Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Badshah (HEC Approved Supervisor)
Assistant Professor
PhD in Arabic Literature:
PhD in Arabic Literature from National University of Modern Language H-9 Islamabad, (Topic: الحجاز في أدب الرحلة العربي) (Excellent, A, 80.) 2013
M.A Arabic
M.A Arabic from National University of Modern Language H-9 Islamabad 2004-2006 (Excellent, A, 87.10) (Topic: التشبيه في سورة آل عمران)
Four years diploma in Arabic Language and Education from (The Arabic language Institute for Non-Arabic Speakers, Umm-ul-Qura University, Holy Makkah), year 2004, equivalent to BA degree. (Over all grade “Very Good”, 3.16 out 4.00).
Secondary Education
Wifaq-ul-Madaaras-ul-arabia Special secondary examination in Arabic & Islamic Sciences from (Dar-ul-uoloom Aza Khail Bala Noshara, Pakistan) year, 1996, equivalent to Secondary School Certificate, from IBCC, with 60% Marks”.
Wifaq-ul-Madaaras-ul-arabia Pakistan (Special Higher Secondary examination)
Special secondary examination in Arabic & Islamic Sciences from (Jamiah Usmania, Peshawar Cantt Pakistan) year, 1998, in grade “Very Good".
Arabic Language Certification:
Three Year Arabic Language certification from (The Arabic language Institute for Non-Arabic speakers,Umm-ul-Qura University, Holy Makkah), year 2000 equivalent to BA degree of Punjab University Lahore. (Over all grade “Very Good”).
- Worked as a contract Lecturer in National University of Modern Language from 08 August 2007- 29-02-2012.
- Worked as a Lecturer in National University of Modern Language from 01 March 2012- 23rd June 2014.
- Working as Assistant Professor in National University of Modern Language from 24th June 2015 till now.
S. NO. |
2022 |
أدب الرحلة في اللغة العربية وتأثيره على الوضع الاجتماعي والسياسي والاقتصادي والديني Traveling literature in Arabic language & its impact upon the social, political, economic, and religious status
Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU) |
Y (HJRS) |
(P) 2664-5807 |
5 |
2 |
173 |
194 |
July-Sep 22 |
Children's moral values between instinct and acquisition القيم الأخلاقية عند الأطفال بين الفطرة والاكتساب |
Alorooba https://www.alorooba.org/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/44 |
Y (HJRS) |
(P) 2710-5172 (O) 2710-5180 |
3 |
3 |
230 |
244 |
Nov 22 |
Teaching and learning Arabic Language in China: A Historical Study تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلمها في الصين: دراسة تاريخية |
Al-Eeqaz https://www.aleeqaz.org/index.php/aleeqaz/article/view/69/66 |
Y (HJRS) |
2790 - 2323 |
2 |
3 |
40 |
53 |
June 2022 |
الرسائل الإخوانية في أدب شبه القارة الهندية Letters of Brotherhood in the literature of the Indian subcontinent |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore |
Y (HJRS) |
1991-7015 |
29 |
1 |
73 |
92 |
25, June 2022 |
دراسة الشواهد الشعرية حول المعانى المعجمية فى معارف السنن للشيخ محمد يوسف البنورى رحمه الله تعالى 1397ه Study of poetic evidences about lexical meaning in Maarif Al Sunan by Shaikh Muhammad Yousaf Binnri (died 1397 ah) |
Al-Azhār, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan |
Y (HJRS) |
2519-6707 |
8 |
1 |
146 |
155 |
30, June 2022 |
الرواية بالمعني وأثرها في إعلال الحديث Recite the hadith in own words and its impact on the defect of the hadith |
