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  1. Ph.D Economics, Wuhan University, Hubei Province, China 2018
  2. MPhil Economics, Preston University, Islamabad, 2013
  3. MSc Economics, Punjab University, Lahore 2003
  1. Lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Economics, NUML, Islamabad 2019-Present
  2. Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan 2010 - 2015
  3. Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan 2007 - 2008
  1. Estimating the key determinants of foreign direct investment flows in Pakistan: new insights into the co-integration relationship. South Asian Journal of Business Studies Hummera Saleem et al. (2020 doi.org/10.1108/SAJBS-07-2019-0123
  2. The Short Run and Long Run Dynamics among FDI, Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Using a Bootstrap ARDL test for Co-integration in selected South Asian Countries. South Asian Journal of Business Studies. Hummera Saleem, et al. (2020), 9(2), 279-295.
  3. The role of financial development energy demand, and technological change in environmental sustainablility agenda: evidence from selected Asian countries, Saeem, H, Khan, M. B. and Shabbir, M. S. (2020). Environmental Science and Pollution Research.   
  4. Socio-economic and environmental factors influenced the United Nations healthcare sustainable agenda: Evidence from a panel of selected Asian and African countries. Environmental science and pollution research. (Hummera Saleem, Wen  Jiandong et.al  2019)  https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S11356-019-04692-3.  Published  online  13 March 2019. SSCI Publisher Springer, (Impact factor 2.8 ).
  5. The impact of air-railways transportation, energy demand, bilateral aid flows, and population density on environmental degradation: Evidence from a panel of next-11 countries. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. (Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong et.al 2018) Volume 62, July 2018, Pages 152-168, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2018.02.016 SSCI (ELSEVIER Publisher) Impact factor 3.08 ).
  6. The impact of air transportation, railways transportation, and port container traffic on energy demand, customs duty, and economic growth: Evidence from a panel of low-, middle-, and high -income countries. Journal of Air Transport Management 70 (2018) 18-35, Haroon Ur Rashid Khan, Muhammad Siddique, Khalid Zaman, Sheikh Usman Yousaf, Alaa Mohamd Shoukry, Showkat Gani, Sasmokoi, Aqeel Khan, Sanil S. Hishan, Hummera Saleem. SSCI (Elsevier Publishers) Impact factor 2.61.
  7. The impact of economic policy uncertainty on the innovation in china: empirical: evidence  from  autoregressive  distributed  lag  bounds  tests,  Cogent Economics & Finance (OAEF) Taylor and Francis. Hummera Saleem et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2018), 6: 1514929 Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/23322039.2018.1514929. (Scopus , 0.5 impact factor).
  8. Innovation, Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Policy Perspective. (Hummera Saleem et. al 2019) Journal of Economic Structures (Scopus). Publisher  Springer,  Economic  Structures  (2019)8:7.  DOI  :10.1186/s40008-019-0134-6.
  9. Impact of Internet adoption and mobile phone penetration on corruption: Evidence from selected Asia-Pacific countries. Global Business Review.   Available online https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150919832107 (Scopus impact factor 0 .88)
  10. Direct impact of inflow of foreign direct investment on poverty reduction in Pakistan: A  bond testing approach. Economic research- Ekonomska   istrazivana (SSCI,1.37 impact factor journal) ISSN:1331-677X(Print) 1848-9664(Online)
  11. Determinants of  Corruption in  China:  A  policy  Perspective. :  Journal  of  Chinese Governance. (Hummera Saleem,  Wen  Jiandong et.al  2018)  RGOV.  (ESCI)    online https://doi.org/10.1080/23812346.2018.1516388.
  12. Re-examining the determinants of foreign direct investment in China. Transnational Corporations     Review,     Taylor     and     Francis     Group     10:1,     53-68,     DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2018.1436654, Published  online:  08  March  2018.  Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong, Muhammad Bilal Khan & Bashir Ahmad Khilji. ISSN: 1918-6444 (Print) 1925-2099 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rncr20.
  13. Re-examining Multidimensional Poverty in Pakistan: A new assessment of regional    variations. Global Business Review. GBR-2019-0065 online https://doi.org/ 10.1177/0972150919844412  (Scopus  impact factor 0 .88)

Conference Paper

  1. Relationship among renewable energy, environmental degradation and economic growth in selected south Asian countries: progress towards poverty alleviation and green economy. 6th International Conference held in Sri Lanka forum of University economist November 23-24, 2017 Sri Lanka.
  2. Reconnoitering multidimensional poverty in Pakistan: “A policy perspective”. 4th International conference on poverty & sustainability development 2017, (ICPSD Colombo) Sri Lanka.
  1. Microeconomics
  2. Environemnt Economics
  3. Energy Economics


