Saima Umer
- Lecturer
- saima.umer@numl.edu.pk
PhD in Linguistics (In progress)
2017 Mphil in Linguistics
MPhil Thesis/Dissertation Topic: De/constructing Gender Stereotypes: A feminist stylistic analysis of disney animated movies
1. 21 Dec 2022 - todate NUML Islamabad Campus, Lecturer Regular
2. 10 Mar 2012- 21 Dec 2022, NUML Multan Campus, Senior Instructor
3. 25 Oct 2008-10 Mar 2012, NUML, MTN Campus, Lecturer on Contract
4. Jan, 2007-Jan 2009 , BZU Multan, Visiting Lecturer
1. Javaid, S., Umer, S., & Batool, A. (2024). Incredulity towards Emancipatory Metanarrative: A Postmodern critique of Barth’s Autobiography: A Self-Recorded Fiction and Calvino’s Good for Nothing. Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature, 3(1), 44-52. Retrieved from https://journals.airsd.org/index.php/pjll/article/view/378
2. Rasul, S., & Umer, S. (2023). Literacy Practices in Action: A Four Resource Model
Analysis of Customer-centricity. Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 26 (2)
3. Saeed, S., Umer, S. & Saroah, A. (2022). Representation of Muslim Women and Print
4. Media: A CDA of American Newspaper’s Discourses. Annals of Human and Social
Sciences. 3. 10.35484/ahss.2022(3-II)37.
5. Batool, A., Umer, S. & Sufi, Maria. (2022). Black Feminism & Intersectionality: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Expressional & Relational Value of language in Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise”. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 13 (1). 1703-1719. Access: https://www.tojqi.net/index.php/journal/article/view/9456 (HEC recognized Y- Category journal)
6. Tayyab, M. Umer, S. & Sajid,A. (2022). Decoding Religious Contents of Grade 5th Textbooks of Single National Curriculum (SBC) in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1). 291-297. (HEC recognized Y- Category journal)
- Feminism
- Gender Multi-modality
- Discourse studies
- Literacy Practices
PhD in Linguistics (In progress)
2017 Mphil in Linguistics
MPhil Thesis/Dissertation Topic: De/constructing Gender Stereotypes: A feminist stylistic analysis of disney animated movies
1. 21 Dec 2022 - todate NUML Islamabad Campus, Lecturer Regular
2. 10 Mar 2012- 21 Dec 2022, NUML Multan Campus, Senior Instructor
3. 25 Oct 2008-10 Mar 2012, NUML, MTN Campus, Lecturer on Contract
4. Jan, 2007-Jan 2009 , BZU Multan, Visiting Lecturer
1. Javaid, S., Umer, S., & Batool, A. (2024). Incredulity towards Emancipatory Metanarrative: A Postmodern critique of Barth’s Autobiography: A Self-Recorded Fiction and Calvino’s Good for Nothing. Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature, 3(1), 44-52. Retrieved from https://journals.airsd.org/index.php/pjll/article/view/378
2. Rasul, S., & Umer, S. (2023). Literacy Practices in Action: A Four Resource Model
Analysis of Customer-centricity. Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 26 (2)
3. Saeed, S., Umer, S. & Saroah, A. (2022). Representation of Muslim Women and Print
4. Media: A CDA of American Newspaper’s Discourses. Annals of Human and Social
Sciences. 3. 10.35484/ahss.2022(3-II)37.
5. Batool, A., Umer, S. & Sufi, Maria. (2022). Black Feminism & Intersectionality: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Expressional & Relational Value of language in Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise”. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 13 (1). 1703-1719. Access: https://www.tojqi.net/index.php/journal/article/view/9456 (HEC recognized Y- Category journal)
6. Tayyab, M. Umer, S. & Sajid,A. (2022). Decoding Religious Contents of Grade 5th Textbooks of Single National Curriculum (SBC) in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1). 291-297. (HEC recognized Y- Category journal)
Area Of Interest
- Feminism
- Gender Multi-modality
- Discourse studies
- Literacy Practices