Al-Meezan https://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/196 |
Y |
(P) 2708-8235 (E) 2708-8243 |
4 |
2 |
46 |
62 |
30/03/2022 |
النزعة القصصية في الرحلات الحجازية (دراسة وصفية) NARRATIVE TENDENCY IN HIJAZI TRAVELODGE (A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY) |
HABIBIA ISLAMICUS https://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/264 |
Y (HJRS) |
2664-4916 (P) 2664-4924 (E) |
6 |
1 |
49 |
58 |
31/03/2022 |
المخطوطات المحققة المتعلقة بعلوم القرآن في الجامعات الباكستانية Manuscripts in Respect on Quranic Sciences in the Universities of Pakistan (A Critical and Analytical Study) |
Al-Meezan https://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/162/129 |
Y (HJRS) |
(P) 2708-8235 (E) 2708-8243 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
13 |
20/11/2021 |
ألفاظ اللغة العربية في التعابير اليومية للمسلمين الصينيين Arabic words in the daily expressions of Chinese Muslims |
Al-Meezan https://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/124/86 |
Y (HJRS) |
2708-8235 2708-8243 |
3 |
2 |
20 |
33 |
2021 |
ملامح دينية في رحلات مستنصر حسين تارر في ضوء رحلتيه مواجهة نحو الكعبة الشريفة وليلة في غار حراء RELIGIOUS FEATURES IN THE TRAVELS OF MUSTANSAR HUSSAIN TARAR ESPECIALLY IN THE LIGHT OF JOURNEY FACING '' TOWARDS THE NOBEL KAABA '' AND '' A NIGHT IN THE CAVE OF HIRA'' |
Habibia Islamicus (The International Journal of Arabic and Islamic Research) |
Y (HJRS) |
P: 2664- 4916 E: 2664- 4924
5 |
3 |
22 |
32 |
2021 |
المولوي ذوالفقار علي الديوبندي ومآثره العلمية: دراسة وصفية Mawlavi Zulfiqar Ali Al-Deobandi and his creative works: A descriptive study |
Islamic Sciences |
Y (HJRS) |
P: 2617-9075 E: 2707-7470 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
19 |
2021 |
قصيدة "البردة" للإمام البوصيري مفتاح لترجمة الأدب العربي في الصين The Poem “Al Burda” by Imam Al-Busairi is a key to the translation of the Arabic literature in China |
Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU) |
Y (HJRS) |
(P) 2664-5807 |
4 |
1 |
49 |
62 |
2020 |
دلالات الرمز في القصة الفلسطينية Symbol Semantics in the Palestinian story |
The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin https://journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/91 |
Y (# 83 in Published List from HEC) |
2664-4932 |
4 |
1 |
33 |
44 |
17/7/2020 |
الاستشهاد بالأشعار في تفسيري "التبيان" و "القرطبي" Witnesses of poetry in two exegesis "Attibyan " and "qurtubi" |
Journal of Islamic Civilization and Culture ( JICC) |
Y (# 92 in Published List from HEC) |
(P)2707-689X (O) 2707-6903 |
3 |
1 |
319 |
333 |
30/06/2019 |
الشعر الحر في اللغة العربية، دراسة تحليلية Free verse in Arabic language: A research analysis |
Tahdhib al Afkar, AWKUM http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Archives/11-Vol-06-Issue-01-January-June-2019.html |
Y (# 61 in Published List from HEC) |
2411-6211 |
6 |
1 |
121 |
134 |
26/12/2018 |
التقديم والتأخير في سياق الرحمة والغفران في القرآن الكريم Al-Taqdeem Wa- TTakheer Fe Seaq-e-rrahmah Wal-Ghufran Fe al-Quran-el-Kareem |
Jihat-ul-Islam http://jihat-ul-islam.com.pk/journal/index.php/jihat-ul-islam/issue/view/7 |
Y (# 49 in Published List from HEC) |
12 |
1 |
298 |
306 |
2018 |
حضرت عائشة كا فقهي مقام أصول وآراء Principles and Views of the Jurisprudence of Hazrat Ayesha RA |
