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Ph.D. (Psychology)

National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad- 2017

M. Phil. (Psychology)

National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad-2007

M.Sc. (Applied Psychology)

F.G. College for Women, F-7/2, Islamabad- 2000


Assistant Professor (Psychology), National University of Modern Laguages, Islamabad


Assistant Professor (Psychology), Preston University, Islamabad Campus


Lecturer  (Psychology), Preston University, Islamabad Campus

2011- 2013

Senior Lecturer (Psychology), Foundation University, Islamabad

2007- 2011

Lecturer, & Research Supervisor for M.Sc.(Psychology) at Sarhad University’s Institute at F-10, Markaz, Islamabad


Tutorship in Women Studies Department, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.

2002- 2004

Lecturer (Psychology), Government College (W), Fateh Jang, Attock


  1. Cristian Ramos-Vera; Dennis Calle; Angel García O’Diana; Bruno Bonfá-Araujo; Ariela Raissa Lima-Costa; Mirko Duradoni; María Laura Lupano Perugini; Guy Curtis; Menelaos Apostolou; Asia Mushtaq; Anannya Madonna; Radka Čopková; Jacksaint Saintila. (2024). A multinational study of dark triad personality traits comparisons by gender in 15 countries: A network analysis approach. PloS One. (under review). (HEC Cat: W, IMF:3.752)
  2. Arooj Najamussaqib, Asia Mushtaq & Robert Duncan. (2024). Effectiveness of Fun FRIENDS on Social Emotional Functioning of Pakistani School Children. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. Volume 93, issue 2024, pages 1-10, 101675. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2024.101675.  (Published online 20 July 2024)  (HEC Cat: W, IMF:2.2 )
  3. Uzma Shafiq & Asia Mushtaq. (2024). Validation of Urdu Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting (IM-P) Scale on Pakistani Mothers. Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences. Volume 05, Issue 02, Pages 221-234. (Published 28 June 2024) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: N/A)
  4. Hafiz Haseeb Nisar & Asia Mushtaq. (2024). Perceived Challenges and the Role of  Dispositional Factors in Achieving Professional Development among Successful Entrepreneurs. Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences. Volume 05, Issue 02, Pages 160-171. (Published 19 June 2024) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: N/A)
  5. Afshan Anjum, Asia Mushtaq, Tasnim Rehna, Fazaila Sabih, & Arooj Najamussaqib. (2024). Effectiveness of Montessori Sensorial Training program for children with mild intellectually disabilities in Pakistan: A randomized control trial. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. Volume 71, Issue 01, pages 13-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/1034912X.2021.2016657. (Published online 04 January 2022, and Published 23 January 2024) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 1.3)
  6. Aqsa Shahid & Asia Mushtaq. (2023). Mediating Role of Negative Emotions in Association between Imprisonment Strain and Institutional Misconduct among Juvenile Offenders of Punjab Prisons. Pakistan Journal of Criminology. Volume 15, Issue 3, pages 225-244. (Published 28 September 2023) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: N/A)
  7. Sanam Nawaz & Asia Mushtaq. (2023). Validation of Urdu Forms of Bullying Scale in Pakistani Elementary Children. Ponte. Volume 79, Issue 6, pages 2-13. https://doi.org/10.21506/j.ponte.2023.6.1. (Published 19 June 2023) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: 0.093)
  8. Fazaila Sabih, Anis ul Haque, Asia Mushtaq, & Ayesha Shabbir. (2023). Parental Psychopathology: An Exploratory Study of Parenting and Behavioral Problems among Adolescents. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. Volume 23, Issue 2, pages 175-193. (Published 31 May 2023) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: N/A)
  9. Arooj Najamussaqib & Asia Mushtaq. (2023). Estimation and Linkage Between Behavioral Problems and Social Emotional Competence among Pakistani Young School Children. PloS One.  Volume 18, Issue 5, pages 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0278719. (Published 25 May 2023) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 3.752)
  10. Angélique M. Blackburn, Hyemin Han, Rebekah Gelpí, Sabrina Stöckli, Alma Jeftić, Brendan Ch’ng, Karolina Koszałkowska, David Lacko, Taciano L. Milfont, Yookyung Lee, the COVIDiSTRESS II Consortium, and Sara Vestergren. (2023). Mediation Analysis of Conspiratorial Thinking and Anti-Expert Sentiments on Vaccine Willingness. Health Psychology. Volume 42, Issue 4, pages 235-246. https://doi.org/10.1037/hea0001268. (Published 02 May 2023) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 5.556)
  11. Ayesha Inam, Minahir Shahid, Asia Mushtaq, Sahira Zaman, & Samia Wasif. (2023). Understanding the Criminal Personality of Convicted Rapists in Pakistani Prisons. Russian Law Journal, Volume 11, Issue 3s, pages 280-292. (Published 6th April 2023) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 0.368)
  12. Ayesha Inam, Asia Mushtaq, Sahira Zaman, Samia Wasif, Mahnoor, & Hania Asghar Khan. (2023). Vaccine Hesitancy and Post Vaccination Adherence to Safety Measures: A Mixed Method Study. Frontiers in Public Health, Volume 11, Article No. 1072740, pages 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1072740. (Published 31 March 2023) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 6.461)
  13. Hafiz Haseeb Nisar & Asia Mushtaq. (2023). Entrepreneurial Professional Development Inventory for Young Business Graduates in Pakistan. Ponte. Volume 79, Issue 3, pages 2-17. https://doi.org/10.21506/j.ponte.2023.3.1. (Published 07 March 2023) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: 0.093)
