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  • PhD Persian Literature
  • MPhil Persian Literature

16 years

Books Published:

  1. 2019: Bay Yaad-e-Shaheedan, An account of martyrs of War against terrorism, published by 12 Punjab Regiment, Pakistan Army
  2. 2018:  Zikr-e-Zann, Allama   Iqbal   ki   Shaeri   main   Khawateen   ka Tazkara, NUML Publications, Islamabad, Pakistan, ISBN# 978- 969-9257-09-4, pages 268

Translations Published:

  1. 2023: Tafseer Surah-e-AlFateha: by Khawaja Abdullah Ansari

Chapters Contributed:


  1. 2018: Chapter titled: Haq ka Maal, book: Rukh-e-Janoon-e-Wafa, published by Hilal, 2018, ISBN-978-969-7632-01-5


  1. 2021: Chapter titled: Farhad-e-Sheerin Sifat (page 257-258) book, Homaye Adabe Farsi, published by Itibritta Prokashan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. 2019: Chapter titled: “Nauroz Aalam Farooz: Jashn-e-Nowruz dar Pakistan”, book titled: “Danesh Namah-e- Nowruz”, i.e. Nowruz Encyclopedia, Dehsara Publications, Rasht, Iran

Full papers published in Research Journals:

  1. 2022: بررسی ضرب المثلھای مشترک اردو و فارسی از دیدگاہ ترجمہ نگاری, Safeena, Department of Persian , UoP, Vol 20, issue 2022, ISSN-Online 2791-1098, http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/persian/PDF/21_v20_22.pdf
  2. 2022: Shahbaz, H. Zainab, M. A Scopic Review of Research at Department Of Iqbal Studies, AIOU, Tahan-e-Tehqeeq, 5(1), 134-141, ISSN Print: 2709-7617, ISSN Online: 2709-7625
  3. 2022: Shahbaz, H. Tahir, S. Islam And Iqbal’s Concept Of Women Empowerment, Harfo-Sokhan, 6(1), 179-189, ISSN Print: 2709-4022, ISSN Online: 2709-4030
  4. 2021: Shahbaz, H. Azam M. Iqbal’s Letters to Women - A Critical Study of His Mind and Art. Makhz 2(4), 466-479, doi: 10.47205/makhz.2021 (2-IV)38, http://doi.org/10.47205/makhz.2021(2-IV)38, https://makhz.org.pk/article/iqbal-s-lettersto-women-a- critical-study-of-his-mind-and-art, ISSN Print: 2709-9636, ISSN Online: 2709-9644
  5. 2021: Shahbaz, H. (), Al-Biruni Shenasi in Pakistan, Harf-o- Sukhan, 5(4), 294-301, http://www.harf-o- sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/219, ISSN Print: 2709-4022, ISSN Online: 2709-4030
  6. 2021: Dec, Shahbaz, H. Impact of Persian poem “Shehr Khali” on Urdu Communication Literature in Covid-19 Pandemic, Jahan-e-Tahqeeq, 4(4), 142-151, https://jahan- etahqeeq.com/index.php/jahan-e-tahqeeq/article/view/364, ISSN Print: 2709-7617, ISSN Online: 2709-7625
  7. 2021: Shahbaz, H. Iqbal’s Perspective of Women’s Economic Empowerment, Bulletin of Business and Economics, 10(4), 107-112, (https://bbejournal.com/index.php/BBE/article/view/283
  8. 2021: Oct, Shahbaz, H. (). Education of Children and Youth in the Poetry of Iqbal-e-Lahori, Anahita, 8(01), 83- 102.https://anahita.pk/ojs/index.php/7/issue/view/5.
  9. 2021: Dr. Humaira Shahbaz, "BARRASI DAR ISTELAH-E-ADABI-E-ASTOREH", i.e. , " A Study on Evolution in the Meanings of the Literary Term, “Myth”(Persian), Periodical DANESH, Volume 138-139,page 102-122, DANESH-https://www.thedanesh.com/
  10. 2019: “E-Concordance: A Blended Learning Practice for Teaching Oriental Languages & Literature”, ICEdDE 2019, 1st International Conference on Education in the Digital Ecosystem”, 19-22 August 2019, Malaysia
  11. 2016: “Barrasi-e-Asateer-e-Khudayan Dar Sher-e-Allama Iqbal”, “Danesh” Quarterly Research journal, serial 126, Iran Pakistan Institute of Persian Studies, 49, St.24, F-6/2, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan,
  12. 2015: “Shoba-e-Farsi: NUML (Pakistan) ki Tehqeeqi Khidmaat", i.e. Research Contributions of Department of Persian Studies NUML (Pakistan)”, "DABEER", Persian Research Journal of India, 1/10/2015
  13. 2015: " Allama Iqbal kay Afkar ki Roshni Man Khwateen Kay Faraiz Ka Taayun”, Paygham-eAshana, Cultural Consulate Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran, April-June)
  14. 2013: “Sima-e-Zann dar Ahwal-o-Assar-o-Afkar-e-Iqbal”, Periodical Danish, Iran Pakistan Institute of Persian Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1/06/2013
  15. 2008: "Message for Women in Poetry of Iqbal", Allama Iqbal Sangsad Patrika (Iqbal Studies), year22, No.1-4, Allama Iqbal Sangsad (Society), Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh, Jan – Dec 2008
  16. 2008: June, "Ahval-o-Asar-o-Afkar-e-Allama Iqbal", i.e. Life, Works and Thoughts of Allama Iqbal, Dhaka University Journal of Persian & Urdu, Issue 3, Registrar University of Dhaka, Department of Persian &Urdu, Dhaka1000, Bangladesh,  