Journal of Islamic Civilization and Culture (JICC) |
Y (# 92 in Published List from HEC) |
2707-689X |
2 |
2 |
1 |
16 |
2018 |
النزل والمنزلون في السياق القرآني Awards and the Awardees in the Context of Quran |
Hazara Islamicus Hazara University http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/public/uploads/2018/Issue_2/09.pdf |
Y (# 53 in Published List from HEC) |
2305-3283 |
7 |
2 |
47 |
61 |
2018 |
الشيخ علي الطنطاوي وأسلوب خطبه في كتابه هتاف المجد (دراسة وصفية) Al Sheikh Ali al Tantaavi & His Style of Oratory in His Book “Hitaaf al Majd” Descriptive Study |
Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU) |
Y (# 98 in Published List from HEC) |
(P) 2664-5807 |
1 |
1 |
125 |
138 |
2018 |
ظاهرة المشترك اللفظي عند القدماء والمحدثين (دراسة تقابلية) A Comparative Study of Common Arabic Vocabulary among the Classical and Modern Scholars |
Al-Azhar, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NeOFXjGxSXcsWQWn-3e0tbo5NUezfbeJ/view?usp=sharing |
Y (# 71 in Published List from HEC) |
2519-6707 |
04 |
01 |
199 |
215 |
2018 |
المديح النبوي عند شعراء العربية الباكستانيين The Prophetic praise of Pakistani poets in Arabic |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
1991-7015 |
25 |
2018 |
123 |
142 |
2017 |
الشيخ حافظ محمد إدريس وأسلوبه في تفسيره "كشّاف القرآن" Al-Shaykh Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad Idrīs and his method in his Tafsīr “Kashshāf Al Qur’ān |
Al-Basirah, Islamic Studies, NUML, Islamabad 156092444208-Al-BASEERA 12 (Vol.6 - Issue. 2)DEC-2017.pdf (numl.edu.pk) |
Y (# 51 in Published List from HEC) |
2222-4548 |
6 |
2 |
137 |
167 |
2017 |
قضايا المجتمع في شعر حافظ محمد إبراهيم Society Issues in Hafiz Mohamed Ibrahim 's Poetry |
Majallah Al-Ulum Al-Arabia https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ulumearabia/article/view/587/165 |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
2518-962X |
3 |
5 |
95 |
117 |
2017 |
الإمام أحمد بن عرفان الشهيد وخدماته في إصلاح المجتمع Imam Ahmad Bin Irfan Shaheed and his Services in the Reform of Society |
ALDEBAL Research Gateway Society, Sindh, Pakistan |
- |
2415-5500 |
2 |
1 2017 |
110 |
120 |
2017 |
تأثر اللغة العربية بالحديث النبوي Impact of Ahadith-e-Nabavi sayings of the Holy Prophet |
Al-Azhaar Department of Islamic Studies The University of Agriculture Peshawar https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Km2cDJgAMKg4WEXvPXGWO3OGoCsVYo4C/view |
Y (# 71 in Published List from HEC) |
2519-6707 |
03 |
01 Jan-June 2017 |
119 |
132 |
2017 |
شواهد التشبيه في الأربعين النووية Simile Examples in the Al-Arbaeen Al-Navaviyah |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
1991-7015 |
21 |
1 June 2017 |
51 |
71 |
2016 |
تربية الأطفال في ضوء القصص الإسلامية Children and their upbringing through Islamic Stories |
Uloom-e-Islamia Dep Islamic Studies, The Islamic University of Bahawalpur https://iri.aiou.edu.pk/indexing/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/7.Dr_.-H.-M.-Badshah-Trbiya-tu-Atfal.pdf |
Y (# 56 in Published List from HEC) |
2073-5146 |
22 |
(2) July-Dec 2016 |
195 |
207 |
2016 |
الحمد في السياق القرآني Al-Hamd Fe Seaiq Al-Qurani (Al-Hamd in the Quranic Context) |
Zia-e-Tahqeeq Department of Islamic Studies & Arabic, Govt. College University Faisalabad |
Y (Title Page) |
6 |