  14. Arooj Najamussaqib, Asia Mushtaq & Alina Khan. (2022). Psychometric Assessment of the Social emotional Development Assessment Scale in Pakistan. Ponte. Volume 78, Issue 4, pages 88-99.   https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7416567. (Published 09 December 2022) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: 0.093)
  15. Asia Mushtaq, Ayesha Inam, Arooj Najmussaqib, Anjum Afshan, & Eda ErmaganCaglar. (2022). Mediating Role of Psychological Maladjustment in Relation Between Dark Triad, Psychological Distress and Subjective Happiness of Pakistani Emerging Adults. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 13, Article No. 906334, pages 1-12. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.906334. (Published 08 July 2022) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 4.232)
  16. Blackburn, A.M., Vestergren, S. & the COVIDiSTRESS II Consortium. (2022). COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Data, 9, 331. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597022-01383-6. (Published 21 June 2022). (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 8.501).
  17. Ayesha Inam, Asia Mushtaq, Sahira Zaman, & Samia Wasif. (2022). Preliminary Effectiveness of Paths Curriculum for Preschool Children in Pakistan. Webology. 19 (3), 3818-3834. (Published 31st May 2022) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 1.565).
  18. Ayesha Inam, Sahira Zaman, Asia Mushtaq, & Muhammad Usama Babar (2021). The Provision and Implication of Insanity Defense in Pakistani Laws. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 10, 1754-1764. https://doi.org/10.6000/19294409.2021.10.198. (Published 31 December 2021) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 0.396 ).
  19. Fazaila Sabih, Maria Jameel, Amna Hassan, Asia Mushtaq, & Syeda Shamama-tusSabah. (2021). An empirical exploration of social media burnout, loneliness and body dissatisfaction among university students in Pakistan. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 22, Issue 4, pages 1-10. (Published 1st June 2021) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: None)
  20. Asia Mushtaq, Shamsa Arif, & Fazaila Sabih. (2020). Premenopausal Symptoms as Predictor of Quality of Life in Reproductive Aged Women. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. Volume 70, Issue 12, pages 2394-2397. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.417. (Published 1st December 2020) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 0.781)
  21. Sana Younas, Anila Kamal, Fazaila Sabih, & Asia Mushtaq. (2020). A sociopsychological study of Piri-Muridi. Trames. Volume 24, Issue 2, pages 145-160. https://doi.org/10.3176/tr.2020.2.02. (Published 3rd May, 2020) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 0.51)
  22. Saba Zarnaz Hafsa, Asia Mushtaq, Fazaila Sabih, Amna Hassan, Syeda Rabia Shaheen , & Fatima Afsar. (2020). Role of Family Care and Support in Experience of Bereavement Among Elders: Case Study. Ponte. Volume 76, Issue 4, pages 284-289. https://doi.org/10.21506/j.ponte.2020.4.22. (Published 20th April 2020) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 0.093 )
  23. Fazaila Sabih, Anis ul Haque, Sana Younas, & Asia Mushtaq. (2020). Parenting Practices and Behavioral Problems among Adolescents’ of Parents with Psychopathology: Role of Adolescents’ Coping as Moderator. Technium Social Sciences Journal. Volume 5, Issue 1, pages 104-121. https://doi.org/10.47577/tssj.v5i1.207.
  24. Shabana Noureen, Farrah Khanum, & Asia Mushtaq. (2018). Predictive Role of Demographic Variables on Social Anxiety among University Students. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Volume 9, Issue 12, pages 1351-1360.
  25. Farrah Khanum, Shabana Noureen, & Asia Mushtaq. (2018). Self-concept and social adjustment of children with learning disabilities. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Volume 9, Issue 12, pages 1548-1558.
  26. Asia Mushtaq, John E. Lochman, Pervaiz N. Tariq, and Fazaila Sabih. (2017). Preliminary effectiveness study of Coping Power Program for aggressive children in Pakistan. Prevention Science. Volume 18, Issue 7, pages 762-771. (Article first published online: 05 October 2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-016-0721-9. (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 3.931)
  27. Fazaila Sabih, Anis ul Haq, Asia Mushtaq, Adnan Sohail, & Bushra Mussawar. (2015). Internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems in children of psychiatrically ill parents. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Volume 12, Issue 3, pages 15-18. (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: None)
  28. Asia Mushtaq, Pervaiz N. Tariq, & Fazaila Sabih. (2015). Prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in school children. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Volume 12, Issue 2, pages 22-25. (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: None)
  29. Nicole P. Powell, Caroline L. Boxmeyer, Rachel Baden, Sara Stromeyer, Jessica A. Minney, Asia Mushtaq, & John E. Lochman. (2011). Assessing and treating aggression and conduct problems in schools: Implications from the Coping Power program. Psychology in the Schools, Special Issue: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the Schools. Volume 48, Issue 3, pages 233-242. (Article first published online: 11 January 2011). https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.20549. (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 1.923)


