Dr. Muhammad Fakhar Moeen (HEC Approved Supervisor)


PHD in Arabic

NUML, Islamabad



M. Phil in Arabic

NUML, Islamabad


76 %

Masters in Arabic

Post graduate diploma in Arabic




NUML, Islamabad

NUML, Islamabad

Govt. College Shahpur

Sargodha Board

Sargodha Board












Working as lecturer at Department of Arabic Language, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad since 05/09/2016 to date.

Worked as a full Time Translator/Interpreter in Media Department at Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Islamabad.

Worked as Translator/Interpreter for 3 years at Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamabad.


  • Remained a visiting faculty member at the Moeen Islamic Academy and College in the Arabic Department.
  • Translating, editing and proofreading of various materials for different local translation agencies as a freelancer.
  • Research article “الأمثال العربية ونظائرها في اللغة الأردية” published in Majjala Al Qism Al Arabi, Department of Arabic Language Punjab University Lahore, ISSN 1991-7015, Vol: 24, 2017.
  • Research Article “فن السيرة الذاتية عند نجيب الكيلاني” presented in 1st International Conference entitled: “Development of Arabic Prose in 2nd Half of 20th Century” arranged by Department of Arabic Language NUML Islamabad.
  • Research article “Influence of Holy Quran on Arabic Language” published in Al-Azhar Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan, ISSN: 2519-6707, Vol: 03, Issue 02, July-December 2017.
  • Research article “Study of Quranic and Urdu proverbs” published in Al-Lauh Research Journal Department of Arabic & Alom -e- Islamia, Govt. College Women University Faisalabad, Vol: 01, Issue: 01, January-June 2017.
  • Research article “بغداد اسلامی تہذیب کا مرکز” published in MA’ARIF Research Journal Pakistan Research Society for Social Sciences, Islamic Research Academy, Karachi, ISSN: 2221-2663, ISSN: 2415-2315, Issue: 16, July - December 2017.
  • Research Article “Chronology of Islamic Architecture in Pakistan” presented in              6th International Conference on Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization 2019 (ICASIC 2019) held by Koperasi Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Malaysia on 18-19 March 2019.
  • Research article “وصف الحيوان في شعر امرئ القيس” published in Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU), Department of Arabic Lanuguage, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. ISSN (Print): 2664-5807, ISSN (Online): 2664-5815, Vol: 03, June 2020.
  • Research article "دراسة فنية تحليلية لرواية الحجاج بن يوسف لجرجي زيدان"  published in Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU), Department of Arabic Language, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. ISSN (Print): 2664-5807, ISSN (Online): 2664-5815, Vol: 03, June 2020.
  • Research article "أسس وتطبيقات منهج الرسول صلعم في تربية البنات ما قبل الزواج وما بعده"  published AFKAR Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies, Institute of Social Sciences and Development, Karachi. ISSN (Print): 2616-9223, ISSN (Online): 2616-8588, Vol: 04, Issue: 01, Jan June 2020.
  • Research article "سید قطب ایک ہمہ جہت شخصیت"  published HABIBIA ISLAMICUS, the Bi-Annual international journal of Arabic and Islamic Research, Habibia Research Academy, Karachi. ISSN (Print): 2664-4916, ISSN (Online): 2664-4924, Vol: 04, Issue: 01, Jan June 2020.
  • Research article "صورة الطفل في أدب الطفل"  published HABIBIA ISLAMICUS, the Bi-Annual international journal of Arabic and Islamic Research, Habibia Research Academy, Karachi. ISSN (Print): 2664-4916, ISSN (Online): 2664-4924, Vol: 04, Issue: 01, Jan June 2020.
  • Research article “Influence of Hadith on Arabic Language” published in Research Journal Al-Meezan, Islamabad, Pakistan.  
  • Research article "عربی اردو ضرب الامثال ایک مطالعہ"  published in Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU), Department of Arabic Language, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. ISSN (Print): 2664-5807, ISSN (Online): 2664-5815, Vol: 04, July Dec 2021.
  • Research article "فن السيرة الذاتية عند سيد قطب"  published in Journal Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, Department of Arabic Language, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan,  ISSN: 1991-7015 Issue 28, Dec 2021.
  • Research article "رحلة المعاناة لزينب الغزالي"  published in Al Meezan Research Journal, Virtual Islamic Education System, Islamabad, ISSN: (Print) 2708-8435/(Online) 2708-8243, Volume No. 4, Issue No. 2, April June 2022.