July-Dec 2016 |
209 |
226 |
2016 |
الشوق والحنين لبيت الله الحرام في الشعر العربي Al-Shawq Wal-Hanin Li Biat ellah-el-Haram Fe Al-Shaer-el-Arabi |
Al-Qalam Institute of Islamic Studies University of the Punjab |
Y (# 44 in Published List from HEC) |
21 |
1 June 2016 |
277 |
294 |
2015 |
بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي ومكانته من التصوف Badee-uz-Zaman Saeed Al-Noorase Wa-Makantuho Min al Tasawaf |
Al-Ayyam, Educational & Research Journal https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C09McNsoNud_JEAWvColqYDVZhP8In1f/view |
Y (# 57 in Published List from HEC) |
2226-8103 |
6 |
2 |
181 |
192 |
2015 |
ابن الفارض شاعر صوفي Ibn-el-Fariz Shaeron Sofi |
Majallah Al-Ehsan GC University Faisal Abad Majallah Al-Ihsan GC University Faisal Abad |
Y (# 22 in Published List from HEC) |
2410-1834 |
03 |
Jan 2015 |
137 |
150 |
2015 |
القصة النبوية: خصائصها وأهدافها التربوية The Prophetic Story: Its Characteristics and Educational Objectives |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
1991-7015 |
22 |
2015 |
131 |
148 |
2013 |
عورتوں كے حقوق اسلامي تعليمات كى روشنى ميں Rights of Women (in the light of Islamic Teachings) |
Al-Baseerah National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad 156109441906-AL-BASEERA 4 (Vol. 2 - Issue. 2) DEC-2013.pdf (numl.edu.pk) |
Y (# 51 in Published List from HEC)
4 |
Dec 2013 |
103 |
122 |
2013 |
Kufu (Equivalence) in the light of Hadith |
- |
4 |
10 |
267 |
278 |
2011 |
دراسة فنية لشعر عنترة بن شداد Dirasa Fannia Le-Sher-e- Antara Bin Shaddad |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
1991-7015 |
18 |
2011 |
199 |
216 |
Modern Arabic Literature
Research Methodologies
Syntex & Morphology
PhD in Arabic Literature:
PhD in Arabic Literature from National University of Modern Language H-9 Islamabad, (Topic: الحجاز في أدب الرحلة العربي) (Excellent, A, 80.) 2013
M.A Arabic
M.A Arabic from National University of Modern Language H-9 Islamabad 2004-2006 (Excellent, A, 87.10) (Topic: التشبيه في سورة آل عمران)
Four years diploma in Arabic Language and Education from (The Arabic language Institute for Non-Arabic Speakers, Umm-ul-Qura University, Holy Makkah), year 2004, equivalent to BA degree. (Over all grade “Very Good”, 3.16 out 4.00).
Secondary Education
Wifaq-ul-Madaaras-ul-arabia Special secondary examination in Arabic & Islamic Sciences from (Dar-ul-uoloom Aza Khail Bala Noshara, Pakistan) year, 1996, equivalent to Secondary School Certificate, from IBCC, with 60% Marks”.
Wifaq-ul-Madaaras-ul-arabia Pakistan (Special Higher Secondary examination)
Special secondary examination in Arabic & Islamic Sciences from (Jamiah Usmania, Peshawar Cantt Pakistan) year, 1998, in grade “Very Good".
Arabic Language Certification:
Three Year Arabic Language certification from (The Arabic language Institute for Non-Arabic speakers,Umm-ul-Qura University, Holy Makkah), year 2000 equivalent to BA degree of Punjab University Lahore. (Over all grade “Very Good”).
- Worked as a contract Lecturer in National University of Modern Language from 08 August 2007- 29-02-2012.
- Worked as a Lecturer in National University of Modern Language from 01 March 2012- 23rd June 2014.
- Working as Assistant Professor in National University of Modern Language from 24th June 2015 till now.
