Dr. Irfan Raza
- Acting Manager Journal Publication
- manager-jp@numl.edu.pk
Specialization |
Ph.D. |
2021 |
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA), Malaysia |
Management (Human Behavior) |
MS |
2012 |
International Islamic University, Islamabad |
Technology Management |
2002 |
Barani Institute of Information Technology, Rawalpindi |
Information Technology |
Masters |
1997 |
Govt. College University, Lahore |
Statistics (Distinction) |
- Rawalpindi College of Commerce ( 2 years teaching experience)
- Served as faculty member from 1997 to 1999
- Army Public College of Management & Sciences (3 years teaching experience)
- Served as faculty member from 1999 to 2002
- National University of Modern Languages (18 years teaching and research experience)
- Served as contractual faculty member from 2003 to 2006.
- Appointed lecturer (BPS-18) in IT Department on January 2006.
- Performing the responsibilities of lecturer in IT Department till date.
Specialization |
Ph.D. |
2021 |
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA), Malaysia |
Management (Human Behavior) |
MS |
2012 |
International Islamic University, Islamabad |
Technology Management |
2002 |
Barani Institute of Information Technology, Rawalpindi |
Information Technology |
Masters |
1997 |
Govt. College University, Lahore |
Statistics (Distinction) |
- Rawalpindi College of Commerce ( 2 years teaching experience)
- Served as faculty member from 1997 to 1999
- Army Public College of Management & Sciences (3 years teaching experience)
- Served as faculty member from 1999 to 2002
- National University of Modern Languages (18 years teaching and research experience)
- Served as contractual faculty member from 2003 to 2006.
- Appointed lecturer (BPS-18) in IT Department on January 2006.
- Performing the responsibilities of lecturer in IT Department till date.