Full Papers published in conference Proceedings:

  1. 2022: “Exploring Iqbal’s Narrative on Girl’s Education & SDG 4”, 2nd National Conference on Iqbal, Bahria University, Islamabad.
  2. 2017: Nov, “Jalwehhai-e-Asateer-e-Iran dar Sher-e-Maulana Iqbal-e-Lahori (In Persian)”, Memar-e-Haram, Collection of articles of 2nd International conference on Allama Iqbal(Iqbal and our world), Sub-Continent & South Asian Research Centre, Sistan Balochistan University, Zahedan, Iran,
  3. 2017: “Urdu aur Farsi ki Mushtarak Zarb ul Amsal aur tarjumeh kaymasael”, Sokhan-e-Ishq, collections of articles presented in 2days Seminar, Cultural Consulate of Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamabad.
  4. 2016: “Jaegah-e-Mir Sayed Ali Hamedani dar Sher-e-Allama Iqbal”, Collection of Persian Articles, Mir Sayyad Ali Hamedani International Conference, Compiled by Dr. Muhammad Nasir, Ferdousi Chair, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan,

Popular Press Publications:

  1. A Journey from Selfness to Selflessness: Iqbal’s Perspective of Women Empowerment, Hilal for Her, Monthly Journal of ISPR, March 2023, https://hilal.gov.pk/index.php/detail/a-journey-from-selfness-to-selflessness:-iqbal%E2%80%99s-perspective-of-women-empowerment
  2. 2020: Shehr Khali—HILAL Urdu-Monthly Magazine of ISPR, April 2020
  3. 2020: Rajkumari Mamba of Lahore, HILAL-Monthly Magazine of ISPR, Jan 2020
  4. 2019: “Iqbal ki Insaan Dosti Aur Sikh Baradari”, HILAL"- Urdu Monthly Journal of Pakistan Armed Forces, Nov 2019.
  5. 2019: “War and Women — Poetic Thoughts of Allama Iqbal”, HILAL for HER-Monthly Magazine of ISPR, March 2019
  6. 2018: “Payam-e-Iqbal aur Shohada Ki Maain”, Hilal Urdu, Monthly Journal of ISPR, Nov 2018
  7. 2018: “Sana Kay Baba Shaheed Ho gay”. Hilal Urdu, Monthly Journal of ISPR, May 2018.
  8. 2018: Hum Pendulum Hain”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Feb 2018
  9. 2018:Kushnaseeb Khushnavees”, Akhbar-e-Urdu, monthly journal of National Language Promotion Department, Jan 2018
  10. 2017:Khudi Ki Nafi main hay sad kharabi”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Nov 2017
  11. 2017:Khudi Ki khani ba Zuban-e- Bay Zubani”, Hilal, Rawalpindi, Nov 2017
  12. 2017:Rang Barsat Nay Bharay Kuchh to”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Oct 2017
  13. 2017:Yeh Aik Sajda”, Hilal Urdu, Monthly Journal of ISPR ،July 2017
  14. 2017: Allama Iqbal Say Mansoob Ghalat-ul-Aam Kalam”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, April 2017
  15. 2017:Pak Fauj aur Bosnia” Hilal Urdu, Monthly Journal of ISPR, Pakistan Armed Forces, April 2017
  16. 2017:Byaz-e-Ishq”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Feb 2017