S. NO. |
2022 |
أدب الرحلة في اللغة العربية وتأثيره على الوضع الاجتماعي والسياسي والاقتصادي والديني Traveling literature in Arabic language & its impact upon the social, political, economic, and religious status
Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU) |
Y (HJRS) |
(P) 2664-5807 |
5 |
2 |
173 |
194 |
July-Sep 22 |
Children's moral values between instinct and acquisition القيم الأخلاقية عند الأطفال بين الفطرة والاكتساب |
Alorooba https://www.alorooba.org/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/44 |
Y (HJRS) |
(P) 2710-5172 (O) 2710-5180 |
3 |
3 |
230 |
244 |
Nov 22 |
Teaching and learning Arabic Language in China: A Historical Study تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلمها في الصين: دراسة تاريخية |
Al-Eeqaz https://www.aleeqaz.org/index.php/aleeqaz/article/view/69/66 |
Y (HJRS) |
2790 - 2323 |
2 |
3 |
40 |
53 |
June 2022 |
الرسائل الإخوانية في أدب شبه القارة الهندية Letters of Brotherhood in the literature of the Indian subcontinent |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore |
Y (HJRS) |
1991-7015 |
29 |
1 |
73 |
92 |
25, June 2022 |
دراسة الشواهد الشعرية حول المعانى المعجمية فى معارف السنن للشيخ محمد يوسف البنورى رحمه الله تعالى 1397ه Study of poetic evidences about lexical meaning in Maarif Al Sunan by Shaikh Muhammad Yousaf Binnri (died 1397 ah) |
Al-Azhār, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan |
Y (HJRS) |
2519-6707 |
8 |
1 |
146 |
155 |
30, June 2022 |
الرواية بالمعني وأثرها في إعلال الحديث Recite the hadith in own words and its impact on the defect of the hadith |
Al-Meezan https://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/196 |
Y |
(P) 2708-8235 (E) 2708-8243 |
4 |
2 |
46 |
62 |
30/03/2022 |
النزعة القصصية في الرحلات الحجازية (دراسة وصفية) NARRATIVE TENDENCY IN HIJAZI TRAVELODGE (A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY) |
HABIBIA ISLAMICUS https://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/264 |
Y (HJRS) |
2664-4916 (P) 2664-4924 (E) |
6 |
1 |
49 |
58 |
31/03/2022 |
المخطوطات المحققة المتعلقة بعلوم القرآن في الجامعات الباكستانية Manuscripts in Respect on Quranic Sciences in the Universities of Pakistan (A Critical and Analytical Study) |
Al-Meezan https://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/162/129 |
Y (HJRS) |
(P) 2708-8235 (E) 2708-8243 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
13 |
20/11/2021 |
ألفاظ اللغة العربية في التعابير اليومية للمسلمين الصينيين Arabic words in the daily expressions of Chinese Muslims |
Al-Meezan https://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/124/86 |
Y (HJRS) |
2708-8235 2708-8243 |
3 |
2 |
20 |
33 |
2021 |
ملامح دينية في رحلات مستنصر حسين تارر في ضوء رحلتيه مواجهة نحو الكعبة الشريفة وليلة في غار حراء RELIGIOUS FEATURES IN THE TRAVELS OF MUSTANSAR HUSSAIN TARAR ESPECIALLY IN THE LIGHT OF JOURNEY FACING '' TOWARDS THE NOBEL KAABA '' AND '' A NIGHT IN THE CAVE OF HIRA'' |
Habibia Islamicus (The International Journal of Arabic and Islamic Research) |
Y (HJRS) |
P: 2664- 4916 E: 2664- 4924
5 |
3 |
22 |
32 |
2021 |
المولوي ذوالفقار علي الديوبندي ومآثره العلمية: دراسة وصفية Mawlavi Zulfiqar Ali Al-Deobandi and his creative works: A descriptive study |
Islamic Sciences |
Y (HJRS) |
P: 2617-9075 E: 2707-7470 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
