
Oct 12

Allotment of Hostel Accommodation Female Students

The Following Females students have been admitted in the University’s Hostel. The students are required to submit their Hostel Mess/Rent Dues by 20th October 2021,otherwise hostel seat will be cancelled

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Oct 12

Allotment of Hostel Accommodation Male Students

The Following Male students have been admitted in the University’s Hostel. The students are required to submit their Hostel Mess/Rent Dues by 20th October 2021 otherwise hostel seat will be cancelled.

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Oct 11

On-Campus Classes

Th updated Timetable will be followed.

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Oct 09

575 Korean Language Day (Hangul Day)

Department of Korean Language & Culture & King Sejong Institute will Celeberating 575 Korean Language Day on October 11, 2021 at Jiinah Auditorium, NUML (1000hrs)

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Oct 16

Extension of Date for Submission of PBM Application Forms

The last date for submission of PBM application forms has been extended to 15-Oct-2021

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Oct 08

ADMISSION OPEN For A1, A2 Preparatory courses in German Language

Last Date for Registration: 4 November

Duration: 15th Nov 2021 to 7th Jan 2022

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Oct 06

OBE Training organized by Electrical Engineering Department

Faculty of Electrical Engieering Department have organized a session on outcome based evaluation(OBE) on 1st octobor,2021. The session was led by Dr Rizwan(AP Eectrical Engineering Department). The worthy faculty members from Software Engineering and Computer Science department participated in the session. The purpose of OBE traning session was to enable fellow faculty members to comprehend OBE issues related to programme objectives (PEO), programme Learning outcomes (PLO) and course learning outcomes (CLO). Furthermore,as all major degree programs are shifting toward OBE system, special emphasis was laid to comprehend the linkages of  PEO, PLO and  CLO in their implementation toward setting course objectives; and relating them to assessment and evaluation. 

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Oct 04

Orientation session for new entry 2021

An orientation session was organized by NUML adminstration for the newly admitted students of faculty of Engineering and Computer Science(FE & CS) on 28 September,2021. The purpose of the session was  to help all newly admitted students acclimate to their new university environment. The session was conducted by to dessimate neccessary information related to university rules, exam system and other acadamic activities.

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Oct 04

Numl Electrical Engineering students secured 3rd position in all pakistan sino-pak center of artificial intelligence "Lab 2 Market" event

Numl Electrical Engineering Department student's final year project "Talking glove for mute people" have secured 3rd position in"Lab 2 Market" event among 260 projects from all over Pakistan. The event was organized by sino-pak center of artificial intelligence (SPCAI) in collaboration with Pak-Austria fachhochschule instittute of applied sciences(PAF-IAST) as a part of national aritifical intelligence forum(NAIF). The project was developed by Osama Shafique and Talha Khan under the supervision of Dr Sajid Saleem(AP Electrical Engineering Department).These kind of achievements highlight Department's vision and effort to align its students according to market oriented trends. Department congratulate its worthy students for the achievement and wish them good luck for their future endeavors.

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Oct 01


Sports Trials for University Teams 2021-22

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