  1. Symposia session with 07 research articles  on the Theme “Transformative Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Development” at 2nd International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP) on “Creating a Better World for Future” (June 15, 2023) at Al-Mizan Campus by Riphah International University, Islamabad. (Session Chair and Co-author of all the research papers).
  2. Paper Presentation at 7th International Multidisciplinary Research Conference (IMRC) on “Post COVID 19 Global Prosperity through Research & Sustainable Development” 25-28 July, 2022) at Bara Gali Summer Campus by Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar.------ “Predictive Role of Childhood Maltreatment on Social Relationships of Emerging Adults”.
  3. Paper presented at 9th International Virtual Conference on on “Trauma, Abuse, and Violence: Thriving for a World without Torture "(23rd July, 2022-Virtual Conference) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Mediating Role of Ego Resiliency in the Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and Perceived Relationship Quality With Romantic Partner in Emerging Adults”.
  4. Paper Presentation at 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Social sciences (ICBMASS-22):International Conference on Wellbeing: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (ICW-22)” (09-10 Feb., 2022-Virtual Conference) by Department of Behavioral Sciences, School of Social Sciences & Humanities (S3H), NUST, Islamabad----- “Remembrance of Childhood Parental Rejection and Current Levels of Intimacy in Young Adults: Role of Psychological Mal-Adjustment”.
  5. Paper presented Paper Presentation at 8th International Conference on "Mental Health and Productivity: The Emerging Challenges for Youth"(21-22 Oct., 2021-Virtual Conference) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Parenting Practices and Psychological Dysfunction as Sequential Mediators in the Relationship between Parents and Adolescents’ Psychopathology”.
  6. Paper Presentation at 8th International Conference on "Mental Health and Productivity: The Emerging Challenges for Youth"(21-22 Oct., 2021-Virtual Conference) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Exploring Family and Peer Risk Factors of Substance Use Among Upper Class Adolescents”.
  7. Paper Presentation at 8th International Conference on "Mental Health and Productivity: The Emerging Challenges for Youth"(21-22 Oct., 2021-Virtual Conference) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Role of Negative Temperament and Cognitive Distortions in the Relationship between Psychopathy and Delinquency among Juvenile Offenders”.
  8. Paper Presentation at 7th International Conference on Positive Psychology- Developing a Flourishing Community (29th-30th Nov, 2018) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Impact of Social Anxiety on Psychological Well-being and Social Functioning of Young Adults”.
  9. Paper Presentation at 1st International Conference on Developmental PsychopathologyPrevalence, Management & Prevention (13th-15th Oct, 2009) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Social Information Processing Styles in Aggressive-Rejected and NonaggressivePopular Pakistani School Children”.
  10. Paper Presentation at 6th International Symposium on Psychiatric Updates & Media/Public Awareness—“Community Based Psychiatric Services, Needs and provisions-Bridging the Gap” May 1-3, 2009, Lahore----“Effect of Aggression and Prosocial Behavior on Peer Nominated Social Status of School Children”.