19 |
2021 |
قصيدة "البردة" للإمام البوصيري مفتاح لترجمة الأدب العربي في الصين The Poem “Al Burda” by Imam Al-Busairi is a key to the translation of the Arabic literature in China |
Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU) |
Y (HJRS) |
(P) 2664-5807 |
4 |
1 |
49 |
62 |
2020 |
دلالات الرمز في القصة الفلسطينية Symbol Semantics in the Palestinian story |
The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin https://journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/91 |
Y (# 83 in Published List from HEC) |
2664-4932 |
4 |
1 |
33 |
44 |
17/7/2020 |
الاستشهاد بالأشعار في تفسيري "التبيان" و "القرطبي" Witnesses of poetry in two exegesis "Attibyan " and "qurtubi" |
Journal of Islamic Civilization and Culture ( JICC) |
Y (# 92 in Published List from HEC) |
(P)2707-689X (O) 2707-6903 |
3 |
1 |
319 |
333 |
30/06/2019 |
الشعر الحر في اللغة العربية، دراسة تحليلية Free verse in Arabic language: A research analysis |
Tahdhib al Afkar, AWKUM http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Archives/11-Vol-06-Issue-01-January-June-2019.html |
Y (# 61 in Published List from HEC) |
2411-6211 |
6 |
1 |
121 |
134 |
26/12/2018 |
التقديم والتأخير في سياق الرحمة والغفران في القرآن الكريم Al-Taqdeem Wa- TTakheer Fe Seaq-e-rrahmah Wal-Ghufran Fe al-Quran-el-Kareem |
Jihat-ul-Islam http://jihat-ul-islam.com.pk/journal/index.php/jihat-ul-islam/issue/view/7 |
Y (# 49 in Published List from HEC) |
12 |
1 |
298 |
306 |
2018 |
حضرت عائشة كا فقهي مقام أصول وآراء Principles and Views of the Jurisprudence of Hazrat Ayesha RA |
Journal of Islamic Civilization and Culture (JICC) |
Y (# 92 in Published List from HEC) |
2707-689X |
2 |
2 |
1 |
16 |
2018 |
النزل والمنزلون في السياق القرآني Awards and the Awardees in the Context of Quran |
Hazara Islamicus Hazara University http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/public/uploads/2018/Issue_2/09.pdf |
Y (# 53 in Published List from HEC) |
2305-3283 |
7 |
2 |
47 |
61 |
2018 |
الشيخ علي الطنطاوي وأسلوب خطبه في كتابه هتاف المجد (دراسة وصفية) Al Sheikh Ali al Tantaavi & His Style of Oratory in His Book “Hitaaf al Majd” Descriptive Study |
Journal of Arabic Research (AIOU) |
Y (# 98 in Published List from HEC) |
(P) 2664-5807 |
1 |
1 |
125 |
138 |
2018 |
ظاهرة المشترك اللفظي عند القدماء والمحدثين (دراسة تقابلية) A Comparative Study of Common Arabic Vocabulary among the Classical and Modern Scholars |
Al-Azhar, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NeOFXjGxSXcsWQWn-3e0tbo5NUezfbeJ/view?usp=sharing |
Y (# 71 in Published List from HEC) |
2519-6707 |
04 |
01 |
199 |
215 |
2018 |
المديح النبوي عند شعراء العربية الباكستانيين The Prophetic praise of Pakistani poets in Arabic |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
1991-7015 |
25 |
2018 |
123 |
142 |
2017 |
الشيخ حافظ محمد إدريس وأسلوبه في تفسيره "كشّاف القرآن" Al-Shaykh Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad Idrīs and his method in his Tafsīr “Kashshāf Al Qur’ān |
Al-Basirah, Islamic Studies, NUML, Islamabad 156092444208-Al-BASEERA 12 (Vol.6 - Issue. 2)DEC-2017.pdf (numl.edu.pk) |
Y (# 51 in Published List from HEC) |
2222-4548 |
6 |
2 |
137 |
167 |
2017 |
قضايا المجتمع في شعر حافظ محمد إبراهيم Society Issues in Hafiz Mohamed Ibrahim 's Poetry |
