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  1. PhD Economics (Comparative Economics and Regional Development, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
  2. M. Phil - International Political Economy (Public Policy)Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan
  1. Associate Professor - Department of Economics - July 5, 2021 till date, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
  2. Assistant Professor - Department of Economics -  May 2, 2019 till July 5, 2021, Abbottabad University of Science & Technology (AUST), Kohat, Pakistan
  3. Assistant Professor/Faculty - Department of Economics - from March 11, 2013 till April 30, 2019,  Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Kohat, Pakistan
  4. Research/Teaching Associate - from April, 2009 till March, 2013, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
  5. Chairperson/Faculty-Department of Economics/ Deputy Registrar (Academics/A&SA)/ Director - Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)/ - from April 5, 2007 till March 10, 2013, at Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Kohat, Pakistan
  6. Miscellaneous Positions - Various Organizations (In National /International /Public /Private /Non-Profit Organizations) -from 3rd January 2000 till 25th March 2005
  1. ISI/SSCI Indexed Journals (with Impact  Factor)
    1. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Abdur Rauf and Ghulam Yahya Khan), "Climate Change and Rice Productivity: Evidence from Pakistan", International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, Vol (15)2, PP. 760-770, 2021, web link https://www.ijicc.net/images/Vol_15/Iss_2/15256_Rauf_2021_E1_R.pdf
    2. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Misbah Nosheen and Javed Iqbal), "Analyzing the linkage among CO2 emissions, economic growth, tourism, and energy consumption in the Asian economies" Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) Vol (4)2 PP. 1-14, 2021, web link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-020-11759-z
    3. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki), "Vulnerability of Microfinance to Strategic Default and Covariate Shocks: Evidence from Pakistan", The Developing Economies), Vol.50, no.2, June 2012, pp.81-115. Web link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1746-1049.2012.00160.x/full
    1. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki), “Impact of Human Resource Development Training on Crop Damages by Wild Animals in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Rural Pakistan”, Journal of Development Effectiveness, Cambridge University Press, Vol.8 (3), March, 2016, pp.388-403. Web link:http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/citedby/10.1080/19439342.2016.1160420?scroll=top&needAccess=true
    1. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Yuichi Kubota), “Politicization Effect of Wartime Service Provision on Public Opinion in FATA, Pakistan Who Favors Democratic Reforms?”, Asian Survey 59 (3), 521-547.
    2. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki) “Targeting Performance of Community-based Development (CBD) Interventions: An Econometric Analysis of a Women-Focused and Women-Managed Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Rural Pakistan,” Pakistan Development Review (PDR), 54(4), Part II (Winter 2015), pp. 824-840.
    3. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with RA MAA Shah, WK Mashwani, W Kumam, P Kumam, C Chesneau, F Jamal), “Application of Mixed Sampling to Real Life Data: A Case Study on Socio-Economic Determinants by Using SEM and CFA Techniques”, Mathematics 8 (3), 337.
    4. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with RA Khanum, MA Jan, WK Mashwani, NM Tairan, H Shah), “On the hybridization of global and local search methods", Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 35 (3), 3451-3464.
    5. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with RA Khanum, MA Jan, WK Mashwani, NM Tairan, M Sulaiman), “Global evolution commended by localized search for unconstrained single objective optimization”, Processes 7 (6), 36.
    6. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with H Javed, RA Khanum, MA Jan, WK Mashwani, NM Tairan, M Sulaiman), “On the Efficacy of Ensemble of Constraint Handling Techniques in Self-adaptive Differential Evolution”, Mathematics 7, no. 7 (2019): 635.
    7. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with T. Abdeljawad, Asad Ullah , Hussam Alrabaiah, Ikram Ullah, Muhammad Ayaz, Waris Khan, Ilyas Khan), 2020, “Thermal Radiations and Mass Transfer Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Magnetite Carreau Fluid Flow Past a Horizontal Surface of Paraboloid of Revolution” Processes 8 (6), 656


  1. Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Recognized Journals
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Rashida Adeeb Khanum, Muhammad Asif Jan, Wali Khan Mashwani, and Saima Hassan), “RJADE/TA Integrated with Local Search for Continuous Nonlinear Optimization”, Punjab Journal of Mathematics, 51(4), PP: 37-49, 2019. Web link: http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/maths/PDF/Paper-3_51_4_2019.pdf
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Farhad Ali, Muhammad Asif Jan, Wali Khan Mashwani, and Rashida Adeeb Khanum,), “The Physical Significance of Time Conformal Minkowski Space Time”, Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology 39 (2), 365-370
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Syed Rashid Ali, Abdullah, and Wajahat Karim), “Child Trafficking: The Exploitative aspect of the Pakhtun Culture”, Gomal University Journal of Research; 30 (2), Dec 2014, pp.19 - 29.
    3. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Syed Rashid Ali, Abdullah, Saiqa BiBi, Wajahat Karim, and Imran), “How Do University Teachers Perceive Their Students’ Involvement In Party Politics: A Descriptive Study From A Politically Turbulent Region”, Gomal University Journal of Research, 29(2), Dec. 2013, pp. 105-112.