Poster Presentation

  1. Poster Presentation at 7th International Conference on Positive Psychology- Developing a Flourishing Community (29th-30th Nov, 2018) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Behavioral Problems and Situation-Specific Social Skill Deficits in Children with Learning Disabilities”.
  2. Poster Presentation at 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Psychology: Preparing For 21st Century (18th -19th December, 2017) by Foundation University, Rawalpindi Campus-----“Effects of Interpersonal Problems among Couples on their Relationship Quality and Satisfaction”.  
  3. Poster Presentation at 1st International Conference on Developmental PsychopathologyPrevalence, Management & Prevention (13th-15th Oct, 2009) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad----------“Effectiveness of “Coping Power Program” (CPP) in reduction of Behavior Problems in Children”.
  4. Poster Presentation at International Conference on Extremism and Terrorism, (October, 2008) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad ----“Social Information Processing Styles in Aggressive Children”.
  5. Poster Presentation at 1st International Conference on Psychotrauma, (August, 2008) Islamabad----“Stress among Adolescent Affected by Earthquake (2005)”.


  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Designs and Analyses in Psychology
  • Applied Statistics
  • Psychometrics/Psychological Testing
  • Research Methods
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Child and Adolescent Abnormal Psychology
  • Social Psychology


Ph.D. (Psychology)

National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad- 2017

M. Phil. (Psychology)

National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad-2007

M.Sc. (Applied Psychology)

F.G. College for Women, F-7/2, Islamabad- 2000



Assistant Professor (Psychology), National University of Modern Laguages, Islamabad


Assistant Professor (Psychology), Preston University, Islamabad Campus


Lecturer  (Psychology), Preston University, Islamabad Campus

2011- 2013

Senior Lecturer (Psychology), Foundation University, Islamabad

2007- 2011

Lecturer, & Research Supervisor for M.Sc.(Psychology) at Sarhad University’s Institute at F-10, Markaz, Islamabad


Tutorship in Women Studies Department, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.