  1. Ph.D Economics, Wuhan University, Hubei Province, China 2018
  2. MPhil Economics, Preston University, Islamabad, 2013
  3. MSc Economics, Punjab University, Lahore 2003


  1. Lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Economics, NUML, Islamabad 2019-Present
  2. Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan 2010 - 2015
  3. Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan 2007 - 2008


  1. Estimating the key determinants of foreign direct investment flows in Pakistan: new insights into the co-integration relationship. South Asian Journal of Business Studies Hummera Saleem et al. (2020 doi.org/10.1108/SAJBS-07-2019-0123
  2. The Short Run and Long Run Dynamics among FDI, Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Using a Bootstrap ARDL test for Co-integration in selected South Asian Countries. South Asian Journal of Business Studies. Hummera Saleem, et al. (2020), 9(2), 279-295.
  3. The role of financial development energy demand, and technological change in environmental sustainablility agenda: evidence from selected Asian countries, Saeem, H, Khan, M. B. and Shabbir, M. S. (2020). Environmental Science and Pollution Research.   
  4. Socio-economic and environmental factors influenced the United Nations healthcare sustainable agenda: Evidence from a panel of selected Asian and African countries. Environmental science and pollution research. (Hummera Saleem, Wen  Jiandong et.al  2019)  https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S11356-019-04692-3.  Published  online  13 March 2019. SSCI Publisher Springer, (Impact factor 2.8 ).
  5. The impact of air-railways transportation, energy demand, bilateral aid flows, and population density on environmental degradation: Evidence from a panel of next-11 countries. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. (Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong et.al 2018) Volume 62, July 2018, Pages 152-168, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2018.02.016 SSCI (ELSEVIER Publisher) Impact factor 3.08 ).
  6. The impact of air transportation, railways transportation, and port container traffic on energy demand, customs duty, and economic growth: Evidence from a panel of low-, middle-, and high -income countries. Journal of Air Transport Management 70 (2018) 18-35, Haroon Ur Rashid Khan, Muhammad Siddique, Khalid Zaman, Sheikh Usman Yousaf, Alaa Mohamd Shoukry, Showkat Gani, Sasmokoi, Aqeel Khan, Sanil S. Hishan, Hummera Saleem. SSCI (Elsevier Publishers) Impact factor 2.61.
  7. The impact of economic policy uncertainty on the innovation in china: empirical: evidence  from  autoregressive  distributed  lag  bounds  tests,  Cogent Economics & Finance (OAEF) Taylor and Francis. Hummera Saleem et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2018), 6: 1514929 Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/23322039.2018.1514929. (Scopus , 0.5 impact factor).
  8. Innovation, Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Policy Perspective. (Hummera Saleem et. al 2019) Journal of Economic Structures (Scopus). Publisher  Springer,  Economic  Structures  (2019)8:7.  DOI  :10.1186/s40008-019-0134-6.
  9. Impact of Internet adoption and mobile phone penetration on corruption: Evidence from selected Asia-Pacific countries. Global Business Review.   Available online https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150919832107 (Scopus impact factor 0 .88)
  10. Direct impact of inflow of foreign direct investment on poverty reduction in Pakistan: A  bond testing approach. Economic research- Ekonomska   istrazivana (SSCI,1.37 impact factor journal) ISSN:1331-677X(Print) 1848-9664(Online)
  11. Determinants of  Corruption in  China:  A  policy  Perspective. :  Journal  of  Chinese Governance. (Hummera Saleem,  Wen  Jiandong et.al  2018)  RGOV.  (ESCI)    online https://doi.org/10.1080/23812346.2018.1516388.
  12. Re-examining the determinants of foreign direct investment in China. Transnational Corporations     Review,     Taylor     and     Francis     Group     10:1,     53-68,     DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2018.1436654, Published  online:  08  March  2018.  Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong, Muhammad Bilal Khan & Bashir Ahmad Khilji. ISSN: 1918-6444 (Print) 1925-2099 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rncr20.
  13. Re-examining Multidimensional Poverty in Pakistan: A new assessment of regional    variations. Global Business Review. GBR-2019-0065 online https://doi.org/ 10.1177/0972150919844412  (Scopus  impact factor 0 .88)

Conference Paper

  1. Relationship among renewable energy, environmental degradation and economic growth in selected south Asian countries: progress towards poverty alleviation and green economy. 6th International Conference held in Sri Lanka forum of University economist November 23-24, 2017 Sri Lanka.
  2. Reconnoitering multidimensional poverty in Pakistan: “A policy perspective”. 4th International conference on poverty & sustainability development 2017, (ICPSD Colombo) Sri Lanka.

Area Of Interest

  1. Microeconomics
  2. Environemnt Economics
  3. Energy Economics

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