  1. Conference Proceedings
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Abdul Wajid and Muhammad Asif Jan), “Burden Of Being A Working Women; An Empirical Investigation Into Satisfaction And Happiness Of Working Women in A Patriarchal Society” in 5th International Multi-Disciplinary Research Conference held in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, Pakistan in October, 2019
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan “Fear Factor of AIDS; a Study Revealing Fear of AIDS among Health Practitioner of Southern Khyber Pakthunkhwa” presented in “International Conference on “Causes and Consequences of HIV/AIDS in Rural and Urban Communities of Pakistan”, organized by Malakand University, Malakand, held on 05-06 March, 2017.
    3. Hidayat Ullah Khan “Zakat a Transfer Tool among the Local Communities; An Empirical Study Focusing on Community-based Organizations in District Haripur” presented at “International Conference on “Islamic Charity and Social Development in Pakistan”, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, on 09-10 March, 2016.
    4. Hidayat Ullah Khan “Push and Pull Factors of Migration; An Empirical Study Focusing on Southern Pakhtunkhwa” presented at “Labor Migration and the Role of Broker in the Recruitment of Work force in Pakistan”, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, on 17-18 February, 2016.
    5. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki) "Community-Based Development and Macroeconomic Shocks in Developing Countries: A Case of a Women-Focused NGO in Pakistan", Nov., 2013, presented at “30th Annual General Meeting and Conference of Pakistan Society of Development Economists (PSDE)”, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), December 2 - 4, 2014, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  2. Peer Reviewed International Journals
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki), "Community-Based Development and Aggregate Shocks in Developing CountriesーThe Experience of an NGO in Pakistanー (Kaihatsu Tojokoku niokeru Komyuniti Douingata Kaihatsu to Shukeiteki Shokku: Pakisutan no NGO no Jireiyori, in Japanese)," Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) 65(2), pp.168-186, April 2014.
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Alemu, Aye Mengistu), "State Fragility and FDI Inflow in Africa", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 64, April 2011, pp.147-160.
  3. Discussion Papers
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Azmat Hayat and Saeed Akhtar), “Culture, Economics and Drugs Addiction” Dec., 2012, Discussion Paper.
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki, and Ken Miura), "The Effectiveness of Community-Based Development in Poverty Reduction: A Descriptive Analysis of a Women-Managed NGO in Rural Pakistan," PRIMCED discussion paper No.13/CEI discussion paper No.2011-4, September 2011.
  4. Under review
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Yuichi Kubota, Takashi Kurosaki, Kazuhiro Obayashi, and Hirotaka Ohmura), “Wartime Service Provision and State Legitimacy: Evidence from the former FATA, Pakistan”, Journal of Conflict Resolution (under review)
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Misbah Nosheen and Javed Iqbal) "Analyzing the linkage among Co2 emissions, economic growth, tourism and energy consumption in the Asian Economies”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (under review)
    3. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Muhammad Asif Jan *, Yasir Mehmood, Nasser Tairan, Rashida Adeeb Khanum, Ikramullah Ikramullah, Habib Shah),  “Assimilating Superiority of Feasibility and Violation Constraint-handling Techniques with Particle Swarm Optimization for Engineering Problems”, Mathematics (under review)
    4. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Misbah Nosheen and Javed Iqbal), “Renewable energy consumption and Economic growth: Evidence from a panel of top 20 countries", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (under review)
  • Session Chair in 6th IKSAD International Congress on Social Sciences (online) organized by Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary held on March 26-28, 2021.
  • Oral Presentation - “Burden of Being a Working Women; an Empirical Investigation into Satisfaction and Happiness of Working Women in a Patriarchal Societyin 5th International Multidisciplinary Research Conference Global Prosperity through Research & Sustainable Development (IMRC) held on October 29-31, 2019 at SBBWU Peshawar, Pakistan.
  • Oral Presentation - "One-Belt One-Route; A Study Exploring Socio-economic Impacts of CPEC” at 1st National Conference on Emerging Trends in Pakistan Economy held on 25th - 27th April, 2018 at Abbottabad University of Science & Technology (AUST), Abbottabad.
  • Session Chair /Discussant / Paper Presenter in “International Conference on “Causes and Consequences of HIV/AIDS in Rural and Urban Communities of Pakistan”, organized by Malakand University, Malakand, held on 05-06 April, 2017.
  • Presenter - Global Change and Resilience in United Nations University Junior Fellows Symposium, 2017 held on March 11-12, 2017 at United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Session Chair /Discussant/ Presenter in “International Conference on “Islamic Charity and Social Development in Pakistan”, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, held on 09-10 March, 2016.
  • Discussant/Presenter inInternational Conference on Labor Migration and the Role of Broker in the Recruitment of Work force in Pakistan”, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, held on 17-18 February, 2016.
  • “30th Annual General Meeting and Conference of Pakistan Society of Development Economists (PSDE)”, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), December 2 - 4, 2014, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • “Northeast Universities Development Consortium Conference 2014 (NEUDC 2014)”, November 1 - 2, 2014, Boston University, Boston, USA (the paper was presented by co-author Mr. Takashi Kurosaki).
  • “1st National Conference on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Social Sciences (ETCSS 2014)”, August 6-7, 2014, University of Peshawar, Bara Gail Campus, Bara Gali, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • “The annual conference of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan (AESJ)”, March 29-30, 2014, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (the paper was presented by co-author Mr. Takashi Kurosaki).
  • Presenter in International Conference on “Migration, Education, and Development in South Asia”, 27th - 28th March 2013, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.
  • Presenter in “5th South Asian International Conference (SAICON), 2013”, December 4 - 6, 2013, Murree, Pakistan.
  • Presenter in “1st International Conference/Workshop on Microfinance”, Agder University, Kristiansand, Norway, 2-3 June, 2008.
  1. Microeconomics, with focus on experimental research, social impact assessment (SIA)
  2. Contemporary socioeconomic issues
  3. Computational economics