2002- 2004

Lecturer (Psychology), Government College (W), Fateh Jang, Attock



  1. Cristian Ramos-Vera; Dennis Calle; Angel García O’Diana; Bruno Bonfá-Araujo; Ariela Raissa Lima-Costa; Mirko Duradoni; María Laura Lupano Perugini; Guy Curtis; Menelaos Apostolou; Asia Mushtaq; Anannya Madonna; Radka Čopková; Jacksaint Saintila. (2024). A multinational study of dark triad personality traits comparisons by gender in 15 countries: A network analysis approach. PloS One. (under review). (HEC Cat: W, IMF:3.752)
  2. Arooj Najamussaqib, Asia Mushtaq & Robert Duncan. (2024). Effectiveness of Fun FRIENDS on Social Emotional Functioning of Pakistani School Children. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. Volume 93, issue 2024, pages 1-10, 101675. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2024.101675.  (Published online 20 July 2024)  (HEC Cat: W, IMF:2.2 )
  3. Uzma Shafiq & Asia Mushtaq. (2024). Validation of Urdu Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting (IM-P) Scale on Pakistani Mothers. Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences. Volume 05, Issue 02, Pages 221-234. (Published 28 June 2024) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: N/A)
  4. Hafiz Haseeb Nisar & Asia Mushtaq. (2024). Perceived Challenges and the Role of  Dispositional Factors in Achieving Professional Development among Successful Entrepreneurs. Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences. Volume 05, Issue 02, Pages 160-171. (Published 19 June 2024) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: N/A)
  5. Afshan Anjum, Asia Mushtaq, Tasnim Rehna, Fazaila Sabih, & Arooj Najamussaqib. (2024). Effectiveness of Montessori Sensorial Training program for children with mild intellectually disabilities in Pakistan: A randomized control trial. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. Volume 71, Issue 01, pages 13-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/1034912X.2021.2016657. (Published online 04 January 2022, and Published 23 January 2024) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 1.3)
  6. Aqsa Shahid & Asia Mushtaq. (2023). Mediating Role of Negative Emotions in Association between Imprisonment Strain and Institutional Misconduct among Juvenile Offenders of Punjab Prisons. Pakistan Journal of Criminology. Volume 15, Issue 3, pages 225-244. (Published 28 September 2023) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: N/A)
  7. Sanam Nawaz & Asia Mushtaq. (2023). Validation of Urdu Forms of Bullying Scale in Pakistani Elementary Children. Ponte. Volume 79, Issue 6, pages 2-13. https://doi.org/10.21506/j.ponte.2023.6.1. (Published 19 June 2023) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: 0.093)
  8. Fazaila Sabih, Anis ul Haque, Asia Mushtaq, & Ayesha Shabbir. (2023). Parental Psychopathology: An Exploratory Study of Parenting and Behavioral Problems among Adolescents. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. Volume 23, Issue 2, pages 175-193. (Published 31 May 2023) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: N/A)
  9. Arooj Najamussaqib & Asia Mushtaq. (2023). Estimation and Linkage Between Behavioral Problems and Social Emotional Competence among Pakistani Young School Children. PloS One.  Volume 18, Issue 5, pages 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0278719. (Published 25 May 2023) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 3.752)
  10. Angélique M. Blackburn, Hyemin Han, Rebekah Gelpí, Sabrina Stöckli, Alma Jeftić, Brendan Ch’ng, Karolina Koszałkowska, David Lacko, Taciano L. Milfont, Yookyung Lee, the COVIDiSTRESS II Consortium, and Sara Vestergren. (2023). Mediation Analysis of Conspiratorial Thinking and Anti-Expert Sentiments on Vaccine Willingness. Health Psychology. Volume 42, Issue 4, pages 235-246. https://doi.org/10.1037/hea0001268. (Published 02 May 2023) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 5.556)
  11. Ayesha Inam, Minahir Shahid, Asia Mushtaq, Sahira Zaman, & Samia Wasif. (2023). Understanding the Criminal Personality of Convicted Rapists in Pakistani Prisons. Russian Law Journal, Volume 11, Issue 3s, pages 280-292. (Published 6th April 2023) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 0.368)
  12. Ayesha Inam, Asia Mushtaq, Sahira Zaman, Samia Wasif, Mahnoor, & Hania Asghar Khan. (2023). Vaccine Hesitancy and Post Vaccination Adherence to Safety Measures: A Mixed Method Study. Frontiers in Public Health, Volume 11, Article No. 1072740, pages 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1072740. (Published 31 March 2023) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 6.461)
  13. Hafiz Haseeb Nisar & Asia Mushtaq. (2023). Entrepreneurial Professional Development Inventory for Young Business Graduates in Pakistan. Ponte. Volume 79, Issue 3, pages 2-17. https://doi.org/10.21506/j.ponte.2023.3.1. (Published 07 March 2023) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: 0.093)
  14. Arooj Najamussaqib, Asia Mushtaq & Alina Khan. (2022). Psychometric Assessment of the Social emotional Development Assessment Scale in Pakistan. Ponte. Volume 78, Issue 4, pages 88-99.   https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7416567. (Published 09 December 2022) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: 0.093)
  15. Asia Mushtaq, Ayesha Inam, Arooj Najmussaqib, Anjum Afshan, & Eda ErmaganCaglar. (2022). Mediating Role of Psychological Maladjustment in Relation Between Dark Triad, Psychological Distress and Subjective Happiness of Pakistani Emerging Adults. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 13, Article No. 906334, pages 1-12. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.906334. (Published 08 July 2022) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 4.232)
  16. Blackburn, A.M., Vestergren, S. & the COVIDiSTRESS II Consortium. (2022). COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Data, 9, 331. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597022-01383-6. (Published 21 June 2022). (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 8.501).
  17. Ayesha Inam, Asia Mushtaq, Sahira Zaman, & Samia Wasif. (2022). Preliminary Effectiveness of Paths Curriculum for Preschool Children in Pakistan. Webology. 19 (3), 3818-3834. (Published 31st May 2022) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 1.565).
  18. Ayesha Inam, Sahira Zaman, Asia Mushtaq, & Muhammad Usama Babar (2021). The Provision and Implication of Insanity Defense in Pakistani Laws. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 10, 1754-1764. https://doi.org/10.6000/19294409.2021.10.198. (Published 31 December 2021) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 0.396 ).
  19. Fazaila Sabih, Maria Jameel, Amna Hassan, Asia Mushtaq, & Syeda Shamama-tusSabah. (2021). An empirical exploration of social media burnout, loneliness and body dissatisfaction among university students in Pakistan. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 22, Issue 4, pages 1-10. (Published 1st June 2021) (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: None)
  20. Asia Mushtaq, Shamsa Arif, & Fazaila Sabih. (2020). Premenopausal Symptoms as Predictor of Quality of Life in Reproductive Aged Women. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. Volume 70, Issue 12, pages 2394-2397. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.417. (Published 1st December 2020) (HEC Cat: X, IMF: 0.781)
  21. Sana Younas, Anila Kamal, Fazaila Sabih, & Asia Mushtaq. (2020). A sociopsychological study of Piri-Muridi. Trames. Volume 24, Issue 2, pages 145-160. https://doi.org/10.3176/tr.2020.2.02. (Published 3rd May, 2020) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 0.51)
  22. Saba Zarnaz Hafsa, Asia Mushtaq, Fazaila Sabih, Amna Hassan, Syeda Rabia Shaheen , & Fatima Afsar. (2020). Role of Family Care and Support in Experience of Bereavement Among Elders: Case Study. Ponte. Volume 76, Issue 4, pages 284-289. https://doi.org/10.21506/j.ponte.2020.4.22. (Published 20th April 2020) (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 0.093 )
  23. Fazaila Sabih, Anis ul Haque, Sana Younas, & Asia Mushtaq. (2020). Parenting Practices and Behavioral Problems among Adolescents’ of Parents with Psychopathology: Role of Adolescents’ Coping as Moderator. Technium Social Sciences Journal. Volume 5, Issue 1, pages 104-121. https://doi.org/10.47577/tssj.v5i1.207.
  24. Shabana Noureen, Farrah Khanum, & Asia Mushtaq. (2018). Predictive Role of Demographic Variables on Social Anxiety among University Students. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Volume 9, Issue 12, pages 1351-1360.
  25. Farrah Khanum, Shabana Noureen, & Asia Mushtaq. (2018). Self-concept and social adjustment of children with learning disabilities. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Volume 9, Issue 12, pages 1548-1558.
  26. Asia Mushtaq, John E. Lochman, Pervaiz N. Tariq, and Fazaila Sabih. (2017). Preliminary effectiveness study of Coping Power Program for aggressive children in Pakistan. Prevention Science. Volume 18, Issue 7, pages 762-771. (Article first published online: 05 October 2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-016-0721-9. (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 3.931)
  27. Fazaila Sabih, Anis ul Haq, Asia Mushtaq, Adnan Sohail, & Bushra Mussawar. (2015). Internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems in children of psychiatrically ill parents. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Volume 12, Issue 3, pages 15-18. (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: None)
  28. Asia Mushtaq, Pervaiz N. Tariq, & Fazaila Sabih. (2015). Prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in school children. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Volume 12, Issue 2, pages 22-25. (HEC Cat: Y, IMF: None)
  29. Nicole P. Powell, Caroline L. Boxmeyer, Rachel Baden, Sara Stromeyer, Jessica A. Minney, Asia Mushtaq, & John E. Lochman. (2011). Assessing and treating aggression and conduct problems in schools: Implications from the Coping Power program. Psychology in the Schools, Special Issue: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the Schools. Volume 48, Issue 3, pages 233-242. (Article first published online: 11 January 2011). https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.20549. (HEC Cat: W, IMF: 1.923)


