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Co – curricular activities to play a vital role in nourishing the personality and skills of youth in an academic life. In the light of HEC’s policy / requirement to formulate social activity – clubs and societies in academic institutions, that’s why in 2015, NUML constituted Qira’at Competition Society under the umbrella of Arabic Department at Main Campus to provide a viable healthy platform for learning & for competition of the Holy Quran in Main Campus as well as in Regional Campuses. Indeed, the ALLAH (S.W.T) has ordered us to recite the Qur’an with measured of recitation.

ALLAH (S.W.T) says in the Holly Qur’an:

“And recite the Qur’an with measured recitation” [Surat Al-Muzzammil 73:4]

In the above ayah, Allah uses the word “Tarteela”, it means to recite the Qur’an:

  1. Slowly
  2. Calculated
  3. In a basic rhythm

The Prophet   used to recite the Qur’an in a slow, measured, rhythmic tone, stopping at the end of each aayah and he(SAW) also instructed us to:
“Beautify the Qur’an with your voices [for a fine voice increases the Qur’an in beauty]” [Bukhaari]
and he (SAW) further said;
“He who does not recite the Qur’an in a pleasant tone is not of us.” [Abu Dawud]

Vision, Mission & Objectives of “Qira’at Competition Society”
To foster and nurture love and appreciation for the Holy Qur’an in the hearts of Youth and to create young qualified reciters who can read the Qur’an with an enthralling efficiency.
To build and strengthen the relationship between Qur'an and the NUMLIANS. 
To provide a platform to learn recitation of the Holy Quran and to present NUML at various forums.
To raise the overall standard of recitation and creating love and better understanding of religion by providing opportunities.

Structure of Qira’at Competition Society

Patron in Chief 
Prof. Dr. Jamil Asghar Jami (Dean Faculty of Languages)
Dr. Tahir Mehmood (Head of Arabic Department)
Focal Person: 
Dr. Hayat Ullah (Lecturer Arabic Department)
Students Representatives
Muhammad Hayyan (BS-English)
Moaaz Zaheer Bhatti (BS – Islamic Thoughts & Culture)

Panel of Judges:
In Level 1 the different departments and campuses will do their own arrangement by calling expertise of the relevant field, however in the final Level the Main Campus will make a best Panel of Judges comprises of best renowned Qurr’aa from Pakistan under the arrangement of Arabic department.

All students in the University including its Regional Campuses are eligible to participate in the competition.

Levels of contest:
The contests shall be held as follow:
Level One: Inter Departmental Contests
All the departments of Main Campus and Regional Campuses shall hold Qira’t competition at intra departmental level under the arrangements of respective Deans / HoDs / Directors Regional Campuses according to Academic Calendar of the University. The topper(s) from each department will go for final level.
Level Two: Final Level
All Topers from Main Campus as well as Regional Campuses will contest in the Final Level. This Level to be organized centrally by the Arabic Department under the supervision of Main Campus.

Charter of Duties:
The Qira’at society shall be responsible for selection, training, guidance and grooming of all the students interested in such activities. It shall also propose the issues/suggestion for the contests according to the scope and credibility of national & international scope with the consent of all the members. The society shall work out the plan for scheduling for contest as per University academic calendar.

Schedule of Contest:
The Qira’at Competition shall be held Once in a Year as per NUML’s academic calendar’s scheduled and with most appropriate time.

All Deans, HoDs, Directors and students of the University including selected Faculty Members / Students from Regional Campuses.

Marks will be awarded as per Performa at Annex “A” and results (Duly compiled) will be handed over to Stage Secretary for announcement at the end of contest.

Certificates will be issued to all participants and to the position holders at the End of the competition.

First Three Position holder of the Contests will be awarded cash prizes as under:

  1. First Position holder:     Rs 7000/- Each
  2. Second Position holder: Rs 5000/- Each
  3. Third Position holder:     Rs 3000/- Each

Chief Guest:
Rector, NUML in the capacity as Patron-in-Chief will be the Chief Guest. In his absence, his nominee will be requested to be the chief guest. The names of the Chief Guests for Final Level will be suggested by the respective department for approval by the competent authority of the University.


Qira’at Duration: Eeach Qa’ari shall be allowed to 3 -4 minutes as standard time duration. The Judges will observe the timings with strict compliance.

Selection of Quranic verses:
There will be no restriction in the selection of verses. The contestant will be free to choose any verses from the Holly Quran and recite them in the given time.

All participants / audience will maintain proper discipline in the Hall. Unnecessary movement during the competition should be avoided. All departments must detail a faculty member who should be responsible for the conduct and discipline of their students.

Maintenance of Discipline:
All participants / audience shall maintain the decorum of the event. Proper maintenance of discipline in the auditorium and avoid unnecessary movement. The administrative staff detailed on discipline duty shall be vigilant enough.

Display of University Cards:
Participants / audience shall display university cards during the events.

Administrative Arrangements:
Director Admin & Director Technical shall be responsible for all the necessary required arrangements on request to make the event maximum success.

DSA will coordinate all the details with the concerned department.

® The Qira’at Society, NUML reserved the rights to change the rules & regulation according to its need after getting the necessary approval of the competent authorities.

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