University, Lahore. (https://www.mul.edu.pk/ crd/assets/downloads/Al-Irfan-Complete_ur.pdf).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Abdul Waheed, (2016) “Metaphor in Surah Yousuf” (Arabic), Majalla Al-Debil, (مجلۃ الدیبل), Volume 2, Issue 2, 2016, (ISSN: 2415-5500), (Peer Reviewed), pp: 83-94, Research Gateway Society Hyderabad, Sindh. (http://aldebal.com/index.php /aldebal/ article /view/ 23).
- Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, (2017) “Al-Shawahed Al- Sarfia in Salmeen Halbi’s Tafseer Dure E Masoon” (Arabic), E Journal of Arabic Studies & Islamic Civilization (ICASIC 2017), Volume No: 4, Issue No: 2, June 2017, (E-ISSN: 2289-6759), (International Category), pp: 58-67, (https://worldconferences.net/journals/icasic Kuala Lumpur Malaysia), Published by Worldconference.net.
- Riaz M, Naseem Akhtar, M. Iqbal, Irfan, H. Rashid,Riaz S, Arshad, Mehwish, (2018) “Challenges in Abolishing the Honor Killing From Pakistan: An Analysis From Islamic Perspective” (English), Impact Factor Journal “Transylvanian Review”, Volume XXVI, No 25, Feb 2018, (ISSN: 1221-1249), (Recognized in “Y” by HEC in International Journal’s List), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, Indexing Agency ISI, IF (0.012), pp: 6759-6764, Romania.
- Riaz S, Naseem, Riaz M, Sumayya, Irfan, Arshad, M.Iqbal, (2017) “Future Hope of Interfaith Dialogue In Pakistani Context (Analysis of Dialogue in the Light of Muslim Christian Scholarly Views” (English), Impact Factor Journal “Transylvanian Review”, Volume XXV, No 22, Dec 2017, (ISSN: 1221-1249), (Recognized in “Y” by HEC in International Journal’s List), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, Indexing Agency ISI, IF (0.012), pp: 5968-5974, Romania.
- Arshad, Naseem, Riaz M, M. Iqbal, Rashida, Irfan, (2017) “The Role of Sufism in Reducing Terrorism & Extremism (A Study of the Teachings of Khawja Fareed and Bullay Shah)” (English), Impact Factor Journal “Transylvanian Review”, Volume XXV, No 22, Nov 2017, (ISSN: 1221-1249), (Recognized in “Y” by HEC in International Journal’s List), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, Indexing Agency ISI, IF (0.012), pp: 5489-5495, Romania.
- Naseem, Arshad, Rashida, Erum, M. Iqbal, Sajid, Riaz M, (2017) “Domestic Violence, Woman and Islam: Current Status in Pakistan” (English), Impact Factor Journal “Transylvanian Review”, Volume XXV, No 21, Sep 2017, (ISSN: 1221-1249), (Recognized in “Y” by HEC in International Journal’s List), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, Indexing Agency ISI, IF (0.012), pp: 5439- 5445, Romania.
- Arabic Linguistics
- Arabic Literature
- Comparative Literature
- Seerah Studies
- Qura’nic Studies
- Hadith Literature