  1. Symposia session with 07 research articles  on the Theme “Transformative Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Development” at 2nd International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP) on “Creating a Better World for Future” (June 15, 2023) at Al-Mizan Campus by Riphah International University, Islamabad. (Session Chair and Co-author of all the research papers).
  2. Paper Presentation at 7th International Multidisciplinary Research Conference (IMRC) on “Post COVID 19 Global Prosperity through Research & Sustainable Development” 25-28 July, 2022) at Bara Gali Summer Campus by Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar.------ “Predictive Role of Childhood Maltreatment on Social Relationships of Emerging Adults”.
  3. Paper presented at 9th International Virtual Conference on on “Trauma, Abuse, and Violence: Thriving for a World without Torture "(23rd July, 2022-Virtual Conference) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Mediating Role of Ego Resiliency in the Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and Perceived Relationship Quality With Romantic Partner in Emerging Adults”.
  4. Paper Presentation at 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Social sciences (ICBMASS-22):International Conference on Wellbeing: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (ICW-22)” (09-10 Feb., 2022-Virtual Conference) by Department of Behavioral Sciences, School of Social Sciences & Humanities (S3H), NUST, Islamabad----- “Remembrance of Childhood Parental Rejection and Current Levels of Intimacy in Young Adults: Role of Psychological Mal-Adjustment”.
  5. Paper presented Paper Presentation at 8th International Conference on "Mental Health and Productivity: The Emerging Challenges for Youth"(21-22 Oct., 2021-Virtual Conference) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Parenting Practices and Psychological Dysfunction as Sequential Mediators in the Relationship between Parents and Adolescents’ Psychopathology”.
  6. Paper Presentation at 8th International Conference on "Mental Health and Productivity: The Emerging Challenges for Youth"(21-22 Oct., 2021-Virtual Conference) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Exploring Family and Peer Risk Factors of Substance Use Among Upper Class Adolescents”.
  7. Paper Presentation at 8th International Conference on "Mental Health and Productivity: The Emerging Challenges for Youth"(21-22 Oct., 2021-Virtual Conference) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Role of Negative Temperament and Cognitive Distortions in the Relationship between Psychopathy and Delinquency among Juvenile Offenders”.
  8. Paper Presentation at 7th International Conference on Positive Psychology- Developing a Flourishing Community (29th-30th Nov, 2018) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Impact of Social Anxiety on Psychological Well-being and Social Functioning of Young Adults”.
  9. Paper Presentation at 1st International Conference on Developmental PsychopathologyPrevalence, Management & Prevention (13th-15th Oct, 2009) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Social Information Processing Styles in Aggressive-Rejected and NonaggressivePopular Pakistani School Children”.
  10. Paper Presentation at 6th International Symposium on Psychiatric Updates & Media/Public Awareness—“Community Based Psychiatric Services, Needs and provisions-Bridging the Gap” May 1-3, 2009, Lahore----“Effect of Aggression and Prosocial Behavior on Peer Nominated Social Status of School Children”.

