Office Holder Name
Office Holder Message
Office Overview


Office Vision


Office Mission
Office objective
Office Duties
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Location: Office Location


Morning:  ---

Evening:  ---


Phone:  Office phone

Email:  Office Email

AI based Dubbing Project

The AI dubbing project integrates advanced technologies such as Speech-to-Text (STT) conversion for transcribing original audio, Translation of text t ...

TalkUp - Translation App (for tourists)

TalkUp is an innovative translation app designed to break language barriers effortlessly. With support for 15 diverse languages including English, Chi ...

THeMeS (Thesis Management System)

THeMes is a platform designed to automate and streamline MS/PhD thesis-related processes. Students can effortlessly track their progress and schedule ...

Muslim Scientists App (Prototype Only)

A treasure of information detailing early life, contributions and influence of Muslim Scientists. The reading mode, complemented by voice-based narrat ...

CMR Website

The purpose of CMR’s website is to serve as a centralized and accessible platform that fosters transparency, collaboration, and dissemination of ...