Scholarships by Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM)
Applications are invited from deserving students of the University for Award of scholarships by Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM).
About Scholarship Provider
Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM is a charity and social welfare organization to help the poor and needy in Pakistan. In NUML, it provides educational assistance to the needy and orphans and financial aid to the non-affording and deserving students for higher professional education.
Duration of Scholarship
The scholarship will be granted for one semester or years and continuation of the scholarship will remain applicable for next semester or year if the student successfully clears the existing period. Student fails in any subject will not eligible for Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Scholarship next time.Last Date to Apply
As per criteria of PBM, the priority will be given to double orphans, single orphans, disabled and poorest of the poor students.
Cases of following students will however not be recommended:-
a. Students attending courses of less than one year duration.
b. Students studying on self financed basis.
c. Students who fail in any subject in a semester.
d. Monthly family income (i.e. Father/Mother/Guardian) above Rs.15,000/-
e. Wards of Government’s employees (i.e. father/mother/guardian).
How to Apply?
All deserving students are directed to apply for the above stipends on the prescribed form of PBM available in the office of the Students Affairs Branch (Room # 8 New Jinnah Block). The students are required to submit their forms duly completed in all respects under a covering application addressed to Managing Director, PBM on a plain paper through their respective HoDs. The application must be submitted by 9th October 2020 in students affairs branch Room No.8, New Jinnah Block.
Please note that provision of fake or concealment of information, the authorities reserve the right to take strict disciplinary action which may lead to striking off from the roll of the university. The students are, therefore, advised in their own interest not to approach PBM regarding their stipends directly. The cases of the deserving students will be placed in a Committee already constituted by the University for Scrutiny and recommendation to PBM.