Medical Inspection (MI) Room

Primary Care
First Aid and Primary medical care is provided to all the staff and students. Prescription medication is available at minimal cost. Critical cases are transferred through Emergency Care to Hospital.
Ambulatory Services/ Patient Transport
Commissioning of Ambulance Equipment and ensuring guidelines for Ambulatory care. Transport of patients to hospitals under supervised care.
Cardiac Care Emergency Management
Supervised installation of Cardiac Care Emergency Management. An electrocardiogram machine is also available at Medical Inspection Room.
One to One Awareness Sessions
Health and well-being awareness sessions are continually organized by the medical center to provide students and staff with latest knowledge that they can apply in their daily lives. These include physical exercise, mental wellbeing and nutrition seminars. These awareness sessions have significantly helped staff and students to maintain a healthy lifestyle while during work and studies.
Blood Donation Camps
Student Affairs Branch organizes blood donation campus. During every semester of the academic year Medical Inspection Team hosts blood donation camps for the two institutes and provides ample blood bags.