  1. PhD Economics (Comparative Economics and Regional Development, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
  2. M. Phil - International Political Economy (Public Policy)Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan


  1. Associate Professor - Department of Economics - July 5, 2021 till date, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
  2. Assistant Professor - Department of Economics -  May 2, 2019 till July 5, 2021, Abbottabad University of Science & Technology (AUST), Kohat, Pakistan
  3. Assistant Professor/Faculty - Department of Economics - from March 11, 2013 till April 30, 2019,  Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Kohat, Pakistan
  4. Research/Teaching Associate - from April, 2009 till March, 2013, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
  5. Chairperson/Faculty-Department of Economics/ Deputy Registrar (Academics/A&SA)/ Director - Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)/ - from April 5, 2007 till March 10, 2013, at Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Kohat, Pakistan
  6. Miscellaneous Positions - Various Organizations (In National /International /Public /Private /Non-Profit Organizations) -from 3rd January 2000 till 25th March 2005


  1. ISI/SSCI Indexed Journals (with Impact  Factor)
    1. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Abdur Rauf and Ghulam Yahya Khan), "Climate Change and Rice Productivity: Evidence from Pakistan", International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, Vol (15)2, PP. 760-770, 2021, web link https://www.ijicc.net/images/Vol_15/Iss_2/15256_Rauf_2021_E1_R.pdf
    2. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Misbah Nosheen and Javed Iqbal), "Analyzing the linkage among CO2 emissions, economic growth, tourism, and energy consumption in the Asian economies" Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) Vol (4)2 PP. 1-14, 2021, web link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-020-11759-z
    3. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki), "Vulnerability of Microfinance to Strategic Default and Covariate Shocks: Evidence from Pakistan", The Developing Economies), Vol.50, no.2, June 2012, pp.81-115. Web link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1746-1049.2012.00160.x/full
    1. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki), “Impact of Human Resource Development Training on Crop Damages by Wild Animals in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Rural Pakistan”, Journal of Development Effectiveness, Cambridge University Press, Vol.8 (3), March, 2016, pp.388-403. Web link:http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/citedby/10.1080/19439342.2016.1160420?scroll=top&needAccess=true
    1. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Yuichi Kubota), “Politicization Effect of Wartime Service Provision on Public Opinion in FATA, Pakistan Who Favors Democratic Reforms?”, Asian Survey 59 (3), 521-547.
    2. *Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki) “Targeting Performance of Community-based Development (CBD) Interventions: An Econometric Analysis of a Women-Focused and Women-Managed Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Rural Pakistan,” Pakistan Development Review (PDR), 54(4), Part II (Winter 2015), pp. 824-840.
    3. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with RA MAA Shah, WK Mashwani, W Kumam, P Kumam, C Chesneau, F Jamal), “Application of Mixed Sampling to Real Life Data: A Case Study on Socio-Economic Determinants by Using SEM and CFA Techniques”, Mathematics 8 (3), 337.
    4. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with RA Khanum, MA Jan, WK Mashwani, NM Tairan, H Shah), “On the hybridization of global and local search methods", Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 35 (3), 3451-3464.
    5. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with RA Khanum, MA Jan, WK Mashwani, NM Tairan, M Sulaiman), “Global evolution commended by localized search for unconstrained single objective optimization”, Processes 7 (6), 36.
    6. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with H Javed, RA Khanum, MA Jan, WK Mashwani, NM Tairan, M Sulaiman), “On the Efficacy of Ensemble of Constraint Handling Techniques in Self-adaptive Differential Evolution”, Mathematics 7, no. 7 (2019): 635.
    7. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with T. Abdeljawad, Asad Ullah , Hussam Alrabaiah, Ikram Ullah, Muhammad Ayaz, Waris Khan, Ilyas Khan), 2020, “Thermal Radiations and Mass Transfer Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Magnetite Carreau Fluid Flow Past a Horizontal Surface of Paraboloid of Revolution” Processes 8 (6), 656


  1. Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Recognized Journals
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Rashida Adeeb Khanum, Muhammad Asif Jan, Wali Khan Mashwani, and Saima Hassan), “RJADE/TA Integrated with Local Search for Continuous Nonlinear Optimization”, Punjab Journal of Mathematics, 51(4), PP: 37-49, 2019. Web link: http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/maths/PDF/Paper-3_51_4_2019.pdf
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Farhad Ali, Muhammad Asif Jan, Wali Khan Mashwani, and Rashida Adeeb Khanum,), “The Physical Significance of Time Conformal Minkowski Space Time”, Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology 39 (2), 365-370
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Syed Rashid Ali, Abdullah, and Wajahat Karim), “Child Trafficking: The Exploitative aspect of the Pakhtun Culture”, Gomal University Journal of Research; 30 (2), Dec 2014, pp.19 - 29.
    3. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Syed Rashid Ali, Abdullah, Saiqa BiBi, Wajahat Karim, and Imran), “How Do University Teachers Perceive Their Students’ Involvement In Party Politics: A Descriptive Study From A Politically Turbulent Region”, Gomal University Journal of Research, 29(2), Dec. 2013, pp. 105-112.