  17. 2016:Risalat-e-Muhammadia Ka Maqsad:Hurriat, Musavat, Akhuwat:, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Dec 2016
  18. 2016:Sirr-e-Hadsa-e-Karbala”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Oct 2016
  19. 2016:Qafla-e-Ishq”, Volume: 7, issue 29, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Aug 2016
  20. 2016:  “Imam Bibi Madar-e-Buland-Iqbal”, Volume:5, issue:29, NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, June 2016
  21. 2016: Aglay Zalzalay say pehlay”, Volume :2, issue 29, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, March 2016
  22. 2016:Zann-e-Kamil”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Feb 2016
  23. 2016:Jang Aurat aur Iqbal Ki teen Nazmain”, Volume: 1, issue: 53,"HILAL"- Urdu Monthly Journal of Pakistan Armed Forces, Jan 2016
  24. 2015: Afkar-e-Iqbal aur khawateen”, Volume 5, issue 52, HILAL"- Urdu Monthly Journal of Pakistan Armed Forces, Nov 2015
  25. 2011- 2012:Iqbal ba hesiat-e-etalib-e-ilm”, “NauKhez”, Yearly Journal” of Army Public School, Faisal Campus, Karachi, Pakistan, 2011- 2012
  26. 2009: “Insight of Iqbal: Women in the Poetry of Allama Iqbal”, PROBE, News Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 39, 20- 26, March 2009
  27. 2008: “Insight of Iqbal: “the Dimensions of Philosophy of Love in Poetry of Iqbal is awe-inspiring”, PROBE, News Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 23-25, PROBE, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28th Nov - 18 Dec 2008
  • Iqbal Studies
  • Translation Studies
  • Persian Language & Literature
  • Women Studies
  • Entrepreneurship


  • PhD Persian Literature
  • MPhil Persian Literature


16 years


Books Published:

  1. 2019: Bay Yaad-e-Shaheedan, An account of martyrs of War against terrorism, published by 12 Punjab Regiment, Pakistan Army
  2. 2018:  Zikr-e-Zann, Allama   Iqbal   ki   Shaeri   main   Khawateen   ka Tazkara, NUML Publications, Islamabad, Pakistan, ISBN# 978- 969-9257-09-4, pages 268

Translations Published:

  1. 2023: Tafseer Surah-e-AlFateha: by Khawaja Abdullah Ansari

Chapters Contributed:


  1. 2018: Chapter titled: Haq ka Maal, book: Rukh-e-Janoon-e-Wafa, published by Hilal, 2018, ISBN-978-969-7632-01-5


  1. 2021: Chapter titled: Farhad-e-Sheerin Sifat (page 257-258) book, Homaye Adabe Farsi, published by Itibritta Prokashan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. 2019: Chapter titled: “Nauroz Aalam Farooz: Jashn-e-Nowruz dar Pakistan”, book titled: “Danesh Namah-e- Nowruz”, i.e. Nowruz Encyclopedia, Dehsara Publications, Rasht, Iran

Full papers published in Research Journals:

  1. 2022: بررسی ضرب المثلھای مشترک اردو و فارسی از دیدگاہ ترجمہ نگاری, Safeena, Department of Persian , UoP, Vol 20, issue 2022, ISSN-Online 2791-1098, http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/persian/PDF/21_v20_22.pdf
  2. 2022: Shahbaz, H. Zainab, M. A Scopic Review of Research at Department Of Iqbal Studies, AIOU, Tahan-e-Tehqeeq, 5(1), 134-141, ISSN Print: 2709-7617, ISSN Online: 2709-7625
  3. 2022: Shahbaz, H. Tahir, S. Islam And Iqbal’s Concept Of Women Empowerment, Harfo-Sokhan, 6(1), 179-189, ISSN Print: 2709-4022, ISSN Online: 2709-4030
  4. 2021: Shahbaz, H. Azam M. Iqbal’s Letters to Women - A Critical Study of His Mind and Art. Makhz 2(4), 466-479, doi: 10.47205/makhz.2021 (2-IV)38, http://doi.org/10.47205/makhz.2021(2-IV)38, https://makhz.org.pk/article/iqbal-s-lettersto-women-a- critical-study-of-his-mind-and-art, ISSN Print: 2709-9636, ISSN Online: 2709-9644
  5. 2021: Shahbaz, H. (), Al-Biruni Shenasi in Pakistan, Harf-o- Sukhan, 5(4), 294-301, http://www.harf-o- sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/219, ISSN Print: 2709-4022, ISSN Online: 2709-4030
  6. 2021: Dec, Shahbaz, H. Impact of Persian poem “Shehr Khali” on Urdu Communication Literature in Covid-19 Pandemic, Jahan-e-Tahqeeq, 4(4), 142-151, https://jahan- etahqeeq.com/index.php/jahan-e-tahqeeq/article/view/364, ISSN Print: 2709-7617, ISSN Online: 2709-7625
  7. 2021: Shahbaz, H. Iqbal’s Perspective of Women’s Economic Empowerment, Bulletin of Business and Economics, 10(4), 107-112, (https://bbejournal.com/index.php/BBE/article/view/283
  8. 2021: Oct, Shahbaz, H. (). Education of Children and Youth in the Poetry of Iqbal-e-Lahori, Anahita, 8(01), 83- 102.https://anahita.pk/ojs/index.php/7/issue/view/5.
  9. 2021: Dr. Humaira Shahbaz, "BARRASI DAR ISTELAH-E-ADABI-E-ASTOREH", i.e. , " A Study on Evolution in the Meanings of the Literary Term, “Myth”(Persian), Periodical DANESH, Volume 138-139,page 102-122, DANESH-https://www.thedanesh.com/
  10. 2019: “E-Concordance: A Blended Learning Practice for Teaching Oriental Languages & Literature”, ICEdDE 2019, 1st International Conference on Education in the Digital Ecosystem”, 19-22 August 2019, Malaysia
  11. 2016: “Barrasi-e-Asateer-e-Khudayan Dar Sher-e-Allama Iqbal”, “Danesh” Quarterly Research journal, serial 126, Iran Pakistan Institute of Persian Studies, 49, St.24, F-6/2, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan,
  12. 2015: “Shoba-e-Farsi: NUML (Pakistan) ki Tehqeeqi Khidmaat", i.e. Research Contributions of Department of Persian Studies NUML (Pakistan)”, "DABEER", Persian Research Journal of India, 1/10/2015
  13. 2015: " Allama Iqbal kay Afkar ki Roshni Man Khwateen Kay Faraiz Ka Taayun”, Paygham-eAshana, Cultural Consulate Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran, April-June)
  14. 2013: “Sima-e-Zann dar Ahwal-o-Assar-o-Afkar-e-Iqbal”, Periodical Danish, Iran Pakistan Institute of Persian Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1/06/2013
  15. 2008: "Message for Women in Poetry of Iqbal", Allama Iqbal Sangsad Patrika (Iqbal Studies), year22, No.1-4, Allama Iqbal Sangsad (Society), Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh, Jan – Dec 2008
  16. 2008: June, "Ahval-o-Asar-o-Afkar-e-Allama Iqbal", i.e. Life, Works and Thoughts of Allama Iqbal, Dhaka University Journal of Persian & Urdu, Issue 3, Registrar University of Dhaka, Department of Persian &Urdu, Dhaka1000, Bangladesh,  

Full Papers published in conference Proceedings:

  1. 2022: “Exploring Iqbal’s Narrative on Girl’s Education & SDG 4”, 2nd National Conference on Iqbal, Bahria University, Islamabad.
  2. 2017: Nov, “Jalwehhai-e-Asateer-e-Iran dar Sher-e-Maulana Iqbal-e-Lahori (In Persian)”, Memar-e-Haram, Collection of articles of 2nd International conference on Allama Iqbal(Iqbal and our world), Sub-Continent & South Asian Research Centre, Sistan Balochistan University, Zahedan, Iran,
  3. 2017: “Urdu aur Farsi ki Mushtarak Zarb ul Amsal aur tarjumeh kaymasael”, Sokhan-e-Ishq, collections of articles presented in 2days Seminar, Cultural Consulate of Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamabad.
  4. 2016: “Jaegah-e-Mir Sayed Ali Hamedani dar Sher-e-Allama Iqbal”, Collection of Persian Articles, Mir Sayyad Ali Hamedani International Conference, Compiled by Dr. Muhammad Nasir, Ferdousi Chair, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan,

