Dr. Muhammad Naeem Ashraf (HEC Approved Supervisor)
Ph.D. Arabic Literature 2018
Department of Arabic, University of Karachi, Karachi
M.A. Arabic, 2005-06, (Gold Medalist)
Department of Arabic, University of Karachi, Karachi
B.A Humanities - 2003
A.K University, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir.
H.S.C Humanities -1998
Lahore Board of Intermediate, Lahore.
S.S.C Science -1995
K.P.T Secondary School, Karachi.
- Lecturer - BPS -18
Department of Arabic.
National University of Modern Languages, (NUML)
Main Campus, Islamabad. (July 2012 to Up-to-now).
- Lecturer - BPS -18
Department of Arabic.
National University of Modern Languages, (NUML)
Karachi Campus. Karachi. (October 2007 to June 2012).
- Focal Person for Self-Assessment Report (SAR) 2012-2015 for Ph.D /M.Phil
Department of Arabic, NUML- Islamabad.
- Focal Person for Self-Assessment Report (SAR) 2014-2016 for M.A /BS/BSML, Department of Arabic, NUML- Islamabad.
- Member of Syllabus Committees (Graduate, Under Graduate
& Functional Courses, Department of Arabic, NUML - Islamabad.
- Proofreader cum Translator
Maxim Advertising Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.
Karachi. (Sep 06 - Oct 07).
- Performed as an Interpreter in Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), 6th Plenary Session Islamabad - December 8-11, 2013.
- Arabic Voice Over of DEPO Documentary.
- Translation and Voice recording in Arabic of Pakistan Sweet Home’s Documentary.
- Worked with various delegations from Arab countries as an interpreter (Khi & Lhr).
- Ufone Language Coach, (Arabic Contents)
(Written & Recording, Oct 2011- Nov 2012)
- United King Foods (PVT.) Ltd. Karachi.
Arabic Translator.
Sr. NO. |
HEC Category |
Z, Y, X, W |
2015 |
بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي ومكانته من التصوف Badeea-Uz-Zaman Saeed Al-Norasi Wa Makanatoho Mina Al-Tasawwof |
Al-Ayyam, Society for Research in Islamic History, Karachi. ISSN: 8103-2226 |
06 |
02 |
181- 192 |
Z |
2016 |
معاني مصطلح الظلم في القرآن الكريم (دراسة موضوعية) Synonyms of Term “Injustice” in Quran Subjective Study. |
Al- Azhaar, Dept. of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. ISSN: 2519-6707 |
02 |
01 |
154 -166 |
Y |
2017 |
ظاهرة البدل وأنواعه في القرآن الكريم Apposition and its kinds in the Holy Quran http://www.afkar.com.pk/pdf/M.Naeem%20Ashraf&Dr.%20Abdul%20Salam%20Bin%20Ismail.pdf |
AFKAR, Research Journal of Islamic Studies, Institute of Social Sciences & Development, Karachi. ISSN: 2616-9223 (Print) ISSN: 2616-8588 (Online) |
01 |
01 |
140 - 168 |
Z |
2017 |
ادب الحوار وآفاقه في السنة النبوية The literature of dialogue and its prospects in the Sunnah http://www.afkar.com.pk/pdf2/12Dr.M.Ismail%20&%20M.Naeem.pdf |
AFKAR, Research Journal of Islamic Studies, Institute of Social Sciences & Development, Karachi. ISSN: 2616-9223 (Print) ISSN: 2616-8588 (Online) |
01 |
02 |
203 - 211 |
Z |
2018 |
Baghdad: Center of Islamic Civilization |
MAARIF RESEARCH JOURNAL, Pakistan Research Society for Social Sciences, Islamic Research Academy, Karachi. ISSN 2415-2315 (Online), ISSN 2221-2663 (Print) |
02 |
16 |
147 - 152 |
Y |
2021 |
پروفیسر محمد اسحاق منصوری کی تحقیقی وادبی کاوشیں ایک مطالعہ A STUDY BASED ON THE RESEARCH AND LITERARY EFFORTS OF PROF. MUHAMMAD ISHAQ MANSOOORI http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/241/241 |
HABIBIA ISLAMICUS, (The International Journal of Arabic &Islamic Research) ISSN:2664 - 4916 (P) 2664 - 4924 (E)
05 |
03 |
139 - 160 |
Y |
2021 |
اللغة الشعرية في روايات أحلام مستغنامي POETIC LANGUAGE IN AHLAM MOSTAGHANEMI`S NOVELS https://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/257 |
HABIBIA ISLAMICUS, (The International Journal of Arabic &Islamic Research) ISSN: 2664 - 4916 (P) 2664 - 4924 (E)
05 |
04 |
15 - 24 |
Y |
2022 |
رحلة المعاناة لزينب الغزالي The Journey of Suffering by Zainab Al-Ghazali https://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/201 |
Al-Meezân Islamic Studies Research Journal ISSN: 2708 - 8235 (P) 2708-8243 (E)
04 |
02 |
96 -110 |
Y |
2022 |
أدب السجون في اللغة العربية وأشهر الروايات فيه
Prison literature in the Arabic language and the most famous novels in it.
https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/704 |
JAR-Journal of Arabic Research ISSN(Print) 2664-5807 ISSN(Online) 2664-5815 |
05 |
02 |
195-209 |
Y |
Arabic Literature
Applied Grammar
Ph.D. Arabic Literature 2018
Department of Arabic, University of Karachi, Karachi
M.A. Arabic, 2005-06, (Gold Medalist)
Department of Arabic, University of Karachi, Karachi
B.A Humanities - 2003
A.K University, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir.
