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Mr. Dilawar Hussain Saidhen
  • Ph.D. in History (in Progress, Diss. Performance Appraisal of the Senate of Pakistan: A Historical Study, 2012-2018), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
  • M.Phil. in History (2017, Portrayal of Medieval Indian Society in Hagiographical Literature, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
  • M.Sc. in History (2015), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
  • B.A. in Arts (2010, Persian, Journalism and Sociology), University of Punjab, Lahore.
  1. Presently Lecturer in History & Pakistan Studies (Contract) at NUML, (Feb. 2023-to date).
  2. Former Lecturer in History (Contract) at NIPCONS-NUST Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (Taught History and Pakistan Studies to Long Course & Short Courses at Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul, Abbottabad, (Dec. 2020-Feb 2023).
  3. Former Visiting Faculty Member (Pakistan Studies) at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad (Feb. 2016-Dec. 2020).
  4. Former Adjunct Faculty Member (Pakistan Studies) at NAMAL University, Mianwali, Feb. 2020-Dec 2020)
  5. Former Lecturer (Contract), (Pakistan Studies, History, and Eastern and Western Political Philosophy), Garrison Degree College, (NUML affiliate BS. Honors degree awarding institute), Rawalpindi, (Aug. 2018- Jan. 2019).
  6. Former Lecturer (Pakistan Affairs & History) at PACE-CSS Academy, G-10 Markaz, Islamabad, Jan. 2020-Dec. 2020).
  7. Former Lecturer (Pakistan Studies), Superior College, Rawalpindi, (Oct. 2017-Feb. 2018).
  8. President at Creative Youth, a Student Support and Training Society, QAU, Islamabad.

 Progressive Research Journal of Arts and Humanities, Department of History, University of Sindh Jamshoro, Vol. 4, No. 1, (March-2022) pp.  104-14- http://prjah.org/Articles_pdf/VOL-4-NO-1-2022-9.pdf .

  1. Origin and Early Development of Hagiography in the Islamicate World: A Historical Overview.

Journal of Historical Studies, Department of History and Civilizations Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Vol. IV, No. I (January-June, 2018) PP. 01- https://www.bzu.edu.pk/jhs/vol41/01.%20origin%20and%20early%20development%20hagiogra phy.pdf


Chapter in Edited Books


  • I rendered two chapters in a book titled History of Modern World (to be taught to Army Officers at Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul, Abbottabad).


Foreword in Published Book


  • Rendered foreword of a book titled Revealing the History of Jhojhas (Islamabad: Jhojha Publications, 2018).


Paper submitted for publication

  • ‘Exploring the Non-Statist Sources on Medieval Indian Society: A Study of Life and Works of Jamali’, submitted for publication in Y category HEC Recognized Journal


Papers Presented in Conferences


  • Urdu and English Translations of Siyar al-Arifin: A Comparative Analysis. A Paper presented at the International Conference on “Translations: An Intellectual Dialogue among the Civilizations”, organized by the Department of Urdu, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, August 18-19, 2017. It has been published in the proceedings of the Conference.


Some of the Articles published in the newspapers

    • Representing Multiple Societal Classes

The News International; https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/955856-representing-multiple-societal-classes

    • A Constitutional Perspective on Chasing no-Confidence,

Pakistan Observe; https://pakobserver.net/a-constitutional-perspective-on-chasing-no-confidence-by-dilawar-hussain/

Areas of Interest & Specialization

Constitutionalism, Federalism, Legislative Studies, Parliament, US Congress, Second Chambers in Federal Systems, Parliament of Pakistan with focus on the Institutional History and Functioning of the Senate of Pakistan, Parliamentary Oversight, Executive-Legislature Relationships, Constitutional, Parliamentary and Political History of Pakistan, Electoral Politics in Pakistan, Party Politics and Political Parties, Intellectual History of South Asian Muslims, Historiography, Philosophy of History, European History, British Colonial India, Pakistan Movement, Sufism and Sufi Biographical Literature.