  1. Conference Proceedings
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Abdul Wajid and Muhammad Asif Jan), “Burden Of Being A Working Women; An Empirical Investigation Into Satisfaction And Happiness Of Working Women in A Patriarchal Society” in 5th International Multi-Disciplinary Research Conference held in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, Pakistan in October, 2019
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan “Fear Factor of AIDS; a Study Revealing Fear of AIDS among Health Practitioner of Southern Khyber Pakthunkhwa” presented in “International Conference on “Causes and Consequences of HIV/AIDS in Rural and Urban Communities of Pakistan”, organized by Malakand University, Malakand, held on 05-06 March, 2017.
    3. Hidayat Ullah Khan “Zakat a Transfer Tool among the Local Communities; An Empirical Study Focusing on Community-based Organizations in District Haripur” presented at “International Conference on “Islamic Charity and Social Development in Pakistan”, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, on 09-10 March, 2016.
    4. Hidayat Ullah Khan “Push and Pull Factors of Migration; An Empirical Study Focusing on Southern Pakhtunkhwa” presented at “Labor Migration and the Role of Broker in the Recruitment of Work force in Pakistan”, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, on 17-18 February, 2016.
    5. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki) "Community-Based Development and Macroeconomic Shocks in Developing Countries: A Case of a Women-Focused NGO in Pakistan", Nov., 2013, presented at “30th Annual General Meeting and Conference of Pakistan Society of Development Economists (PSDE)”, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), December 2 - 4, 2014, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  2. Peer Reviewed International Journals
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki), "Community-Based Development and Aggregate Shocks in Developing CountriesーThe Experience of an NGO in Pakistanー (Kaihatsu Tojokoku niokeru Komyuniti Douingata Kaihatsu to Shukeiteki Shokku: Pakisutan no NGO no Jireiyori, in Japanese)," Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) 65(2), pp.168-186, April 2014.
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Alemu, Aye Mengistu), "State Fragility and FDI Inflow in Africa", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 64, April 2011, pp.147-160.
  3. Discussion Papers
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Azmat Hayat and Saeed Akhtar), “Culture, Economics and Drugs Addiction” Dec., 2012, Discussion Paper.
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Takashi Kurosaki, and Ken Miura), "The Effectiveness of Community-Based Development in Poverty Reduction: A Descriptive Analysis of a Women-Managed NGO in Rural Pakistan," PRIMCED discussion paper No.13/CEI discussion paper No.2011-4, September 2011.
  4. Under review
    1. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Yuichi Kubota, Takashi Kurosaki, Kazuhiro Obayashi, and Hirotaka Ohmura), “Wartime Service Provision and State Legitimacy: Evidence from the former FATA, Pakistan”, Journal of Conflict Resolution (under review)
    2. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Misbah Nosheen and Javed Iqbal) "Analyzing the linkage among Co2 emissions, economic growth, tourism and energy consumption in the Asian Economies”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (under review)
