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T & I Dramatics & Declamation Society-DDS

The T &I Dramatic Society has been constituted to dedicate and promote dramatic education in our department and aims to indoctrinate the positive cultural heritage in addition to promoting extracurricular educational messages. This society is responsible for providing a platform for students to conceive and play dramas on different aspects of life.

  1. Mission & Vision:

The main objective of this society is to produce excellent and innovative student theatre. Society is dedicated to facilitating the ideas of students encouraging them to take a play and fulfill their vision for it.

The Dramatics Society aims to create awareness about theatre and its various aspects in young enthusiastic students by bringing together people who are interested in the performing arts on a common platform. Society tries to address various social causes by understanding the dynamics and nuances of the world around us, by observing the grassroots issues closely, and at other times, by imagining and creating a utopian world order as an alternative. All this, through the medium of theatre.

  1. Purpose:

The main aim of drama club is to search out talent among students which could be either acting, mimicry, modeling, or many other related to scriptwriting. We provide students with a framework to showcase their talent. Furthermore, we want to keep art and theatre alive in our hearts and culture.

The society would be responsible for providing an array of activities. They will be given a chance to perform talent in the University Hall. Besides society will lead students to theatre to appreciate different kinds of dramatic literature.

  1. Composition:

The hierarchy of the T&I Dramatic & Declamation Society, Numl is as follows:


  • Dean FoL
  • Director T&I
  • In charge T&I Debates & Declamation  Society-Faculty Member 

Elected members 

  • President DDS (Electable)
  • Vice-President(Electable)
  • General Secretary(Electable)
  • Social Media Administrator (Electable)
  • Treasurer

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