Majallah Al-Ulum Al-Arabia https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ulumearabia/article/view/587/165 |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
2518-962X |
3 |
5 |
95 |
117 |
2017 |
الإمام أحمد بن عرفان الشهيد وخدماته في إصلاح المجتمع Imam Ahmad Bin Irfan Shaheed and his Services in the Reform of Society |
ALDEBAL Research Gateway Society, Sindh, Pakistan |
- |
2415-5500 |
2 |
1 2017 |
110 |
120 |
2017 |
تأثر اللغة العربية بالحديث النبوي Impact of Ahadith-e-Nabavi sayings of the Holy Prophet |
Al-Azhaar Department of Islamic Studies The University of Agriculture Peshawar https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Km2cDJgAMKg4WEXvPXGWO3OGoCsVYo4C/view |
Y (# 71 in Published List from HEC) |
2519-6707 |
03 |
01 Jan-June 2017 |
119 |
132 |
2017 |
شواهد التشبيه في الأربعين النووية Simile Examples in the Al-Arbaeen Al-Navaviyah |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
1991-7015 |
21 |
1 June 2017 |
51 |
71 |
2016 |
تربية الأطفال في ضوء القصص الإسلامية Children and their upbringing through Islamic Stories |
Uloom-e-Islamia Dep Islamic Studies, The Islamic University of Bahawalpur https://iri.aiou.edu.pk/indexing/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/7.Dr_.-H.-M.-Badshah-Trbiya-tu-Atfal.pdf |
Y (# 56 in Published List from HEC) |
2073-5146 |
22 |
(2) July-Dec 2016 |
195 |
207 |
2016 |
الحمد في السياق القرآني Al-Hamd Fe Seaiq Al-Qurani (Al-Hamd in the Quranic Context) |
Zia-e-Tahqeeq Department of Islamic Studies & Arabic, Govt. College University Faisalabad |
Y (Title Page) |
6 |
July-Dec 2016 |
209 |
226 |
2016 |
الشوق والحنين لبيت الله الحرام في الشعر العربي Al-Shawq Wal-Hanin Li Biat ellah-el-Haram Fe Al-Shaer-el-Arabi |
Al-Qalam Institute of Islamic Studies University of the Punjab |
Y (# 44 in Published List from HEC) |
21 |
1 June 2016 |
277 |
294 |
2015 |
بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي ومكانته من التصوف Badee-uz-Zaman Saeed Al-Noorase Wa-Makantuho Min al Tasawaf |
Al-Ayyam, Educational & Research Journal https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C09McNsoNud_JEAWvColqYDVZhP8In1f/view |
Y (# 57 in Published List from HEC) |
2226-8103 |
6 |
2 |
181 |
192 |
2015 |
ابن الفارض شاعر صوفي Ibn-el-Fariz Shaeron Sofi |
Majallah Al-Ehsan GC University Faisal Abad Majallah Al-Ihsan GC University Faisal Abad |
Y (# 22 in Published List from HEC) |
2410-1834 |
03 |
Jan 2015 |
137 |
150 |
2015 |
القصة النبوية: خصائصها وأهدافها التربوية The Prophetic Story: Its Characteristics and Educational Objectives |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
1991-7015 |
22 |
2015 |
131 |
148 |
2013 |
عورتوں كے حقوق اسلامي تعليمات كى روشنى ميں Rights of Women (in the light of Islamic Teachings) |
Al-Baseerah National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad 156109441906-AL-BASEERA 4 (Vol. 2 - Issue. 2) DEC-2013.pdf (numl.edu.pk) |
Y (# 51 in Published List from HEC)
4 |
Dec 2013 |
103 |
122 |
2013 |
Kufu (Equivalence) in the light of Hadith |
- |
4 |
10 |
267 |
278 |
2011 |
دراسة فنية لشعر عنترة بن شداد Dirasa Fannia Le-Sher-e- Antara Bin Shaddad |
Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan |
Z (# 100 in Published List from HEC) |
1991-7015 |
18 |
2011 |
199 |
216 |
Modern Arabic Literature
Research Methodologies
Syntex & Morphology