H.S.C Humanities -1998
Lahore Board of Intermediate, Lahore.
S.S.C Science -1995
K.P.T Secondary School, Karachi.
- Lecturer - BPS -18
Department of Arabic.
National University of Modern Languages, (NUML)
Main Campus, Islamabad. (July 2012 to Up-to-now).
- Lecturer - BPS -18
Department of Arabic.
National University of Modern Languages, (NUML)
Karachi Campus. Karachi. (October 2007 to June 2012).
- Focal Person for Self-Assessment Report (SAR) 2012-2015 for Ph.D /M.Phil
Department of Arabic, NUML- Islamabad.
- Focal Person for Self-Assessment Report (SAR) 2014-2016 for M.A /BS/BSML, Department of Arabic, NUML- Islamabad.
- Member of Syllabus Committees (Graduate, Under Graduate
& Functional Courses, Department of Arabic, NUML - Islamabad.
- Proofreader cum Translator
Maxim Advertising Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.
Karachi. (Sep 06 - Oct 07).
- Performed as an Interpreter in Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), 6th Plenary Session Islamabad - December 8-11, 2013.
- Arabic Voice Over of DEPO Documentary.
- Translation and Voice recording in Arabic of Pakistan Sweet Home’s Documentary.
- Worked with various delegations from Arab countries as an interpreter (Khi & Lhr).
- Ufone Language Coach, (Arabic Contents)
(Written & Recording, Oct 2011- Nov 2012)
- United King Foods (PVT.) Ltd. Karachi.
Arabic Translator.
Sr. NO. |
HEC Category |
Z, Y, X, W |
2015 |
بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي ومكانته من التصوف Badeea-Uz-Zaman Saeed Al-Norasi Wa Makanatoho Mina Al-Tasawwof |
Al-Ayyam, Society for Research in Islamic History, Karachi. ISSN: 8103-2226 |
06 |
02 |
181- 192 |
Z |
2016 |
معاني مصطلح الظلم في القرآن الكريم (دراسة موضوعية) Synonyms of Term “Injustice” in Quran Subjective Study. |
Al- Azhaar, Dept. of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. ISSN: 2519-6707 |
02 |
01 |
154 -166 |
Y |
2017 |
ظاهرة البدل وأنواعه في القرآن الكريم Apposition and its kinds in the Holy Quran http://www.afkar.com.pk/pdf/M.Naeem%20Ashraf&Dr.%20Abdul%20Salam%20Bin%20Ismail.pdf |
AFKAR, Research Journal of Islamic Studies, Institute of Social Sciences & Development, Karachi. ISSN: 2616-9223 (Print) ISSN: 2616-8588 (Online) |
01 |
01 |
140 - 168 |
Z |
2017 |
ادب الحوار وآفاقه في السنة النبوية The literature of dialogue and its prospects in the Sunnah http://www.afkar.com.pk/pdf2/12Dr.M.Ismail%20&%20M.Naeem.pdf |
AFKAR, Research Journal of Islamic Studies, Institute of Social Sciences & Development, Karachi. ISSN: 2616-9223 (Print) ISSN: 2616-8588 (Online) |
01 |
02 |
203 - 211 |
Z |
2018 |
Baghdad: Center of Islamic Civilization |
MAARIF RESEARCH JOURNAL, Pakistan Research Society for Social Sciences, Islamic Research Academy, Karachi. ISSN 2415-2315 (Online), ISSN 2221-2663 (Print) |
02 |
16 |
147 - 152 |
Y |
2021 |
پروفیسر محمد اسحاق منصوری کی تحقیقی وادبی کاوشیں ایک مطالعہ A STUDY BASED ON THE RESEARCH AND LITERARY EFFORTS OF PROF. MUHAMMAD ISHAQ MANSOOORI http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/241/241 |
HABIBIA ISLAMICUS, (The International Journal of Arabic &Islamic Research) ISSN:2664 - 4916 (P) 2664 - 4924 (E)
05 |
03 |
139 - 160 |
Y |
2021 |
اللغة الشعرية في روايات أحلام مستغنامي POETIC LANGUAGE IN AHLAM MOSTAGHANEMI`S NOVELS https://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/257 |
HABIBIA ISLAMICUS, (The International Journal of Arabic &Islamic Research) ISSN: 2664 - 4916 (P) 2664 - 4924 (E)
05 |
04 |
15 - 24 |
Y |
2022 |
رحلة المعاناة لزينب الغزالي The Journey of Suffering by Zainab Al-Ghazali https://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/201 |
Al-Meezân Islamic Studies Research Journal ISSN: 2708 - 8235 (P) 2708-8243 (E)
04 |
02 |
96 -110 |
Y |
2022 |
أدب السجون في اللغة العربية وأشهر الروايات فيه
Prison literature in the Arabic language and the most famous novels in it.
https://ojs.aiou.edu.pk/index.php/jar/article/view/704 |
JAR-Journal of Arabic Research ISSN(Print) 2664-5807 ISSN(Online) 2664-5815 |
05 |
02 |
195-209 |
Y |
Arabic Literature
Applied Grammar