Poster Presentation

  1. Poster Presentation at 7th International Conference on Positive Psychology- Developing a Flourishing Community (29th-30th Nov, 2018) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad------ “Behavioral Problems and Situation-Specific Social Skill Deficits in Children with Learning Disabilities”.
  2. Poster Presentation at 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Psychology: Preparing For 21st Century (18th -19th December, 2017) by Foundation University, Rawalpindi Campus-----“Effects of Interpersonal Problems among Couples on their Relationship Quality and Satisfaction”.  
  3. Poster Presentation at 1st International Conference on Developmental PsychopathologyPrevalence, Management & Prevention (13th-15th Oct, 2009) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad----------“Effectiveness of “Coping Power Program” (CPP) in reduction of Behavior Problems in Children”.
  4. Poster Presentation at International Conference on Extremism and Terrorism, (October, 2008) by NIP, QAU, Islamabad ----“Social Information Processing Styles in Aggressive Children”.
  5. Poster Presentation at 1st International Conference on Psychotrauma, (August, 2008) Islamabad----“Stress among Adolescent Affected by Earthquake (2005)”.


Area Of Interest

  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Designs and Analyses in Psychology
  • Applied Statistics
  • Psychometrics/Psychological Testing
  • Research Methods
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Child and Adolescent Abnormal Psychology
  • Social Psychology

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