Popular Press Publications:

  1. A Journey from Selfness to Selflessness: Iqbal’s Perspective of Women Empowerment, Hilal for Her, Monthly Journal of ISPR, March 2023, https://hilal.gov.pk/index.php/detail/a-journey-from-selfness-to-selflessness:-iqbal%E2%80%99s-perspective-of-women-empowerment
  2. 2020: Shehr Khali—HILAL Urdu-Monthly Magazine of ISPR, April 2020
  3. 2020: Rajkumari Mamba of Lahore, HILAL-Monthly Magazine of ISPR, Jan 2020
  4. 2019: “Iqbal ki Insaan Dosti Aur Sikh Baradari”, HILAL"- Urdu Monthly Journal of Pakistan Armed Forces, Nov 2019.
  5. 2019: “War and Women — Poetic Thoughts of Allama Iqbal”, HILAL for HER-Monthly Magazine of ISPR, March 2019
  6. 2018: “Payam-e-Iqbal aur Shohada Ki Maain”, Hilal Urdu, Monthly Journal of ISPR, Nov 2018
  7. 2018: “Sana Kay Baba Shaheed Ho gay”. Hilal Urdu, Monthly Journal of ISPR, May 2018.
  8. 2018: Hum Pendulum Hain”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Feb 2018
  9. 2018:Kushnaseeb Khushnavees”, Akhbar-e-Urdu, monthly journal of National Language Promotion Department, Jan 2018
  10. 2017:Khudi Ki Nafi main hay sad kharabi”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Nov 2017
  11. 2017:Khudi Ki khani ba Zuban-e- Bay Zubani”, Hilal, Rawalpindi, Nov 2017
  12. 2017:Rang Barsat Nay Bharay Kuchh to”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Oct 2017
  13. 2017:Yeh Aik Sajda”, Hilal Urdu, Monthly Journal of ISPR ،July 2017
  14. 2017: Allama Iqbal Say Mansoob Ghalat-ul-Aam Kalam”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, April 2017
  15. 2017:Pak Fauj aur Bosnia” Hilal Urdu, Monthly Journal of ISPR, Pakistan Armed Forces, April 2017
  16. 2017:Byaz-e-Ishq”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Feb 2017
  17. 2016:Risalat-e-Muhammadia Ka Maqsad:Hurriat, Musavat, Akhuwat:, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Dec 2016
  18. 2016:Sirr-e-Hadsa-e-Karbala”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Oct 2016
  19. 2016:Qafla-e-Ishq”, Volume: 7, issue 29, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Aug 2016
  20. 2016:  “Imam Bibi Madar-e-Buland-Iqbal”, Volume:5, issue:29, NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, June 2016
  21. 2016: Aglay Zalzalay say pehlay”, Volume :2, issue 29, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, March 2016
  22. 2016:Zann-e-Kamil”, “NAVY NEWS”, Monthly magazine of Pakistan Navy, Feb 2016
  23. 2016:Jang Aurat aur Iqbal Ki teen Nazmain”, Volume: 1, issue: 53,"HILAL"- Urdu Monthly Journal of Pakistan Armed Forces, Jan 2016
  24. 2015: Afkar-e-Iqbal aur khawateen”, Volume 5, issue 52, HILAL"- Urdu Monthly Journal of Pakistan Armed Forces, Nov 2015
  25. 2011- 2012:Iqbal ba hesiat-e-etalib-e-ilm”, “NauKhez”, Yearly Journal” of Army Public School, Faisal Campus, Karachi, Pakistan, 2011- 2012
  26. 2009: “Insight of Iqbal: Women in the Poetry of Allama Iqbal”, PROBE, News Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 39, 20- 26, March 2009
  27. 2008: “Insight of Iqbal: “the Dimensions of Philosophy of Love in Poetry of Iqbal is awe-inspiring”, PROBE, News Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 23-25, PROBE, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28th Nov - 18 Dec 2008

Area Of Interest

  • Iqbal Studies
  • Translation Studies
  • Persian Language & Literature
  • Women Studies
  • Entrepreneurship

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