    3. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Muhammad Asif Jan *, Yasir Mehmood, Nasser Tairan, Rashida Adeeb Khanum, Ikramullah Ikramullah, Habib Shah),  “Assimilating Superiority of Feasibility and Violation Constraint-handling Techniques with Particle Swarm Optimization for Engineering Problems”, Mathematics (under review)
    4. Hidayat Ullah Khan (with Misbah Nosheen and Javed Iqbal), “Renewable energy consumption and Economic growth: Evidence from a panel of top 20 countries", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (under review)
  • Session Chair in 6th IKSAD International Congress on Social Sciences (online) organized by Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary held on March 26-28, 2021.
  • Oral Presentation - “Burden of Being a Working Women; an Empirical Investigation into Satisfaction and Happiness of Working Women in a Patriarchal Societyin 5th International Multidisciplinary Research Conference Global Prosperity through Research & Sustainable Development (IMRC) held on October 29-31, 2019 at SBBWU Peshawar, Pakistan.
  • Oral Presentation - "One-Belt One-Route; A Study Exploring Socio-economic Impacts of CPEC” at 1st National Conference on Emerging Trends in Pakistan Economy held on 25th - 27th April, 2018 at Abbottabad University of Science & Technology (AUST), Abbottabad.
  • Session Chair /Discussant / Paper Presenter in “International Conference on “Causes and Consequences of HIV/AIDS in Rural and Urban Communities of Pakistan”, organized by Malakand University, Malakand, held on 05-06 April, 2017.
  • Presenter - Global Change and Resilience in United Nations University Junior Fellows Symposium, 2017 held on March 11-12, 2017 at United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Session Chair /Discussant/ Presenter in “International Conference on “Islamic Charity and Social Development in Pakistan”, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, held on 09-10 March, 2016.
  • Discussant/Presenter inInternational Conference on Labor Migration and the Role of Broker in the Recruitment of Work force in Pakistan”, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, held on 17-18 February, 2016.
  • “30th Annual General Meeting and Conference of Pakistan Society of Development Economists (PSDE)”, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), December 2 - 4, 2014, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • “Northeast Universities Development Consortium Conference 2014 (NEUDC 2014)”, November 1 - 2, 2014, Boston University, Boston, USA (the paper was presented by co-author Mr. Takashi Kurosaki).
  • “1st National Conference on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Social Sciences (ETCSS 2014)”, August 6-7, 2014, University of Peshawar, Bara Gail Campus, Bara Gali, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • “The annual conference of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan (AESJ)”, March 29-30, 2014, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (the paper was presented by co-author Mr. Takashi Kurosaki).
  • Presenter in International Conference on “Migration, Education, and Development in South Asia”, 27th - 28th March 2013, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.
  • Presenter in “5th South Asian International Conference (SAICON), 2013”, December 4 - 6, 2013, Murree, Pakistan.
  • Presenter in “1st International Conference/Workshop on Microfinance”, Agder University, Kristiansand, Norway, 2-3 June, 2008.

Area Of Interest

  1. Microeconomics, with focus on experimental research, social impact assessment (SIA)
  2. Contemporary socioeconomic issues
  3. Computational economics

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