  • Ph.D. in History (in Progress, Diss. Performance Appraisal of the Senate of Pakistan: A Historical Study, 2012-2018), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
  • M.Phil. in History (2017, Portrayal of Medieval Indian Society in Hagiographical Literature, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
  • M.Sc. in History (2015), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
  • B.A. in Arts (2010, Persian, Journalism and Sociology), University of Punjab, Lahore.


  1. Presently Lecturer in History & Pakistan Studies (Contract) at NUML, (Feb. 2023-to date).
  2. Former Lecturer in History (Contract) at NIPCONS-NUST Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (Taught History and Pakistan Studies to Long Course & Short Courses at Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul, Abbottabad, (Dec. 2020-Feb 2023).
  3. Former Visiting Faculty Member (Pakistan Studies) at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad (Feb. 2016-Dec. 2020).
  4. Former Adjunct Faculty Member (Pakistan Studies) at NAMAL University, Mianwali, Feb. 2020-Dec 2020)
  5. Former Lecturer (Contract), (Pakistan Studies, History, and Eastern and Western Political Philosophy), Garrison Degree College, (NUML affiliate BS. Honors degree awarding institute), Rawalpindi, (Aug. 2018- Jan. 2019).
  6. Former Lecturer (Pakistan Affairs & History) at PACE-CSS Academy, G-10 Markaz, Islamabad, Jan. 2020-Dec. 2020).
  7. Former Lecturer (Pakistan Studies), Superior College, Rawalpindi, (Oct. 2017-Feb. 2018).
  8. President at Creative Youth, a Student Support and Training Society, QAU, Islamabad.


 Progressive Research Journal of Arts and Humanities, Department of History, University of Sindh Jamshoro, Vol. 4, No. 1, (March-2022) pp.  104-14- http://prjah.org/Articles_pdf/VOL-4-NO-1-2022-9.pdf .

  1. Origin and Early Development of Hagiography in the Islamicate World: A Historical Overview.

Journal of Historical Studies, Department of History and Civilizations Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Vol. IV, No. I (January-June, 2018) PP. 01- https://www.bzu.edu.pk/jhs/vol41/01.%20origin%20and%20early%20development%20hagiogra phy.pdf


Chapter in Edited Books


  • I rendered two chapters in a book titled History of Modern World (to be taught to Army Officers at Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul, Abbottabad).


Foreword in Published Book


  • Rendered foreword of a book titled Revealing the History of Jhojhas (Islamabad: Jhojha Publications, 2018).


Paper submitted for publication

  • ‘Exploring the Non-Statist Sources on Medieval Indian Society: A Study of Life and Works of Jamali’, submitted for publication in Y category HEC Recognized Journal


Papers Presented in Conferences


  • Urdu and English Translations of Siyar al-Arifin: A Comparative Analysis. A Paper presented at the International Conference on “Translations: An Intellectual Dialogue among the Civilizations”, organized by the Department of Urdu, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, August 18-19, 2017. It has been published in the proceedings of the Conference.


Some of the Articles published in the newspapers

    • Representing Multiple Societal Classes

The News International; https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/955856-representing-multiple-societal-classes

    • A Constitutional Perspective on Chasing no-Confidence,

Pakistan Observe; https://pakobserver.net/a-constitutional-perspective-on-chasing-no-confidence-by-dilawar-hussain/

Area Of Interest

Areas of Interest & Specialization

Constitutionalism, Federalism, Legislative Studies, Parliament, US Congress, Second Chambers in Federal Systems, Parliament of Pakistan with focus on the Institutional History and Functioning of the Senate of Pakistan, Parliamentary Oversight, Executive-Legislature Relationships, Constitutional, Parliamentary and Political History of Pakistan, Electoral Politics in Pakistan, Party Politics and Political Parties, Intellectual History of South Asian Muslims, Historiography, Philosophy of History, European History, British Colonial India, Pakistan Movement, Sufism and Sufi Biographical Literature.

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