PHD in Arabic

NUML, Islamabad



M. Phil in Arabic

NUML, Islamabad


76 %

Masters in Arabic

Post graduate diploma in Arabic




NUML, Islamabad

NUML, Islamabad

Govt. College Shahpur

Sargodha Board

Sargodha Board













Working as lecturer at Department of Arabic Language, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad since 05/09/2016 to date.

Worked as a full Time Translator/Interpreter in Media Department at Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Islamabad.

Worked as Translator/Interpreter for 3 years at Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamabad.


  • Remained a visiting faculty member at the Moeen Islamic Academy and College in the Arabic Department.
  • Translating, editing and proofreading of various materials for different local translation agencies as a freelancer.


  • Research article “الأمثال العربية ونظائرها في اللغة الأردية” published in Majjala Al Qism Al Arabi, Department of Arabic Language Punjab University Lahore, ISSN 1991-7015, Vol: 24, 2017.
  • Research Article “فن السيرة الذاتية عند نجيب الكيلاني” presented in 1st International Conference entitled: “Development of Arabic Prose in 2nd Half of 20th Century” arranged by Department of Arabic Language NUML Islamabad.
  • Research article “Influence of Holy Quran on Arabic Language” published in Al-Azhar Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan, ISSN: 2519-6707, Vol: 03, Issue 02, July-December 2017.
  • Research article “Study of Quranic and Urdu proverbs” published in Al-Lauh Research Journal Department of Arabic & Alom -e- Islamia, Govt. College Women University Faisalabad, Vol: 01, Issue: 01, January-June 2017.
  • Research article “بغداد اسلامی تہذیب کا مرکز” published in MA’ARIF Research Journal Pakistan Research Society for Social Sciences, Islamic Research Academy, Karachi, ISSN: 2221-2663, ISSN: 2415-2315, Issue: 16, July - December 2017.
  • Research Article “Chronology of Islamic Architecture in Pakistan” presented in              6th International Conference on Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization 2019 (ICASIC 2019) held by Koperasi Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Malaysia on 18-19 March 2019.
  • Research article “وصف الحيوان في شعر امرئ القيس” published in Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU), Department of Arabic Lanuguage, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. ISSN (Print): 2664-5807, ISSN (Online): 2664-5815, Vol: 03, June 2020.
  • Research article "دراسة فنية تحليلية لرواية الحجاج بن يوسف لجرجي زيدان"  published in Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU), Department of Arabic Language, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. ISSN (Print): 2664-5807, ISSN (Online): 2664-5815, Vol: 03, June 2020.
  • Research article "أسس وتطبيقات منهج الرسول صلعم في تربية البنات ما قبل الزواج وما بعده"  published AFKAR Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies, Institute of Social Sciences and Development, Karachi. ISSN (Print): 2616-9223, ISSN (Online): 2616-8588, Vol: 04, Issue: 01, Jan June 2020.
  • Research article "سید قطب ایک ہمہ جہت شخصیت"  published HABIBIA ISLAMICUS, the Bi-Annual international journal of Arabic and Islamic Research, Habibia Research Academy, Karachi. ISSN (Print): 2664-4916, ISSN (Online): 2664-4924, Vol: 04, Issue: 01, Jan June 2020.
  • Research article "صورة الطفل في أدب الطفل"  published HABIBIA ISLAMICUS, the Bi-Annual international journal of Arabic and Islamic Research, Habibia Research Academy, Karachi. ISSN (Print): 2664-4916, ISSN (Online): 2664-4924, Vol: 04, Issue: 01, Jan June 2020.
  • Research article “Influence of Hadith on Arabic Language” published in Research Journal Al-Meezan, Islamabad, Pakistan.  
  • Research article "عربی اردو ضرب الامثال ایک مطالعہ"  published in Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU), Department of Arabic Language, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. ISSN (Print): 2664-5807, ISSN (Online): 2664-5815, Vol: 04, July Dec 2021.
  • Research article "فن السيرة الذاتية عند سيد قطب"  published in Journal Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, Department of Arabic Language, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan,  ISSN: 1991-7015 Issue 28, Dec 2021.
  • Research article "رحلة المعاناة لزينب الغزالي"  published in Al Meezan Research Journal, Virtual Islamic Education System, Islamabad, ISSN: (Print) 2708-8435/(Online) 2708-8243, Volume No. 4, Issue No. 2, April June 2022.

